Showing posts with label vets Louisville KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets Louisville KY. Show all posts

Thursday 13 April 2023

American Shorthair

The versatile and friendly American Shorthair certainly enjoys hunting. However, this should not give you the impression that he cannot be a family pet. Many households already keep American Shorthairs as pets because of their excellent personality.

An American Shorthair is a good companion and friend. He has a balanced demeanor that is peaceful but not dull. He is a reasonably energetic cat who enjoys playing just as much as other cats. Still, he will demand most of your time to play with him. He is intelligent and likes to play with puzzles and toys and join in interactive activities. He is outgoing and doesn't try to hide elsewhere when guests arrive. This is a good attitude, especially when your family enjoys hosting parties and celebrations. 

Although this cat is calm, he doesn't particularly enjoy being carried by random people. He would appreciate it much when you allow him to explore things independently. He might not be as clingy as other breeds, but there will be times when he will occupy the space next to you to cuddle.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Louisville, KY for proper medical attention.

Friday 17 February 2023

Can Kittens Eat Tuna ?


Tuna is safe for kittens to eat in small amounts as a treat or supplement to their regular diet. However, it is important to note that not all types of tuna are appropriate for kittens to eat.

Canned tuna in water is a better option than canned tuna in oil, because the oil can be high in fat and can cause diarrhea in kittens. Additionally, it's important to avoid feeding kittens raw tuna as it may contain harmful bacteria.

It's also important to note that while tuna is a good source of protein, it is low in some essential nutrients that kittens need to grow, such as calcium, vitamin D, and taurine. Therefore, it should not be fed as a main staple of their diet, but rather as an occasional treat or supplement.

Also, be aware of the fact that some canned tuna contains high levels of mercury which can be harmful to cats if consumed in large quantities.

It is always best to check with a veterinarian before making any changes to a kitten's diet, especially when it comes to introducing new foods.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your vets Louisville KY.

Thursday 11 August 2022

Personality Of Russian Blue Cats


Displaying a quiet, shy, and patient personality are the Russian Blue cats that can be your family’s gentle pets. For this reason, many households have taken in Russian Blues as an addition to their beautiful families. 

The Russian Blues are perfect for families with kids and domestic pets such as dogs. They are patient and can adapt to the active behavior of young children. They do not easily get mad as long as they feel loved and respected. However, these cats may not happily welcome your home guests or visitors. The Russian Blues are loyal to their humans, and they take time to get to know new people.

Understand that these felines are active and playful although shy and quiet. They have this energetic side they need to express through jumping on high surfaces, climbing on cat trees, and exploring around your home. Ensure to spend time with these cats who do not like being left alone – they want to feel accepted and loved by the family. Contact your professional pet clinic Louisville KY.

Tuesday 12 July 2022

My Rabbit Does Not Eat Hay


Hay can be enough for adult rabbits. They can already get the necessary nutrients with it, and pellets are not actually needed. Hay, as the primary content of a rabbit's diet, must always be there, but it's important to avoid overfeeding your rabbit. Usually, timothy is the hay that rabbit owners buy, but you may also choose oat hay, orchards grass, or meadow grass hay to feed a healthy full-grown rabbit. Although hay bags are common, you can also buy hay in cubes.

Regardless of what form of hay you choose, they are all fresh and are not likely to have been in stock for months. If you want, you may check the hay's label. And if you notice your rabbit suddenly stops eating hay, you should certainly bring your rabbit to a rabbit-specialized vet to get examined immediately. Chances are your rabbit has gastrointestinal issues or dental problems, as rabbits are susceptible to such conditions.

Take your pet to your animal hospital Louisville, KY for regular health and dental checks. 

Monday 6 June 2022

Tips For Rabbit-Proofing Your House: Blocking Off Areas


Bunnies are curious pets, they would like to jump 36 inches or even higher to look into your bookshelves, cabinets, desks, etc. They also like to squeeze through your bookshelf or go under your bed.  If you are planning to pet a rabbit, you need to bunny-proof all such areas in your home. 

You can use baby gates or puppy pens to bunny proof as long as these are metallic in material otherwise your rabbit will chew the materials and slip right through. While using baby gates if the plates are far apart, you can zip wood panels to the bottom.

It is the natural urge of bunnies to dig in wherever they find some stuff for digging. Your bunny will pull a single loose edge of your rug so hard that in some time it will be a stringy mess all around. It is best to provide your bunny with alternatives like a grass mat to protect your carpeting from it.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your animal hospital Louisville, KY for proper medical attention.

Wednesday 20 April 2022

Types Of Flea Collars


Is your dog suffering from a flea infestation? Then, you must do something about it. Know that fleas do not only affect your pets, but also your family, your kids (if you have them), and your home.

Several flea remedies are available in the market today. One of them is the tick or flea collar. How does this work? A dog flea collar comes in two types that work differently:

  • One, the collar emits a gas toxic to ticks and fleas. This gas prevents the bugs or insects from infecting and/or biting your beloved canine.
  • Two, the collar releases a chemical substance absorbed by the skin of your pup. This chemical kills the insects that bite into your pup’s skin.

Which of these collars is more effective? Research has shown that the second type works well because the first one only works when the bugs are close to the collar.

Work with your vet Tampa, FL in creating a flea preventive program that will give year-round protection for your pet.

