Heatstroke, also called heat stress, occurs when pets overheat too much that they can't any cooler their body temp down through ordinary means. Heatstroke leads to the obstruction of tissues in the body and worse, death. Needless to say, you should protect your pet from this.
Never leave your pet in a hot and unventilated space. Give him access to shade and freshwater, and don't let him exercise under hot/humid conditions. Also, don't leave your pet in the car regardless if you put down the window or parked the car in the shade. It's dangerous since the temps can go up quickly due to the car's material. Both brachycephalic or flat-faced cats and dogs are very prone to heatstroke. Here are some signs of eye heatstroke:
●Drooling and vomiting
●Difficulty breathing and weakness
●Neurological symptoms like
tremors and seizures
If your pet is showing any signs of heatstroke, take your pet to the nearest animal hospital Lexington, KY immediately. Read more here.