Do you know that apart from their mouths, cats can also induce bad smells through their skin? That is right, cats’ skins may smell because of numerous reasons. Some of these causes include skin infections due to other health problems such as immune disorders, parasites, wounds, cancer, and allergies. Experts say that anything that interrupts the normal protective processes may cause your feline’s skin to smell.
What type of smell does your cat produce? Felines may induce a putrid odor when they have bacterial infections. But some cat breeds may release a sweet scent. Meanwhile, yeast infections result in a musty kind of aroma. What about abscesses? What type of scent can your cat develop from it? Experts say that abscesses may produce an extremely foul aroma, especially when the pus drains.
Considering cats love to groom themselves, know that this endeavor may be one of the reasons why your cat’s skin smells. The saliva of your cat affects the odor of her coat or skin.
Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited
by your pet should warrant an appointment with your veterinarian Brampton, ON.