Friday 11 March 2022

Caring For A Senior Cat


Is your cat in her senior years? If so, she's going to need some extra care. Just like people, cats get more fragile as they age, and become prone to various illnesses and medical conditions. These may include arthritis, diabetes, and hearing and vision loss, to name a few.

One thing that is very important is just making sure that your pet is comfortable. Setting out lots of soft beds will go a long way here. You may also want to give your kitty a senior-friendly litterbox, one that is easy for her to get in and out of. It's not uncommon for pets to develop issues with their vision or hearing as they get older. Keep lights or nightlights on after dark. It's also best to keep older cats indoors, for their own protection.

Be sure to take your kitty to your vet clinic Louisville, KY regularly for exams. This can be absolutely crucial! The earlier a condition is diagnosed and treated, the better the odds of a good outcome.  More tips can be found at your Evergreen Animal Hospital [KY].

Taking Your Dog For Car Rides


Does your pup get excited when you pick up your car keys? Many of our canine companions love to go for rides. That's one of the good things about having a dog: you have a buddy that will always be happy to accompany you to various places.

Safety is key here. It's always best to keep your furry friend in his crate for travel. Even if your pet is well-behaved in the car, letting him loose is risky. He won't have any protection in case of an accident, and could jostle you while you’re driving.

It's also a bad idea to let your dog ride around with his head out the window. Your pup could get insects, dust, or debris in his eyes. This can also cause ear problems, which can become very dangerous. Dogs can also get thrown from cars, or step on a power window control and choke themselves. 

Your vet Louisville, KY can give you more information about keeping your furry companion happy, healthy, and safe.

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Some Bad Habits Of Chinchillas

Chinchillas may learn to socialize with people, primarily if they receive proper handling at a young age. Nonetheless, the danger that a pet chinchilla develops an anti-social attitude is possible if it has had a negative encounter with people or has had limited opportunity to engage with them. Below are just a few of the undesirable behaviors they may exhibit that you should watch out for if you are planning to get a pet chinchilla or recently just had one.

Spraying urine

Female chinchillas with a lot of extra energy would frequently spray their pee. They can hit a person, a thing, or another animal with their pee spray from a few feet away. Chinchillas will also spray their urine if subjected to environmental stresses or threats.


Chinchillas express their love or even approval to humans by "biting". However, please note that they may also vigorously bite when they feel fear or stressed.

If you have any worries or questions regarding your pet's behavior, consult your veterinarians Louisville, KY as soon as possible.

Saturday 16 October 2021

Care Tips For Pet Chinchillas

Many people now share their lives and homes with a pet chinchilla or two. These furry pets are simply adorable but they tend to emit a distinct odor that bothers their owners even when they have been de-scented. However, frequent cage cleaning and placing the cage in a well-ventilated area of the house can help significantly decrease the odor. 

Chinchillas have an extremely dense fur coat where fleas, lice, and other parasites would thrive. Thus, your pet would benefit from regular grooming using the right grooming tools. Hygiene and sanitation should always be observed. 

Like other pets, chinchillas can develop unpleasant and aggressive behaviors especially when they are exposed to stressors, such as when there is overcrowding in the cage. This could result in aggression in the form of gnawing or chomping at others’ fur or even their own.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your pet hospital Louisville KY, the Evergreen Animal Hospital.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Rotating Ears in Cats Like the American Curl

Have you ever owned an American Curl or other breed of feline? Have you ever noticed the distinct shape and size of the ears? A cat’s ears can actually rotate 180 degrees. If you watch your cat long enough you may catch a glimpse of the ears turning. It may seem a little odd or even creepy to know your cats ears can turn like this, but it’s actually part of their nature and even a form of communicating. A cat’s ears are made up of three parts, which are the external ears, the middle ears, and the inner ears. If you’ve seen your cat moving her ears in odd directions or angles then you’ve seen the outer or external ear at work. This is the portion of the ear that can move easily. Experts say it works similar to a funnel by moving sound towards the middle and inner ear. For more call your vets Louisville, KY. Visit this website for additional advice.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Do Not Feed Your Aegean Garlic or Onions

Most owners probably won’t purposefully feed their Aegean or other feline friend garlic and onions intentionally. However, you never know when your cat is going to decide to hang out with you in the kitchen and wait for the perfect moment to still some of your cooking ingredients. Garlic, onions, scallions, etc. contain toxins that can damage a cat’s red blood cells if large quantities are ingested. It may be rare for your Aegean to eat enough to do any damage, but be aware that these compounds can also be found in softer forms like onion soup mix or garlic powder. Exposure to these can also put cats at risk to toxicosis. Symptoms such as weakness or dark urine may not occur until three to five days later. If your Aegean has eaten any of the items mentioned or is showing symptoms please call your vets Louisville KY.

The Rotating Ears of Cats Like the Maine Coon

Cats like the Maine Coon and other breeds can rotate their ears 180 degrees. If you watch your cat long enough you may catch a glimpse of the ears turning. It may seem a little odd or even creepy to know your cats ears can turn like this, but it’s actually part of their nature and even a form of communicating. A cat’s ears are made up of three parts, which are the external ears, the middle ears, and the inner ears. If you’ve seen your Maine Coon moving her ears in odd directions or angles then you’ve seen the outer or external ear at work. This is the portion of the ear that can move easily. Experts say it works similar to a funnel in that it moves sound towards the middle and inner ear. Rotating ears helps cats pinpoint location of sounds. Learn more from your vet Louisville, KY.