Showing posts with label vet Louisville KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Louisville KY. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Do Cats Develop Adverse Effects Of Vaccination?

Vaccinations are necessary for animals like they are for humans. Why? These vaccines give living beings a certain amount of protection against some diseases. This case is true also in cats. Cats are animals used in the wild. Since they are used to this kind of living environment and lifestyle, you may think they go on with their lives without the need for vaccinations.

You may be wrong. Cats still need vaccines against illnesses that may worsen when left unattended or untreated. But as a fur parent, you may hesitate to have your cat vaccinated. You may think you are putting your cat at risk of side effects. In humans, vaccinations incur some side effects. Is this applicable to cats? Experts say that cats may also experience adverse reactions to vaccines, but this case is very minimal. Only around half of one percent experience side effects. The common negative reactions toward vaccinations are as follows:

● Lethargy

● Transient fever

● Local inflammation

In about one in 10,000 vaccines, a cat may suffer from anaphylaxis or death. But this condition is infrequent. You may have heard of sarcoma. This disease may be related to vaccines as it occurs due to anaphylactic reactions. Sarcoma is a type of cancer that gradually grows but may become aggressive at the injection areas. You may closely coordinate with your vet Louisville, KY about this matter and must monitor your cat’s injection spots after vaccination.


Tuesday 16 August 2022

Personality Of Deutscher Wachtelhund Dogs

The Deutscher Wachtel is a natural in trail seeking and hunting and has too much energy to spare. Although they seek outdoor activities, these dogs also crave human attention. When hunting, these dogs are assertive and tenacious, but they're also sociable and relaxed cuddle buddies at home. Calmness and confidence are needed when training this breed to let them know who's in charge.

Despite their friendliness, they also bark upon seeing an approaching stranger. But just because they are not yappy doesn't mean there won't be times they'll bark a lot. Although most of them are owned by hunters/foresters, these dogs make excellent companions to anyone.

Despite their excellent personality, Wachtelhunds are prone to developing separation anxiety, especially if you leave them alone for too long. Their high prey drive also doesn't make them trustworthy companions around smaller animals at home.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Louisville, KY

Thursday 11 August 2022

The English Cocker Spaniel


English Cocker Spaniels are distinguished by their medium size, long ears, and cheerfulness. They used to hunt birds— including woodcocks— in England, thus their name "Cocker." English Cockers grow up to be excellent companions if given enough exercise. With their affectionate and highly adaptable personality, this breed makes perfect dogs for apartment dwellers.

You may be wondering what makes English Cokers different from Cocker Spaniels. Well, actually, these two used breeds to be identified as the same. However, around the 1930s, they were classified into separate breeds, following the concern that American Cockers are actually different from the English ones.

For one, English Cockers have a larger body than the Americans. In addition, their body types are also different. Lastly, English Cockers tend to enjoy spending time outdoors with their Field Spaniel, Welsh, and English Springer Spaniel cousins much more than the American Cockers do. Your local veterinarian Evergreen Animal Hospital KY can provide you more information.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Do Cats Need Baths?

A cat consumes hours every day luxuriously grooming itself in its routine. But sometimes, you may wonder if your cat needs a bath. Veterinarians do not recommend showering pet cats, but there are instances when bathing your cat is necessary.

If you have a cat that spends mostly outdoors, you should bathe it if got sprayed by a skunk. Sometimes, your cat may roll into something stinky or go through sharp bushes and shrubs that leave a lot of debris in the hair. Your cat may also develop a skin infection from what it gathered outside. You also need to clean your cat if it has acquired parasites.

If you have an indoor cat, you must bathe it if it has fallen on or touched something, for example, liquid, paint, cleaning materials or soil from potted plants. Your cat likes hiding and may have found a very dusty hiding place. As such, you should bathe it. It is also best to wash your pet if your cat has grown a skin illness from what it has ingested.

