Thursday, 18 August 2022

Personality Of Siberian Cats


Furry felines that have a big heart for people and even their fellow domestic pets – these are the Siberian cats. A native of Siberia, Russia, these felines have been domesticated for a long time now. Several households have acknowledged the beauty in adopting this breed not only because they look adorable with their fur coat but also because of how they behave at home and how happy they can make their humans. 

When you adopt a Siberian, expect that she will develop a good relationship with you right away. She may even become loyal after a few days of spending time with you. She will follow you in your home, offer you help when she thinks you need it, try to get your attention for play, and ask for a place on your lap. 

Your guests will surely love these cats because they will feel the warm welcome from your Siamese. Visit this site to learn more.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

English Cocker Spaniel Personality

Their cheerful, affectionate, calm personality makes the English Cocker friendly and highly trainable dogs— but don't get surprised if yours is reserved around strangers. They can be a watchdog who barks when there's someone outside, but that's all— they'll likely be nice even to burglars. Despite their friendliness, early socialization is still a must to help the Cocker grow up well-rounded, so expose your pup to a lot of situations and experiences.

With their friendly and happy disposition, English Cockers are also excellent children's companions, especially to those they grew up with. But if your English Cocker didn't grow up with kids, it will be best if your children are already old enough to know the proper way of interacting with dogs.

Teach kids to treat dogs properly. Behaviors like pulling a dog's ear/tail, disturbing their meal/naptime, and taking away their food are never acceptable. And even after teaching your child, adult supervision is still strictly necessary to prevent any accident. For more care tips, call your local animal hospital Kerrville TX. Visit their site to know more.

Collie Personality

Collies, when well-bred, are friendly, gentle, and sweet. They thrive as family dogs, being included in every activity of the family. Collies also love kids and will protect them while they're playing. As if these fantastic traits aren't enough, Collies are also highly intelligent and loyal. These smart pups are fast learners. In addition, they are so devoted that they'll undoubtedly risk their lives to sharks to save you.

Training, socialization, and heredity are just some of the factors that affect their temperament. Nice-tempered pups are playful, sociable, and curious. Choose those whose personality is in the middle of the spectrum— not too aggressive but also not too shy/anxious.

It's best to meet the puppy's mother or father before finally adopting him to let you assess if you two are compatible. It will also be great if you can meet his siblings and other relatives to understand what kind of dog your pup will become.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, don’t hesitate to contact your animal hospital Oshawa, ON.

Cat Breed: Selkirk Rex Cat

Popular labeled as cats that are in sheep’s wear is the Selkirk Rex. This breed dons a thick coat that has curls looking woolly. You may wonder how these felines got their curly coats. Thanks to their cousins Devon and Cornish Rexes, these cats have an amazing look you cannot mistake for another breed. In particular, the Selkirk Rex cats came from the lineage of the British Shorthairs and Persian cats with natural genetic development. Thus, they possess such a cuddly and mild disposition. But do not get these felines wrong – they also enjoy a fun time. They are active and playful, with a little combination of silliness and sweetness. 

Though they love human companionship and interaction, the Selkirks do not stay on your lap all day. Instead, they love doing activities with their humans that can stimulate their minds and bodies. Remember, these cats may express their need for play or bonding sessions through their quiet and soft voices. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your cat and dog hospital Washington DC.

Is It A Good Idea To Share Your Food With Your Dog?


It is a common practice among pet owners to share their table food with their dogs. There are instances when the dog is introduced to “mixed feeding” wherein he is given human food or may also be given dog food.

This habit is not recommended by vets as it imposes a big risk to a dog’s health. Chances of obesity, and developing other health issues such as fatty liver disease, heart problems, and digestive issues are high. Also, since most human food is high in sugar and preservatives, your dog is at risk of getting diabetes.

The best thing to do if you are unsure of what to feed your dog is to consult a vet. Your vet Washington DC will guide you and will provide recommendations as to the best meal plan for your dog. A vet may also provide a feeding schedule that you can follow to establish a healthy eating pattern for your dog.

Cat Beds


Playing, scratching, and observing the world from a high place are just some of the things that cats love to do. But most especially, cats enjoy sleeping. On average, cats sleep around 15-20 hours daily. As with lions, sleeping too much is natural in cats, so encouraging sleep is a must for cat owners. And while cats can sleep anywhere, it's never too much to give your cat a bed to cater to her sleep needs.

There are lots of bed styles you can choose from, with some even having the shape of a burrow or cave, which gives kittens extra comfort. Don't forget to provide soft blankets, especially if you have small kittens, as they get cold easily. Lastly, although multiple cats can share a bed, it's still a plus if you can give a bed for each of them.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary health center Wichita, KS for proper medical attention.

Care Tips For Balinese Cats

Caring for a Balinese cat is relatively easy. Most pet owners say that they do not need to put in too much effort when caring for their Balinese. Because these cats have low-key maintenance needs, they do not give their owners a hard time caring for them.

Here are some tips on how to care for a Balinese cat:

 Maintain a pleasant home environment for your cat. This can be done by making sure her sleeping space is nice and clean, her litter box is well-maintained and the house is free of hazardous items that may endanger her.

Feed her on time. Aside from feeding your cat a healthy meal, the timing of her feeding is also important. Establish a regular feeding schedule for her so she can develop healthy eating habits.

Take her to a veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ regularly. Regular visits to a vet will ensure that she is free from any medical threats that may put her at risk of danger.