Wednesday 24 February 2021

Dog Flu

Dog flu, or canine influenza, is an illness brought about by a virus of the influenza A-type.  It is a highly transmissible illness and dogs have a high probability of getting infected through direct contact with an infected dog.  There are other transmission vectors like exposure to surfaces and objects that are contaminated, secretions from the nose that get released when infected dogs cough, bark, or sneeze, and by persons who have had contact with a dog that is infected, and then moves over to a dog that is uninfected without taking steps to sanitize.

Dog flu symptoms are very similar to kennel cough (or infectious tracheobronchitis) symptoms.  Afflicted dogs have a cough that is very persistent, and there could be a fever, and thick discharge coming from the nose.  The infected dog could also seem lethargic and have some kind of discharge coming from the eyes.  The illness can have varying degrees of severity ranging from severe to mild.  It is also possible for some infected dogs not to display symptoms of the disease at all, but are very much contagious.

Dog flu patients usually recover after two to three weeks, but then there are some dogs that have resulting secondary infections, leading to pneumonia, thereby exacerbating the seriousness of the issue.  

Consult your vet clinic Washington DC about the best way to protect your pet from dog flu and other important health issues.

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