Your vet Louisville, KY is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

‘Bonnetting’ Trees To Keep Your Cat Safe


Keeping your cat indoors is essential for her safety and security. But, understand that your beloved feline needs to go outside once in a while to satisfy her other needs, such as to hunt, climb, or play.

So how can you keep your cat safe as you allow her to go outside your garden or backyard?

Fencing is the ideal thing you must install within your backyard. A good fence will keep your cat from going beyond the safe zone. However, there may be a case in which there are uneven grounds or a perimeter tree that blocks the way of the fence.

If this is the case in your home, you may employ bonnetting. What is this process? This involves giving a perimeter tree what you call an Elizabethan collar. Bonetting is accomplished with the following steps:

  • Trim the tree down to 1.8 meters or 6 feet.
  • Secure the tree by horizontally attaching a wire mesh to it.
  • Attach a wire mesh down to the lowest branches to prevent your cat from climbing.
  • Attach a loop of wire surrounding the trunk.
  • Attach another loop around 1 meter out to the same branches.
  • Stretch the mesh between the loops, attaching it to the supporting branches.
  • Finally attach the bonnet to the wiring of the fence.
  • If you reside in an area where tree conversation occurs, better consult first with the local planning department if you can trim up the tree in your backyard.

Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal hospital Louisville, KY for information. 

Monday 6 June 2022

Grooming Your Bedlington Terrier’s Hair Coat

Unlike most Terriers, a Bedlingtons's coat doesn't need stripping. Weekly brushing is necessary, though. You may bring them to professional groomers for lamp clips, but you can also do it yourself by learning from the breeder. You can scissor the hairs on the face, too. Nail care and dental hygiene are also necessary. Toothbrushing must be done 2-3 times per week, but daily brushing is even better to avoid bad breath and gum issues.

Trim their nails 2-3 times every month or when they already click on your floor. Keeping the nails short and well-trimmed doesn't just keep their feet healthy, but it protects you from scratches during your bonding moments, too. Get your dog used to brushing and examination at a young age by touching and examining them frequently. Use praises and rewards to make vet sessions easier when they become adults.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, KY

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Tips For Dealing With Important Pet Issues In A Multi-Cat Household


Owning one cat is already a struggle for some. Taking care of a group of cats is an entirely different ballgame. But if you have a lot of patience and if your wallet can take hits, you're in for a fun adventure. Aside from emptying multiple litter boxes daily, you'd also need to feed your cats food that will meet their nutritional requirements.

Invest in several feeding bowls -- one for each cat. There are dominant and submissive felines. If you let more than one cat use the same bowl during mealtimes, the more aggressive ones in the group are likely to eat more than their fair share. And then you'll have two groups of cats -- the overweight and the malnourished. What's worse than trying to resolve these cat problems? Knowing you could have avoided the struggle.

Round cats or fat cats are more common in households with several feline pets. It indicates that the imbalance often goes unnoticed if not downright ignored by their humans. Of course, there are times when obesity and malnutrition are the results of other conditions. At this point, a consultation with your veterinarian Louisville, KY is in order. Visit their site to know more.

Friday 11 March 2022

Children And Pocket Pets


As you may know, it's very common for people to choose pocket pets for their children's first pet. There are good reasons for this. Tiny pets, such as gerbils and hamsters, are small, quiet, inexpensive, and easy to care for. They also don't need a lot of room, and don't require training. Plus, they're cute!

It is important to remember that these little guys are very fragile. If your child is still quite young, you'll need to supervise the pet's care, as well as any interactions. It's a good idea to have your little one sit or kneel to hold their pet. That way, if their furry pal jumps (or accidentally gets dropped) they won't fall very far.

Before adopting any pet, do lots of research. Every type of pet has their own specific care needs. Don't adopt unless you're dedicated to offering great TLC!

To learn more about how to properly care for one of these little animals, reach out to your veterinarians Louisville, KY. