Showing posts with label pet clinic Brampton ON. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic Brampton ON. Show all posts

Thursday 2 February 2023

Pets Need Healthy Food

Pets need nourishment that satisfies their unique dietary needs, much like humans. Pet foods are made to satisfy the specific nutritional requirements of the animal for which they are intended. They require very different diets, which is essential to keep in mind. Nutritional needs vary depending on the dog's age. Special diets may be necessary for pets with medical conditions. Most foods we eat, like garlic, onions, and salt, are terrible for your pet and can cause them to be unwell or may lead to death. As a result, pets should generally avoid eating table scraps. 

Pets should receive the appropriate quantity of meals as well. Offering your pet too many snacks or overfeeding can make it obese, bringing on additional health issues like cardiovascular disease and renal issues. To prevent these illnesses, consider your choices when it to food products. If you're unsure which foods would be ideal for your pet, it is a brilliant idea to request your veterinarian for guidance. 

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your pet clinic Brampton, ON.

Friday 2 December 2022

Training Needs Of The Great Pyrenees

The Great Pyrenees need to be trained, starting from puppyhood. However, gentle and positive reinforcement is still necessary despite the breed's size. They have impeccable manners and can be very intuitive, not to mention they have a sharp memory— they won't forget anything, so approach training with gentleness and kindness. Negative training only leads to shyness, timidity, and fearfulness, which you won't really like with dogs of this size. 

Crate training can help prevent any accidents and other undesirable situations at home. Be sure to provide a large crate, though. Crates, aside from being a nice napping space, are also an effective tool to make future hospitalization and boarding easier.

However, letting your dog spend his day in the crate isn't good. Pyrs aren't supposed to spend long hours in their kennel for too long unless it's their bedtime. This breed is a people dog, and they won't thrive by spending their lives inside a crate. 

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your pet clinic Brampton, ON. Click here to set an appointment. 

Grooming Is Essential In Keeping Cats Cool In Summer

While a cat’s coat certainly does help keep them warm during the winter, in the summer, it helps protect them from overheating. Shaving your cat’s fur can open up your cat’s sensitive skin to sunburn and not help that much with the heat. Bathing them frequently can also help keep your cat relaxed and fresh. 

Routine grooming will keep your cat’s coat fully functional, what;s best is to maintain your regular grooming and ensure that your cat’s fur won't get matted as it can cause an additional hot feeling to your cat. You can keep your cat’s fur from getting matted by regularly brushing your cat’s coat daily. 

Regular visits with a groomer will keep your cat’s shedding to a minimum, they can trim your cat’s coat so that it is more manageable, but still provides all the protection that your cat needs. 

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Brampton, ON. 

Saturday 9 October 2021

How Does Your Cat Show Relief

Your pet cat’s body language could show you all there is to know regarding her mood.  Even if you have no idea what your pet’s vocalizations mean, you could likely infer what is going on inside your cat’s mind by observing her body language.  Cats are very cognitive animals.  Your pet cat will show you how she feels using body language.  If you see her relaxed, it usually means that she is content and happy.  On the other hand, if your cat tenses and stiffens up, it is very likely that something is wrong.

Should you ever see your pet cat stretch out a lot, looking like she is very relaxed and like she just got past a harrowing situation, she is likely experiencing relief.  When she acts like this, her body language is telling you that she is trying to release all that tension and stress built up while angry.  Your cat will clean herself, relax her whiskers, do a lot of stretches, and just do relaxing actions.

If you do see your pet cat act this way, it is likely that something frightened or angered her earlier.  If at all possible, try to look around her surroundings and attempt to identify what that stressor was.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your pet clinic Brampton, ON.

Saturday 5 December 2020

Dental Care Tips for Your Canine Companion


When routine dental care is overlooked, a dog can quickly develop other severe oral health issues, like gingivitis and gum disease. That’s why it’s so important to keep up with your dog’s dental hygiene routine at home. Here’s how to do it:

Brush Fido’s teeth. Always use a canine-formulated toothpaste and a pet-specific toothbrush. This removes loose plaque from the outer tooth surfaces before it can harden into more dangerous tartar. 

Provide chew toys. Chew toys help to scrape away some of that loose plaque, too. Plus, they’re a lot of fun for your canine friend.

Try dental sticks or dental chews. These products are made specifically to help improve your dog’s dental health, and they help the breath to smell a bit better.

Another key tip is to have your veterinarian examine your dog’s mouth regularly. Contact your animal hospital Brampton ON right away to set up your pup’s next appointment. 

Tuesday 7 July 2020

Why your dog needs a daily walk

Your dog is an excellent companion and you know that she needs you to help her meet her exercise needs each and every day. Is this why a walk is so important?

While your dog’s walk offers her some of the exercise she needs to stay healthy, it isn’t the only reason why this is important. Your pet needs to be able to enjoy her time in your care by meeting her needs appropriately and enjoying herself, both of which are helped by regular walks. This gives her time with you, a change of scenery, an opportunity to socialize, and lots of mental stimulation on top of some the exercise her body craves. This is also something she looks forward to, as it’s a lot of fun to head out and about like this. Your local animal hospital Brampton ON can help you better understand your pet.