Showing posts with label Veterinarian Brampton ON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarian Brampton ON. Show all posts

Thursday 2 February 2023

Highlights Of The Breed: Jack Russell Terriers

Also called the JRT, this breed is like their fellow terriers. They love to dig and can create large holes fast. Breaking their digging habits won't work well, so instead, be sure to train them to only dig in designated areas. A well-fenced yard is essential to consume their endless energy. Electronic fences aren't enough, as some JRT dogs can climb trees and chained fences. With that, supervision is recommended when they're outside. 

If you are a timid or novice dog parent, it will be best if you look for another dog. These pups can be challenging even with experienced owners, as their stubbornness needs consistent and firm training. The JRT also tends to bark for fun and won't, therefore, work in apartment living. Lastly, they may be aggressive around fellow dogs, especially when not trained to be nice toward other canines from puppyhood. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your local veterinarian Brampton, ON

Does Your Cat’s Skin Smell Bad?

Do you know that apart from their mouths, cats can also induce bad smells through their skin? That is right, cats’ skins may smell because of numerous reasons. Some of these causes include skin infections due to other health problems such as immune disorders, parasites, wounds, cancer, and allergies. Experts say that anything that interrupts the normal protective processes may cause your feline’s skin to smell. 

What type of smell does your cat produce? Felines may induce a putrid odor when they have bacterial infections. But some cat breeds may release a sweet scent. Meanwhile, yeast infections result in a musty kind of aroma. What about abscesses? What type of scent can your cat develop from it? Experts say that abscesses may produce an extremely foul aroma, especially when the pus drains. 

Considering cats love to groom themselves, know that this endeavor may be one of the reasons why your cat’s skin smells. The saliva of your cat affects the odor of her coat or skin. 

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your veterinarian Brampton, ON

Saturday 9 October 2021

How Does Your Cat Show Relief

Your pet cat’s body language could show you all there is to know regarding her mood.  Even if you have no idea what your pet’s vocalizations mean, you could likely infer what is going on inside your cat’s mind by observing her body language.  Cats are very cognitive animals.  Your pet cat will show you how she feels using body language.  If you see her relaxed, it usually means that she is content and happy.  On the other hand, if your cat tenses and stiffens up, it is very likely that something is wrong.

Should you ever see your pet cat stretch out a lot, looking like she is very relaxed and like she just got past a harrowing situation, she is likely experiencing relief.  When she acts like this, her body language is telling you that she is trying to release all that tension and stress built up while angry.  Your cat will clean herself, relax her whiskers, do a lot of stretches, and just do relaxing actions.

If you do see your pet cat act this way, it is likely that something frightened or angered her earlier.  If at all possible, try to look around her surroundings and attempt to identify what that stressor was.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your pet clinic Brampton, ON.

Saturday 1 August 2020

What to consider when your cat needs new toys

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Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are able to understand her behavior to the best of your ability. This makes you wonder – what does she look for in a new toy?

When it’s time to bring some new toys into your living space, you will need to think about your pet’s needs and preferences. This means making sure you are able to offer your pet plenty of ways to get some exercise, socialize, use her natural instincts, and enjoy some mental stimulation. She will need you to consider what options are available to her as well as which will be the most appropriate given her age, breed, and lifestyle. Make sure these are intended for feline use and in great shape so she can safely utilize them. For more information, please contact your local animal hospital Brampton ON.