Showing posts with label animal hospital Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Washington DC. Show all posts

Friday 11 August 2023

Heatstroke Preventive Tips In Dogs

 Summer is a great time for outdoor activities with your furry friend, but it’s important to remember that dogs are susceptible to heatstroke. As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to take steps to prevent heatstroke in your dog. Here are some tips to help you avoid heatstroke in dogs:

Never leave your dog in a parked car, even if the windows are cracked. This is the most important tip to remember as it can cause your dog to suffer from heatstroke within minutes.

Schedule your walks and visits with your dog for the early morning or late evening hours when it’s cooler. The pavement can burn paw pads, so it's important to check the temperature of the ground before taking your dog out for a walk. If it’s too hot for your bare feet, it's too hot for theirs!

Ensure that your dog has access to plenty of cool, fresh water throughout the day. This helps to keep them hydrated and maintain a normal body temperature.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Washington DC. Read more here.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Jack Russell Terriers Have Boundless Energy

Do you tend to always live each day to the full? If you are, having a Jack Russell Terrier (JRT) may be ideal. 

These dogs developed in the south of England about 200 years ago, are athletic, agile, quick, and intelligent. They were bred to be fox hunters. And to this day, they have retained their abilities – excelling in different dog sporting events.

For this reason, many people have come to know this breed to have high energy levels. Do you think you’re up to the challenge of adopting a JRT? Here are other qualities of these pups:

  • Devoted

  • Affectionate and love to be with their humans

  • Active and enjoy varied physical activities

  • Social to people, even children, but they may become too rowdy

  • Fearless

  • Escape artists 

  • Have a strong prey drive

  • Digger 

JRTs are an epitome of a very active family of dogs. They enjoy doing several things that can keep them preoccupied. They also love engaging themselves in tasks that can stimulate them physically and mentally. Because of these endeavours, JRTs seem to live each day as if it’s their last. 

Take your pet to your animal hospital in Washington DC for regular health and dental checks. Learn more here.

Thursday 2 March 2023

Moving With Your Cat: Letting Your Cat Out For The First Time

Deciding to let your cat go outside for the first time is not easy for you as a cat parent. The first thing you have to ensure is that when you let them outside, you are confident that they will go back and can make their way home. 

One of the best things to do is to make your cat feel settled and comfortable with you before you let them go out on their own. In addition to that, make sure that your cat can be identified by having her fitted with a microchip. In case she gets lost, there is a chance that your contact details can be retrieved.

It is also a good idea to go with them the first time they go outdoors. Even without a harness, you can walk with your cat outside and let her familiarize herself with the surroundings near your home. 

Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal hospital Washington DC for information.

Wednesday 2 November 2022

Most Common Causes Of Vomiting In Cats


Vomiting is quite a common scenario among cats. Note, however, that this condition may get worse though most cats vomit once in a while. The worst case is called chronic vomiting. How can you tell that your cat is already experiencing chronic vomiting? Your cat is at her worst vomiting case when she has been doing it for the past two weeks. Do not hesitate to have your cat checked when she is suffering from this issue.

But what are the primary causes of vomiting in felines? The primary causes are listed below.

  • Hairballs. Cats like to groom themselves. Thus, they are prone to ingesting their hairballs which triggers their vomit reflex. 

  • Food allergies. Some cats have allergic reactions to specific food ingredients. When their allergies are triggered, it may lead to chronic vomiting. 

  • Fast food consumption. Some cats who eat too fast, not chew their food well, may have a stomach upset, which can lead to chronic vomiting. 

  • Ingestion of foreign bodies. Cats who accidentally consume an object or toy may experience the vomit reflex.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Washington DC.

Why Cats Wag Their Tails

 There are various reasons why cats wag their tails, and here are two:

To greet – You can easily say ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’ when you meet someone you know along the road. Cats cannot talk but use their tail to greet other feline and their parents. Observe how your cat’s tail extends upright when she meets a fellow cat. That is her saying ‘Hello’ to a friend. This tail greeting is often followed by allorubbing or the head rubbing between two cats. 

