Saturday 20 February 2021

Vaccinate And Protect Your Pet Against Sickness


vet Thorold ON

Are you aware that not all vaccines can protect or give immunity to your pet? Some vaccines for non-viral diseases like Chlamydia and Bordetella, cannot give enough immunity to last a year. These vaccines are classified as non-core.

Since some vaccines are only valid for a year, veterinarians recommend booster vaccinations. The vet will assess the lifestyle risk of your pet before recommending the booster dose. Upon knowing the potential risks that your pet will face, the appropriate vaccinations can be given. As such, other booster shots like feline leukemia can be given when needed. This is for protection when your cat comes into regular contact with other outdoor cats.

After a review of your pet’s lifestyle, current health status, and age, you and your vet will decide if a booster shot is needed. The vet can also perform an antibody titer test. This is to check whether the vaccine given to your pet when it was younger can still give immunity to diseases.

Inform your vet Thorold, ON if there are any other changes in your pet's health and behavior.

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