Saturday 16 October 2021

Care Tips For Pet Chinchillas

Many people now share their lives and homes with a pet chinchilla or two. These furry pets are simply adorable but they tend to emit a distinct odor that bothers their owners even when they have been de-scented. However, frequent cage cleaning and placing the cage in a well-ventilated area of the house can help significantly decrease the odor. 

Chinchillas have an extremely dense fur coat where fleas, lice, and other parasites would thrive. Thus, your pet would benefit from regular grooming using the right grooming tools. Hygiene and sanitation should always be observed. 

Like other pets, chinchillas can develop unpleasant and aggressive behaviors especially when they are exposed to stressors, such as when there is overcrowding in the cage. This could result in aggression in the form of gnawing or chomping at others’ fur or even their own.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your pet hospital Louisville KY, the Evergreen Animal Hospital.

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