Defense mechanism – Do you remember how Tom’s hair in ‘Tom and Jerry’ stands up whenever he gets shocked or whenever he is afraid of something? This scenario happens in real life to cats. Cats experience piloerection when their tail, spine, and hair are standing upright. Cats use this as a defensive mechanism to look bigger and intimidate the other party. 

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal hospital Washington DC.

Thursday 12 May 2022

Akita Grooming And Training


Akitas have this unique trait of grooming themselves like how a cat does— they lick their bodies. When stalking their prey, Akitas aren't like most dogs bark before attacking. They are silent, lowering themselves to the ground like tigers. Akitas have a muscular build and weigh more than 100 pounds. They are domineering, so you must train them properly. As loyal dogs, you and your dog's bond mustn't break by entrusting him to a trainer.

Research about training Akitas before adopting this breed. They don't take harsh ways of training positively, so keep in mind that the dog's respect can be earned by being respectful to him, too. Although they're intelligent, Akitas can take longer to train. Their natural stubbornness is a major issue in training, and it's best to research the training tips for Akitas first. This breed isn't for timid owners.

Any problem affecting your pet's skin and/or hair coat should require a visit to your nearest pet hospital Washington DC

Is Your Pet Safe In The Cattery?


You may be hesitant to leave your cat behind, but you have no other choice because you cannot bring her in your holiday or business trip for more than two days.

The usual practice of fur parents going away for a few days is to leave their beloved felines in a boarding cattery. If you have not done this before, do not worry because there are boarding catteries that are well-maintained and can give you the best service. 

In choosing a cattery, take note of the following:

  • Cattery physical design - Choose a cattery with individual cat units for the safety and protection of the cats.
  • Cattery with individual areas - Choose a cattery that offers individual play areas for cats who do not enjoy hanging out with cats they do not get along with. This practice will help prevent competition or fights between the felines. Communal spaces may even put your cat at risk of having diseases. So, avoid these communal areas.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Washington DC

Thursday 24 February 2022

Tibetan Mastiff Temperament


The Mastiffs of Tibet used to be fierce guards in the farms before. They have maintained this character until today. Because of this, they make great guards for your house.

Tibetan Mastiffs are so affectionate with their human family. They are fond of other dogs as well. However, the Tibetan Mastiffs aren't too friendly with strangers. Furthermore, you must start to train these dogs at a young age to develop their protective instinct. This way, they can effectively protect the family, even in the absence of danger.

Taking care of a young Mastiff can be challenging at times. But once you get everything right, it can be very fulfilling. These dogs love pleasing their humans. But sometimes, they can't help their natural independence. When this characteristic surfaces, you should remind them of their training. And lastly, you must teach them to socialize so they'll grow up comfortable around people and other animals.

Take your pet to your nearest animal hospital Washington DC for regular health and dental checks.

Thursday 3 February 2022

Cold Weather Fun With Your Dog

Winter should not deter pet owners from keeping their pet dogs physically active. Just as humans must modify their routines to accommodate seasonal changes, your dog requires a new winter care regimen. The combination of chilly air outside and warm central heating inside is just as dangerous to a dog's coat as it is to your skin. As such, your dog should not miss its grooming regimen. Physical exercise keeps pets attentive and healthy. Doing activities together also strengthens the pet-owner relationship. So, before winter comes, think about changing your dog's exercise routine.

Not all canines are born athletes. However, if your dog enjoys running and jumping, as well as playing catch, doing so in winter is okay. In winter, you may jog, walk, rollerblade, play frisbee, and conduct obedience and agility training just as you can in other seasons. Just ensure the roads, parks, and pathways are clear and safe.

Be mindful that your dog uses energy to feel warm and perform activities when it is cold. You know your dog, so you will be able to recognize when it becomes weary or overexerts itself. Of course, do not forget to reward it.

Call your animal hospital Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions.

Thursday 21 October 2021

Health Issues Of Cocker Spaniels

A cocker spaniel can experience an astonishing number of health issues. Their lifespan is variable due to this unfortunate reality. This breed is known to develop critical health conditions such as cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, liver disease, immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IHMA), and phosphofructokinase deficiency (a genetic illness that causes the disintegration of red blood cells).

