Showing posts with label veterinary clinic norwalk ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic norwalk ca. Show all posts

Monday 29 March 2021

Are Rawhide Chews Good For Pet Dogs

The chewing of rawhide produces motion in the jaw muscles that can exercise them and also aid in the reduction of the accumulation of tartar and plaque.  But there are dogs that have a negative response to rawhide.  These adverse responses include diarrhea and/or diarrhea right after chewing.  When the rawhide material softens, your pet could bite off pieces that could possibly become a choking hazard or perhaps block the gastrointestinal system and getting stuck somewhere there.  Also, there has been some talk regarding China-based rawhide sources, therefore select rawhide items made of US beef with processing done in the United States.  When selecting rawhide, try looking for something like an approval seal coming from the Veterinary Oral Health Council.  And to further reduce the possible risks that are linked with rawhide-based chews, select an item that is just right for your pet’s shape and size.  Should you have multiple pet dogs in your house, keep each other separate when providing them chew treats so that they will not end up gulping the treat down fearing that another pet could take it.  Having them in separate areas also reduces possible competition.

Your veterinary clinic Norwalk CA is an important information source when you want to know about issues concerning your dog’s well being and health.

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Where your cat wants to rest


Why Do Cats Like to Sleep on Top of You? | Cuteness

Your cat wants to make sure she can meet her needs in your care and you want to help make this happen as well. Where is she likely to want to spend her time when she feels like relaxing?

Your pet will need a place to rest that is able to make her feel at home. Be sure to take stock of your living space and choose an area for her that she will be comfortable in. This will probably be somewhere that she is able to stay near the rest of the family but be out of all the action going on in the household. She will need a bed of her own to rest in so she can relax in any position she chooses and be able to count on getting some time alone in this area. Your local animal hospital Norwalk CA can help you better understand your pet.

Thursday 7 March 2019

How Long Does A Dog Sleep Each Day?

Did you know that puppies and senior dogs can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day? Puppies need all the energy they can get to meet the demands for growth and development, while senior pets are slowing down and suffering from age-related issues, like arthritis or joint pains. Another important reason why dogs seem contented to sleep all day is the lifestyle that they have as pets. With their basic needs provided to them, they don’t have much else to do. They don’t need to be always active or on guard for potential predators, find mates, walk far and wide to hunt for prey, etc. When neutered, their drive to reproduce is gone. Thus, there is a need to provide lots of opportunities for physical and mental stimulation.

Since there are also health issues that may be the underlying cause of your pet’s behavior, it is recommended that you bring your pet to your animal hospital Norwalk, CA for a checkup.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Dog

Spaying or neutering your dog reduces unwanted litters of puppies. However, there are other benefits. You can expect less territorial marking if your dog is sterilized. Your dog will also have less urges to wander off looking for mates. Sterilization will help your dog become more calm and dedicated to you and your family so he won’t want to be somewhere else. Your dog may be less active after spaying or neutering so there may be some weight gain. A little extra exercise can control this sedentary-based weight gain. You can expect a decreased risk of certain cancers if your dog is spayed or neutered such as uterine and breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males. Spaying and neutering is a surgical procedure done under anesthesia. There is always some risk with surgery but the long-term benefits of sterilization far outweigh them. For more information, contact your veterinarian Norwalk, CA.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Your Finicky Cat

It can be frustrating if your cat is a finicky eater but with experimentation, you can figure out what she’ll eat. She may have a preference about wet meat or dry cat food and refuse to eat the wrong one. Limit her treats since she will resist eating her nutritionally complete cat food if she has yummy treats all day. Feed your cat several small meals throughout the day. Remove the food after about 15 minutes even if she hasn’t finished it to encourage her to eat when food is served. Don’t leave meat out too long or it could start going bad and taste weird. Your cat may be sensitive to temperature so consider warming up food that has been in the refrigerator. Be patient and keep working at it. And make sure you rule out medical issues that could cause her to be a finicky eater. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Norwalk, GA.

Thursday 17 May 2018

Tips To Correct Potty Accidents In Pet Rabbits

Pet rabbits can be potty-trained but they can also commit potty accidents every now and then. Pet owners should always bear in mind that punishment has no place in pet training and will never help them attain desired results. Being a behavioral problem, owners need to be patient when dealing with the issue to eventually achieve favorable results.
Correcting potty problems in rabbits is similar to that in dogs. In order to address the issue, you have to catch your pet in the act. Pick him up gently and take him to the litter box immediately if you see him eliminating. However, if you had just come across the evidence, the best thing to do is to clean it up thoroughly so there will be no stains and residual scents.
When litter training pet rabbits, make frequent trips to the litter box every 10 minutes or so.
Bring your pet rabbit to your veterinarians Norwalk, CA for regular wellness checks. For more details visit Ashton Animal Hospital.