Wednesday, 2 November 2022

When Should I Begin Giving My Dog Joint Supplements?


Join supplements are ingested by a person when his joins begin to become weak. It usually happens to seniors or even adults who are physically active. So how do you know when to start giving your dog joint supplements?

When your dog is already aged, observe how your dog walks and moves around. Compare how your dog used to do activities before and now. When you feel like your dog is experiencing difficulty in using his arms and legs, that’s the time you consult your vet about it. Get your dog checked by a professional to identify what needs to be done to address the health concerns he might be experiencing.

Dogs with bigger bodies like Great Danes tend to develop joint issues first compared to smaller dogs. However, all dogs will eventually experience joint detraction because of their age.

Do consult your veterinarian Washington DC before starting your pet on any supplement. Visit the website.

Walking Your Cat Boosts Their Confidence


Cats sometimes get judged for having smug, unfriendly, aggressive behaviour. But little did we know that these are sometimes their defence mechanism when they are having anxiety attacks. There are times that your cat might scratch, hiss or run away from people, and it can mean that they are afraid.

You don't have to worry because there are a lot of ways your cat can overcome fear and anxiety, and below are the following tips you can do to help them:

●Offer plenty of physical contacts

●Use a calming Pheromone spray.

●Increase playtime.

●Bring them outside for a walk.

●Keep them calm.

You can also give them leash training, by doing this, helps boost your cat's anxiety by letting them explore and giving them the freedom to enjoy your outside walks. Though their capabilities may differ from the dogs, they are smart enough to know what are the things you want them to learn.

Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal hospital Frisco, TX for information.

Why Cats Wag Their Tails

 There are various reasons why cats wag their tails, and here are two:

To greet – You can easily say ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’ when you meet someone you know along the road. Cats cannot talk but use their tail to greet other feline and their parents. Observe how your cat’s tail extends upright when she meets a fellow cat. That is her saying ‘Hello’ to a friend. This tail greeting is often followed by allorubbing or the head rubbing between two cats. 

Defense mechanism – Do you remember how Tom’s hair in ‘Tom and Jerry’ stands up whenever he gets shocked or whenever he is afraid of something? This scenario happens in real life to cats. Cats experience piloerection when their tail, spine, and hair are standing upright. Cats use this as a defensive mechanism to look bigger and intimidate the other party. 

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal hospital Washington DC.

Adolescent Dog Care

At 6-12 months of age, your dog enters the Adolescent or Junior Stage. At this stage, your dog is like a teenager. He is beginning to see the world as an adult, but he is not quite an adult yet.As your pet transitions from a puppy to an adult dog, you will begin to notice a lot of changes. Some changes you might observe are any of the following:

● Physical – You will notice your pet is so much bigger and stronger now. He is more energetic in that he appreciates longer walks and more freedom to run, sniff, and explore. By this time, he would have gotten his full set of adult teeth but which have yet to set properly, so there is a feeling of needing or wanting to chew or gnaw on something.

● Emotional or behavioural – During this time, your dog is becoming more independent. He is seeing the world through the eyes of an adult so you might notice your dog is worried or fearful of things he didn’t normally feel worried or afraid of in the past.

With preparation, knowledge, and a steady supply of patience, you and your adolescent dog will be able to get through this particularly challenging phase of his growth and development.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Bucks County, PA for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Cold Weather Care For Small Pets

A backup on your heat source is essential to small pets during winter— consult the vet for the best choice. Battery-powered heating sources are helpful during power outages, while

water bottles are useful when pipes freeze. Air-activated warmers can be used, too— add fabric between your heat source and pet for protection. Hot water bottles/warmed potatoes are also helpful during vet appointments.

Prepare for snow storms— keep enough heating options and carriers. Accidents (failing heaters, perhaps) may occur when you're not home, so think in advance to keep your pet

safe. Also, check on your neighbour/friend/nearby boarding facilities to bring pets in case of emergencies. Prepare an alternative plan for monitoring their healthcare.

Be sure there's someone to check on your pet when you'll be gone for too long. Regardless of the type of pet (even those who eat only from time to time), asking a neighbour/friend to regularly monitor your pet is still essential. 

Consult your vet Marion, IA area about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.

Coat Colour And Grooming Needs Of Collies

Collies can either have long, rough coats or smooth, short hairs— both are moderate shedders. Rough Collies have a dense, harsh, and straight topcoat with a soft, thick, and furry coat under. Meanwhile, Smooth Collies have a short, flat, dense topcoat with a thick coat under. Their colours include:


●Blue merle

●White (most have marks of other colours)

●Tricolor (black with tan shade and white marks)

Their grooming needs depend on your Collie's variety. This breed is generally clean and has minimal odour, so thorough brushing two times a week may work for Rough Collies—but you can always brush them as often as you want. Meanwhile, weekly brushing is enough for Smooth Collies.

Bathe them every 6-8 weeks or when necessary, or you can also bring them— especially Rough Collies— to professional groomers. Brushing them can be hard for beginners, but they may surely learn with practice and professional help.

Any problem affecting your pet's skin and/or hair coat should require a visit to your pet hospital Cedar Rapids, IA.

English Toy Spaniel Hair Coat

The coat of English Toy Spaniels is long, dense, and silky and can either be straight or have some waves. Their feet and legs all have feathering, while fringing is present on their ears, chests, and bodies. Their coats may be any of the following colour patterns:

●Ruby (mahogany red, whether or not with a small patch of white on the dog's chest)

●Blenheim (white with large chestnut/red marks)

●Prince Charles (a white base with patches of black and tan marks on the eyes, tails,

and ears underside)

●King Charles (black with mahogany tans)

This breed only needs minimal grooming. A one- or two-times-a-month of bathing may do, but be sure to use shampoos of high quality to maintain the silky coat. Weekly combing routines are also essential to get rid of tangles/dead hair. In addition, washing your dog's face every day is necessary to remove food debris and eye &quot ''sleepies.''  These dogs are average shedders.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Hendersonville, NC.