Saturday 9 October 2021

How Does Your Cat Show Relief

Your pet cat’s body language could show you all there is to know regarding her mood.  Even if you have no idea what your pet’s vocalizations mean, you could likely infer what is going on inside your cat’s mind by observing her body language.  Cats are very cognitive animals.  Your pet cat will show you how she feels using body language.  If you see her relaxed, it usually means that she is content and happy.  On the other hand, if your cat tenses and stiffens up, it is very likely that something is wrong.

Should you ever see your pet cat stretch out a lot, looking like she is very relaxed and like she just got past a harrowing situation, she is likely experiencing relief.  When she acts like this, her body language is telling you that she is trying to release all that tension and stress built up while angry.  Your cat will clean herself, relax her whiskers, do a lot of stretches, and just do relaxing actions.

If you do see your pet cat act this way, it is likely that something frightened or angered her earlier.  If at all possible, try to look around her surroundings and attempt to identify what that stressor was.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your pet clinic Brampton, ON.

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