The general rule is that clean your dog’s ears (if he does not have floppy ears) at least once a month. But you may check the part daily. Tips on cleaning the ears are as follows:
● Wipe the ear flap and outer ear with a cotton ball or moist cloth.
● A thorough cleaning may be necessary when the ears have debris, dirt, or extra wax buildup in the outer part. However, note that you must not clean the dog’s ears in certain instances, including the following:
● The ears produce an undesirable and distinct odor
● The ears release pus or blood
● Your pup shakes his head violently every attempt to clean his ears
● Your pup frequently rubs, paws, and scratches his ears
● The ear canal or pinna swells
● Your dog refuses his ears to be touched
If your pet is showing any signs of ear issues, make an appointment with your animal hospital Virginia Beach, VA.