Showing posts with label Vet clinic Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vet clinic Washington DC. Show all posts

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Litter Box Solutions for Arthritic Cats


One of the more common symptoms among cats suffering from osteoarthritis is house soiling due to eliminating outside of the litter box. 

Here are some common litter box concerns and simple solutions you can make to address the needs of your arthritic cat:

  • Provide a larger litter box. This way, your cat has more space around her ensuring that the sides of the litter box do not come in contact with your cat’s body, thereby preventing pain. 
  • Provide litter boxes in different areas of the house, preferably on the floor or level where your cat usually stays. In cases when your arthritic older cat cannot hold it, you decrease the likelihood of accidents since there are litter boxes that are easily accessible around the house. 
  • Provide a shorter litter box with low sides for ease of entrance and exit. You may also want to consider litter box alternatives such as plant growing trays or under-bed storage boxes. 

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with an animal clinc Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue. Learn more here.

Friday 13 May 2022

Social Environment Impacts When Pet Cats Are Allowed Outdoor Access


As the world progresses, certain changes in the environment take place. Some of these changes are good, but some are bad as well. Some changes may impact your life, even the lives of your other loved ones like your cats.

So, it is understandable if you choose to keep your pet cats inside your home all the time. There are several negative impacts your cats may experience when you give them regular free access to the outside environment, including social environment effects.

What are these effects?

Social pressures do not happen to humans alone but also to cats. When you let your cats go out, they may encounter territorial disputes and fights may ensue between them and other felines in the neighborhood. Your cats may encounter aggression and may acquire injuries when chaos occurs. These cases may lead to anxiety or even stress among cats.

Call your animal hospital Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions. Schedule an appointment today!

Thursday 12 May 2022

Akita Grooming And Training


Akitas have this unique trait of grooming themselves like how a cat does— they lick their bodies. When stalking their prey, Akitas aren't like most dogs bark before attacking. They are silent, lowering themselves to the ground like tigers. Akitas have a muscular build and weigh more than 100 pounds. They are domineering, so you must train them properly. As loyal dogs, you and your dog's bond mustn't break by entrusting him to a trainer.

Research about training Akitas before adopting this breed. They don't take harsh ways of training positively, so keep in mind that the dog's respect can be earned by being respectful to him, too. Although they're intelligent, Akitas can take longer to train. Their natural stubbornness is a major issue in training, and it's best to research the training tips for Akitas first. This breed isn't for timid owners.

Any problem affecting your pet's skin and/or hair coat should require a visit to your nearest pet hospital Washington DC

Thursday 3 February 2022

Cold Weather Fun With Your Dog

Winter should not deter pet owners from keeping their pet dogs physically active. Just as humans must modify their routines to accommodate seasonal changes, your dog requires a new winter care regimen. The combination of chilly air outside and warm central heating inside is just as dangerous to a dog's coat as it is to your skin. As such, your dog should not miss its grooming regimen. Physical exercise keeps pets attentive and healthy. Doing activities together also strengthens the pet-owner relationship. So, before winter comes, think about changing your dog's exercise routine.

Not all canines are born athletes. However, if your dog enjoys running and jumping, as well as playing catch, doing so in winter is okay. In winter, you may jog, walk, rollerblade, play frisbee, and conduct obedience and agility training just as you can in other seasons. Just ensure the roads, parks, and pathways are clear and safe.

Be mindful that your dog uses energy to feel warm and perform activities when it is cold. You know your dog, so you will be able to recognize when it becomes weary or overexerts itself. Of course, do not forget to reward it.

Call your animal hospital Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions.

Sunday 19 September 2021

Understanding Negative Litter Box Association in Pet Cats

There are various causes why a pet cat that has always used its litter box begins to defecate and urinate outside of it. One reason could be that something might have happened that disturbed the cat while using the box. You may find your pet is afraid to use the litter box. It may go inside the box but exit quickly, sometimes even before utilizing it. 
One of the most prevalent causes of litter box avoidance is unpleasant elimination. Cats with a health condition experience difficulty urinating and defecating, as they have linked the discomfort with the litter box. Your cat's health may improve, but it may continue to avoid the litter box because of the connection.

The best way is to bring your cat to an experienced vet clinic Washington DC to address the medical issue. Cats have preferences when it comes to the litter box. You may want to try changing the box and make sure to clean it often as possible.

Saturday 18 September 2021

Success in Puppy Housetraining

As a new pet owner, one of the biggest and most impactful responsibilities is housetraining. Here are a couple of ways to successfully get your puppy housetrained:

  • Dogs are creatures of habit; set schedules and be consistent especially with feeding.
  • Follow a diet that is specific for the puppy’s age and provide the best premium but budget-friendly food.
  • Take him to a designated potty area and allow him 3 minutes to do his business. If he does, praise and provide a reward quickly. If not, take him inside and place him in his crate or by your side and observe for signs of going potty or take him back to the area after an hour.
  • Other than socialization and focusing on housetraining, taking your puppy to the animal hospital Washington DC regularly for check-ups will help make certain that your puppy will grow to have a happy and healthy life.


Friday 18 June 2021

Proper Way Of Brushing Dog’s Teeth

You need to brush the dog’s teeth regularly to keep the plaque and bacteria at bay. Teach your dog about oral regimen when he is still young so he will be used to it as he grows older. Use a toothbrush for pets because this is softer than the toothbrush for humans. 

