Monday, 14 June 2021
Keep Dogs from Eating Rocks
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Bearded Dragon Housing
Saturday, 12 June 2021
Can Finches Dream ?
Friday, 11 June 2021
Important Reasons To Keep Your Hairless Cats Indoors
To maintain their body’s temperature, the cat’s fur or hair code is crucial. Because “hairless” cat breeds barely have any hair on them, their bodies have evolved instead an increased metabolism rate to fulfill this essential physiological function. This is why hairless cat breeds require more high-quality cat food daily than other cat breeds. This is to fulfill the animal’s high energy requirements adequately.
Extreme weather conditions can easily affect hairless cats. They get sunburned or get frostbitten easily, so ideally, they stay indoors most if not all hours. When the temperature drops, give your pet hairless cat a blanket or a coat to make her more comfortable. This hairlessness also means cats like these become easy victims of insects that bite.
If you do have a hairless cat, make sure to bathe her weekly to keep her skin free from dirt and excess oil. These cats have sebaceous glands in greater numbers compared to other cats, so body oils tend to build up on the surface of their skin.
If you notice any signs of
infection, parasites, and other skin and/or hair coat problems, it is a
good idea to make an appointment with your animal hospital Cornelius, NC
so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup. Learn more here.
How to Keep Rabbits Like the California Rabbit Hydrated
As the summer months continue, be sure to check on
your rabbit’s water levels several times a day. When the heat increases so
should your rabbit’s water intake. Rabbits can drink a lot of water year round,
but their water intake can especially increase when the temperatures rise. In
general, most five pound rabbits can drink as much as a 25 pound dog. If you
notice that your Californian isn’t drinking very much, please call your vet
right away. Keeping your rabbit’s water bottle filled with fresh, cool water
can help encourage him to drink throughout the day. Using a water bottle can
also help you judge how much your rabbit is drinking. Water bowls are OK, but
oftentimes rabbits will spill them and they could be without water for long
periods of time. Californian rabbits can get serious ill if they are without
water for 24 hours or more. Click
here to learn more from your vets
Eau Claire, WI.
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Obesity Is A Major Reason Why Your Pet's Diet Needs Modification
A dog’s nutritional requirements can vary with each individual. Different factors like your pet’s health status, activity levels, lifestyle, and life stage among others will affect these. There are a lot of selections of high-quality pet food available and acquiring the ideal food item for your animal companion is essential to the wellbeing and health of your pet. One main reason why you may want to modify your pet’s diet is if he is overweight. An obese or overweight dog is at risk of developing critical health problems. Excess weight can also negatively impact the animal’s quality of living. Pets gaining too much weight can have plenty of reasons like Cushing’s disease or hypothyroidism. But the most common reason is that the pet is just taking in a lot more calories when compared to the amount he is burning, allowing those excess calories to get stored in the form of fat. Check with your veterinarian Raleigh, NC for more information regarding your pet’s nutritional and dietary requirements.
Are Bones Safe For Dogs?
Dogs enjoy chewing bones. This is why bones and chewing products keep the dogs occupied for some time. Chewing on bones also refreshes the breath and whitens the dog’s teeth.
You might be wondering which bones are safe for your dog’s use and which ones will cause problems. Remember that dogs have different chewing needs. The veterinary dentist is a source of useful information regarding bone usage.
Leftover bones from steak or other meat products are unsafe for dogs. It does not matter what size the bone is, but it should not be given to your pet. Instead, you should dispose of the bones properly so that the dog cannot access them.
When you are going out with your dog, be on the lookout for bones along the road. Even bones from dead animals can be just as deadly. Don’t allow your pet dog to come in contact with these stray bones.
Your veterinarian Wake Forest, NC is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.