If you plan to adopt a cocker spaniel, you must double-check the health reports of both parent dogs so that you can be aware of the potential health concerns that may arise.

Some possible but less fatal disorders that cocker spaniels can have are elbow dysplasia, luxated patella, and allergies, which are manageable. Keep in touch with your vet and the recommended treatment program for these health issues so that you can help your cocker spaniel to live a rich and healthy life. The cocker spaniel can live up to twelve to fourteen years if they are well looked after.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your vet clinic Washington DC for proper medical attention.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Understanding Negative Litter Box Association in Pet Cats

There are various causes why a pet cat that has always used its litter box begins to defecate and urinate outside of it. One reason could be that something might have happened that disturbed the cat while using the box. You may find your pet is afraid to use the litter box. It may go inside the box but exit quickly, sometimes even before utilizing it. 
One of the most prevalent causes of litter box avoidance is unpleasant elimination. Cats with a health condition experience difficulty urinating and defecating, as they have linked the discomfort with the litter box. Your cat's health may improve, but it may continue to avoid the litter box because of the connection.

The best way is to bring your cat to an experienced vet clinic Washington DC to address the medical issue. Cats have preferences when it comes to the litter box. You may want to try changing the box and make sure to clean it often as possible.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Success in Puppy Housetraining

As a new pet owner, one of the biggest and most impactful responsibilities is housetraining. Here are a couple of ways to successfully get your puppy housetrained:

  • Dogs are creatures of habit; set schedules and be consistent especially with feeding.
  • Follow a diet that is specific for the puppy’s age and provide the best premium but budget-friendly food.
  • Take him to a designated potty area and allow him 3 minutes to do his business. If he does, praise and provide a reward quickly. If not, take him inside and place him in his crate or by your side and observe for signs of going potty or take him back to the area after an hour.
  • Other than socialization and focusing on housetraining, taking your puppy to the animal hospital Washington DC regularly for check-ups will help make certain that your puppy will grow to have a happy and healthy life.


Thursday 12 August 2021

How to Show Your Purebred Akita Professionally

Are you looking to compete with your purebred Akita in a dog show? If so, then it may be a good idea to decide up front if you want to show as a professional and on what level (i.e. local, national, or international). If you’re not familiar with the world of dog showing then local shows will most likely give you the start you need. If you are looking to compete in American Kennel Club (AKC) shows then you will need to follow their process to begin. The AKC suggests attending at least one dog show before signing up to compete. Your Akita will also need to be registered with the AKC club and be at least 6 months or older on the day of the show. Note that spayed or neutered dogs are not eligible to compete in confirmation classes. Contact your animal hospital Washington DC if you’re unsure if your pup is spayed or neutered.

Sunday 20 June 2021

Tear Stains And How To Remove Them

There are pet owners concerned with removing any tear stains from their pets, most especially if they overproduce tears.  Tear stains become very visible if a dog has white fur.  Any tears that stay too long on a dog’s fur will solidify into gunk, eventually becoming stains.  There are many reasons why a dog will tear excessively, like fungal or bacterial infections.  To remove this, wash your pet’s face regularly using soap and clean water.  Or you can use a moist cloth to wipe the gunk away.  Further irritation can be avoided by preventing the shampoo or soap from getting into your dog’s eyes.  Try to blow-dry the fur around his eyes as well so that stain formation is minimized.  Frequent washing of your pet’s face will temporarily control stain formation, but it will be best if you take your dog to your vet hospital  Washington DC to find out if there is an underlying cause to the excessive production of tears and address that cause as well. Visit website to learn more.

Friday 18 June 2021

Proper Way Of Brushing Dog’s Teeth

You need to brush the dog’s teeth regularly to keep the plaque and bacteria at bay. Teach your dog about oral regimen when he is still young so he will be used to it as he grows older. Use a toothbrush for pets because this is softer than the toothbrush for humans. 