When brushing the teeth, the toothbrush must be held at 45 degrees angle against the teeth. Brushing is done in a circular motion to remove particles properly. Don’t forget to brush the outer gum area because plaques can develop there as well.  

Toothpaste is optional during brushing. But if you must use one, make sure that it is specific for cats or dogs to be safe. 

You should bring your pet to your animal hospital Washington DC when it shows signs of tooth and gum problems. Similarly, a pet that has foul breath needs medical attention as well.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Proper Ways To Care For Your Dog’s Ears


You can give your dog an eye exam at home to know its eye condition. Bring your dog to a well-lit place in the house before checking. When you check his eyes you should check for tearing, whitish cloudy material, or any form of inflammation.  The dog could be suffering from a health condition if you see any of these conditions in your dog’s eyes.

A healthy dog should have bright and clear-looking eyes. Also, check for the white area around the eyeball. The pupils should also have the same size and should be intact. The eyes should also be free from any discharge or crust formation in the corner. While holding your dog’s face, check the lower eyelid to see if the lining is pink-colored. The eyelid should not be red or white because it might mean that the dog is sick.

You can clean your pet's eyes by wiping them with a wet piece of cotton. Wipe outward starting from the inner corner of the eye. Don't touch the eye since you might scratch the cornea as well.

For any sign of infection, bring your pet to a vet hospital Washington DC for prompt medical attention. Read more here.

Wednesday 24 February 2021

Dog Flu

Dog flu, or canine influenza, is an illness brought about by a virus of the influenza A-type.  It is a highly transmissible illness and dogs have a high probability of getting infected through direct contact with an infected dog.  There are other transmission vectors like exposure to surfaces and objects that are contaminated, secretions from the nose that get released when infected dogs cough, bark, or sneeze, and by persons who have had contact with a dog that is infected, and then moves over to a dog that is uninfected without taking steps to sanitize.

Dog flu symptoms are very similar to kennel cough (or infectious tracheobronchitis) symptoms.  Afflicted dogs have a cough that is very persistent, and there could be a fever, and thick discharge coming from the nose.  The infected dog could also seem lethargic and have some kind of discharge coming from the eyes.  The illness can have varying degrees of severity ranging from severe to mild.  It is also possible for some infected dogs not to display symptoms of the disease at all, but are very much contagious.

Dog flu patients usually recover after two to three weeks, but then there are some dogs that have resulting secondary infections, leading to pneumonia, thereby exacerbating the seriousness of the issue.  

Consult your vet clinic Washington DC about the best way to protect your pet from dog flu and other important health issues.

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Why Overweight Cats Must Slowly Lose Weight

Rapidly losing weight is not recommended for obese or overweight cats because it can result in them being afflicted with fatty liver disease.  Should you be assisting your cat in losing excess weight, please note that the safe threshold is 0.5 pound per month, so that the weight loss is gradual.  If it is just a slight overweight, then one pound in a month is okay.  A cat’s susceptibility to developing potentially life-threatening liver issues increases as his weight and fat percentage increase.

Fatty liver disease, also known as hepatic lipidosis, is developed when there is rapid weight loss detected by the body.  This is actually a self-preservation response of the body.  When the body detects accelerated weight loss, it will activate the body’s stored fats.  This abrupt uptick of lipid activation tends to overwork the liver, overwhelming it to a point where it shuts down.

The best course of action is to check in with your animal hospital Washington DC for a much safer and healthier weight loss program for your pet.

Sunday 12 July 2020

Is your cat behaving in an atypical manner?

Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are there for her whenever you can be. This will mean keeping track of her behavior and preferences in order to determine what she is likely to do in any given situation.

If you find that your cat is behaving in an atypical manner, see if you can figure out what is causing the changes. If there is no apparent reason, consult with her veterinarian right away. Many times, cats tend to hide that they are sick or injured in an effort to appear strong to the outside world, which may result in simple, possibly small, changes to your pet’s daily routine. If this is the case. It will need to be addressed right away. Your local pet clinic Washington DC can offer additional suggestions. Make an appointment today!

Friday 10 July 2020

Keeping your family balanced

You love your family dearly and you want to make sure everyone is able to get what they need to thrive. How can you make sure there is a balance in the household particularly when it comes to caring for your pet?

Looking after a pet means that you are adding a new family member to the mix in order to further enjoy your time together. Your furry friend will need plenty of attention and care each day, just like the rest of your family members. This means that you will all need to come together to discuss what you can do for her to help meet her needs and give her opportunities to enjoy her time to the fullest. This will help to ensure everyone is doing their part to help one another. For additional information, please contact your local pet clinic Washington DC.

Thursday 14 May 2020

Creating a place for your cat to play

You have a cat in your life who is eager to spend some time by your side and you want her to know that she is always welcome to have some fun with you. You feel that having a designated spot to play will help her enjoy herself a bit and would like to create one for her.

To do this, you will need to determine how much space would be ideal for her to move about in and then make an effort to give this to her. This should be an area where she can get some exercise, socialize with you, and enjoy some time with her favorite toys. Be sure to remove hazards and make this area appealing to her so she will feel comfortable in this space. For additional information on looking after your pet, please contact your local vet Washington DC.