- These dogs have an offbeat character. But despite this trait, he is more laidback. This attitude stems from the fact that he has a short nose and flat face.
- They are easy to train but can be stubborn at times. Early training is very important so that the dog will not get used to unruly actions.
- This breed will greatly benefit from socialization with other dogs. Your training seasons will be more productive if your dog has exposure.
- The good thing about this dog is its quiet nature. You'll hardly hear him bark.
- However, if he chooses to speak, he will find ways to get you to listen to him.
Saturday, 8 May 2021
Fun Facts About French Bulldogs
Friday, 7 May 2021
Pet Chinchilla Essentials
A pet chinchilla will need a big enclosure for comfort. Cages often labeled as a “chinchilla cage” found for sale in pet supply stores are usually so small that a mature chinchilla is not able to comfortably move around.
Like all pets, chinchillas will of course require a food bowl and a water source. The food bowl has to have enough weight to support the animal because they tend to sit on top of the bowl’s edge when eating. Therefore, the food bowl must be strong enough to properly support your chinchilla’s body weight or clipped into something that does not tip over and spill food. There are chinchilla enclosures that have a built-in hole in their frames where you can slide in a food bowl. They are practical designs because you can clean the food bowl and change the food without the necessity of having to open the door of the cage every time.
The water bottle usually also used for pet mice can be a good option because these “gravity” bottles are designed to resist leaking. The bottle has to be cleaned and the water has to be replaced daily to avoid bacteria from building up inside the straw. It is not recommended to offer your pet tap water because it may contain chemicals that may be hazardous to your chinchilla’s health. To get by this, try cooling tap water in a bottle first.
Your veterinarian Fort Collins, CO is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.
Why Your Cat Gives You Gifts
You might find it weird when your cat leaves some items for you. One day you’ll see dead mice or small birds on your doors step. You might feel that your cat is sharing her stuff with you.
What’s the reason for doing this? Your pet wishes to thank you for taking care of her. She appreciates you by sharing her treasures with you. Don’t ever think that your cat is acting differently. You should be flattered that your cat thinks highly of you.
Don’t reprimand your cat for leaving these items with you. The cat might think that you are encouraging her actions. And besides, she doesn’t know that what she did was wrong.
What you can do is dispose of the items when your cat is not looking. You can even encourage your pet to stay indoors. By not going out, you prevent her from collecting stuff to give to you.
If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, contact your animal hospital Pasadena, MD.
How to Keep Your Cat’s Hairballs to a Minimum
Most of our cats swallow their own hair while grooming themselves. This hair clumps together in the gut, forming a hairball that your pet regurgitates eventually. Have you ever wished there were ways you could make this happen less frequently? You’re in luck!
The first step is to brush your cat’s coat regularly. This traps loose fur in the brush, causing your cat to swallow less and therefore produce less hairballs. The second tip is to feed your cat a high-quality diet. Since your cat’s nutrition has so much to do with a quality coat of fur, it directly impacts how much your pet sheds. Your cat’s diet might need an upgrade if she's producing a lot of hairballs, and dietary supplements can also be very helpful.
Want more tips on your cat’s diet and hairball production? Contact your veterinarian Anderson, IN for help. We’re always here for you and your pet!
3 Ways To Prevent Flea Infestation
- Get your cat to stay indoors. Admit it, fleas are abundant outdoors. If your cat is out, you worry that she will pick up fleas somewhere. When she is indoors, you’ll know that she is safe from fleas.
- Use flea prevention products like Bravecto. Similar products can eliminate fleas, and even prevent the pests from multiplying. You can choose from topical or chewable options so you won't have any difficulty in administering to your cat. To help pet owners even further, you can get shampoo and flea collars to reduce fleas in your pet.
- You can ask the animal hospital New Orleans LA for ways on how to prevent flea infestation. They can suggest effective flea control products for your pet’s use.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
Senior Screening for Dogs Like the Bichon Frise
Did you know that when canines reach a certain age they qualify for a senior set of routine blood and lab work at their annual wellness visits? If your Bichon Frise is 7 or older than he most likely qualifies as a senior and should receive a senior wellness screening. After the age of 7, a dog’s bones and organs tend to age at a faster rate. A senior wellness exam typically includes a physical exam of your senior dog as well as thorough questions about your dog’s behavior, physical limitations, eating habits, exercise routine, sleeping habits, and other senior health issues. A senior panel or blood work is also included and usually consists of a CBC, chemistry profile, thyroid or T4 test, and a urinalysis. A senior wellness screening is recommended yearly for dogs over 7 and twice a year for dogs over 10. To leanr more, contact your vet Gresham, OR.
Or visit this link: https://www.portlandpetclinic.com
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Reasons Not To Use Store-Designed Pet Cages For Your Guinea Pig
When you go to pet stores, you will see various cages that are marketed for guinea pigs. But don’t go buying the first one that catches your eye. There are some considerations that you need to account for before buying anything.
Keep in mind that an average cage for a guinea pig should have 7.5 square feet for one pet. The size should increase up to 10.5 square feet if there are two cavies.
Additional points to remember should be:
● Do not use starter homes for your pet, because this is made of low quality and small. There are large cages like the brand Living World Deluxe Extra Large Habitat, and it is somehow close to the recommended size for cavies.
● Don't choose a cage with a ledge inside because it does not provide more space. The ledge is only handy for putting food bowls and water bowls.
● If you decide to get a store-bought cage, you might have to connect to separate cages together. Just make sure that your cavy can run through the conjoined cage.
Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet hospital Crown Point, IN. Click here to know more about their services.