When brushing the teeth, the toothbrush must be held at 45 degrees angle against the teeth. Brushing is done in a circular motion to remove particles properly. Don’t forget to brush the outer gum area because plaques can develop there as well.  

Toothpaste is optional during brushing. But if you must use one, make sure that it is specific for cats or dogs to be safe. 

You should bring your pet to your animal hospital Washington DC when it shows signs of tooth and gum problems. Similarly, a pet that has foul breath needs medical attention as well.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Add Fun To Your Pet’s Grooming Sessions

 Tips for Getting Your Dog Comfortable with a Dog Dryer | PetMD

Every grooming session should be a fun activity for both pets and owners. But it can be stressful if the dog does not want to be groomed. Thus, your pet must get used to getting groomed when it is still young.  As it grows older, it will get used to the grooming session.

As you prepare your dog for grooming, you can do the following:

       Release your pet’s excess energy by letting it run or walk. It will be calmer after a walk, so it will not object to being groomed

       Teach your pet to go potty before the session begins

       Don’t reinforce your pet’s anxiousness in being groomed. If you appease or pamper it, the anxiety will only be heightened

       Ask recommendations from other pet owners regarding their groomer. They might point you to someone who understands your pet’s needs


For more questions regarding your pet’s grooming needs, ask your vet Washington DC.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Petting-Induced Aggression In Cats


Cats tend to be very sensitive creatures.  Yes, they like cuddling with their owners, but they can only tolerate a specific level of tactile stimulation.  Too much stimulation can incite aggression, and this is something cat owners have to be aware of.  Your cat could like being cuddled and being pet for now, but after reaching her max tolerance, you will see signs before ultimately swipes or nips at your fingers.  Therefore, if you wish to cuddle with your kitty cat, be conscious and alert for specific changes in her body language, like ears flickering, tail lashing, skin twitching, a low growling sound, and ears laid flat upon her head.  Your cat could also change her position with no warning, stop purring, or perhaps even glare at you.  If you see any of these signs, stop petting her and move back slowly.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior and/or health, make an appointment with your animal clinic Washington DC.

Tuesday 12 January 2021

Why Do Dogs Vomit?

There are many reasons why dogs vomit. It could be as simple as eating something that doesn’t agree with their system or it could be a serious obstruction along any part of their digestive tract. Because of their scavenging habits, dogs can eat decayed material that can cause inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract called ‘gastroenteritis’. Consumption of foods that are rich in fats and oils can also cause a dog to vomit. In cases of poisoning,   vomit can be a prominent symptom. Vomiting, especially when it’s already several times without or without accompanying symptoms, should require a prompt visit to your animal hospital Washington DC as this can be a red flag of a more serious medical issue that needs proper medical attention. Some illnesses in which vomiting may be present include heavy parasite load, pyometra, nervous system conditions, liver disease, and diabetes among others. Learn more here.

What’s The Best Crate Size For Your Pet?

One huge factor in housetraining could be something that will surprise you and that is the correct crate size for your pet. You might be enticed to buy a larger size of crate for your pet because of its price compared to the smaller ones but remember in doing so, you will allow your pet to designate a portion of its crate for elimination.

There are several kinds of crates for dogs. If you can afford something that has adjustable panels, it will help you save money because you can expand it while your dog is growing as well.

The size of the right crate should allow your pet to turn around and lie down in it. The space between your pet’s head and the top of the crate should be about 3 to 4 inches while standing or sitting.

Learning more about crate size from your local vet Washington DC will help you in making this decision.

Saturday 10 October 2020

Looking after a new cat


You have a new cat in your life that you want to care for to the best of your ability. How can you make sure you are giving her all the love and attention she needs?
Your pet needs to be able to count on you to offer her plenty of care in order to make the most of her time in your care. This means that you will need to take the time to think about what you can do to help her feel loved and make sure that her needs are met. Be sure to offer her lots of your time, as she will require quite a bit of focused attention in order to fully engage in her new life within your home. Your efforts will need to be adapted to her care, so be aware of what you can do to help make this happen. For additional information, please contact your local veterinary clinic Washington DC.