Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Some Common Health Issues In Senior Cats

Cats are considered senior when they reach the age of 11 to 14 years. At this point in their lives, cats begin to undergo several issues with their health. Like humans, cats begin to have a reduced ability to do things. They may experience numerous indications of pain or discomfort that may be due to underlying medical conditions. 

If you want to know more about the common diseases that may be experienced by your beloved cat, read on. Some of them are listed as follows: 

       Some types of cancer commonly occur in senior felines, including oral, mammary, and intestinal cancers.

       Senior felines are at higher risk of developing diabetes because of being overweight.

       About 80% of felines who are old suffer from cognitive dysfunction syndrome.

       Senior felines commonly encounter inflammatory bowel diseases, such as weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperthyroidism.

       Over 20% of felines develop kidney disease.

       More than 80% of senior cats acquire dental disease and osteoarthritis. 

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your vet clinic Burlington, ON

Energetic Australian Dog Breeds

Dog breeds that come from Australia are some of the world's hardest-working puppies, and their high levels of activity make them ideal for households with busy lives. They are very well worth taking into consideration if you're searching for a grazing dog or a canine friend who will be as eager about excursions in the wilderness as you are. 

The robust, tenacious, and agile livestock and sheep-herding breeds that Australia is renowned for creating are not the only canines to originate from the country. In this stunningly beautiful but occasionally harsh and unforgiving land, lively and playful toy dog breeds such as the Australian Silky Terrier and gentle and compassionate therapy dog varieties like the Cobberdog also got their origin. 

Moreover, the non-working breeds that originated in Australia are known for being extremely active. While not all of the dogs on this list are prone to boredom-related destructive behaviors, they do need a lot of mental and physical sensory input from the finest dog toys and lots of outdoor activities to stay content and vigorous. 

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your vets Burlington, ON

Monday, 14 November 2022

Why Is My Cockatiel Making So Much Noise?

Cockatiels are social animals and like to communicate with their owners. You may think that your bird is trying to tell you something when he makes noise, but sometimes this behaviour can actually be linked to diet or health problems.

If your cockatiel is making a lot of noise and doesn't seem to be able to stop himself, there are some steps that you can take to help him get back on track:

● First and foremost, it's important to understand that cockatiels are social birds. They are happiest when they have the companionship of their human owners and other pet birds. A lonely or bored cockatiel will make noise in order to get attention. As long as there is no physical issue causing the excessive vocalization, a little bit of extra attention should be enough to remedy this problem.

● If your bird has a physical issue like an overgrown beak or an infected mouth cavity (which causes him pain), he might begin making unusual sounds. In such cases, it may be

necessary for you to take him to a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.

● When in doubt, ask your vet.

If you have more questions or wish to schedule Tweety for a checkup, feel free to call us, your local veterinary clinic Bucks County, PA anytime!

Sunday, 13 November 2022

Cat Meowing: How Much is Normal?

Meowing is a way for cats to communicate. Cats may meow to show that they are hungry, craving attention, or want a walk outside.

Cats also say hi by meowing, announcing their presence. Cats also usually make sounds while walking around and whenever they feel lonely. Female felines will also make sounds to attract the attention of male cats.

Different cat breeds meow at different rates. Some kittens are known as "talkers", like the Abyssinians, Siamese, and Bengal cats. These felines make sounds more compared to other domestic cats.

The amount of meows is less significant than the behavioral changes the cat is experiencing. If the cat is a usual talker, its meows are probably insignificant and simply a part of its routine. However, if a cat's meowing has increased or changed significantly or suddenly became louder or quieter, this could be a sign that something is wrong.

Make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Hendersonville, NC if you have any concerns about your pet’s health and/or behaviour.

Motion Sickness In Cats

Did you know that cats can also get motion sickness when travelling as humans do? Car sickness isn’t fatal, but it can cause fear, discomfort, and anxiety in cats, and it can also lead to other health problems. With this, you should be careful when travelling with your cat to help her get over this discomfort.

To prevent this, you can condition your cat before travelling. Helping your cat overcome stress and anxiety while travelling can mean an easy and comfortable trip for you and your pet. You can prepare a more comfortable carrier where she can stay and relax, and place some bedding and toys to keep her entertained and keep her mind away from the stress.

You can also place something in the crate that smells like home, such as a blanket or article of clothing. This helps your cat get more comfortable and makes her feel that she is still inside your home.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behaviour, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic.

Frequent allergy flare-ups must be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Kerrville TX.

Some Reasons Why Tuna Is Bad For Your Cat?

The fishier the better, that’s how cats love it, especially tuna. It is their favorite fish to eat, but the question is, is it safe for them?

Based on studies, tuna is a protein-rich food that is safe for cats if it is given in small amounts, though it is not advised to give it as a staple food for your pet's daily diet. Since tuna has unsaturated fat and don't have enough Vitamin E or other antioxidants, it can cause health issues if given regularly.

Another concern for tuna is that it is high in mercury levels, which and your pet can get mercury intoxication from eating high amounts of tuna. Therefore, you can give tuna to your pet as a treat and in small amounts only. It is best to stick with her normal diet which ensures all the nutrients she needs are given regularly.

Your veterinarian Kerrville TX is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

The Great Pyrenees Can Be Stubborn

Upon bringing your Great Pyr home, it'les ASAP. For instance, if you don't like a hundred-pound dog getting used to going on the couch, start teaching him that he's not allowed on the couch while he's still a 20-pound pooch. Remember that patience is the most important part of successful training. Still, even after your dog undergoes basic training, you should never let him go off leash. Otherwise, they'll wander off no matter what you say.

The Great Pyr certainly needs socialization. This breed is guardians by nature, and without proper socialization, these dogs can be fearful or aggressive. So after getting your pup vaccinated, the next thing to do is to expose your pup to various situations with pup classes. These dogs thrive when they live with the family, and getting them tied outdoors will lead to aggressiveness— even around their owners.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Kerrville TX.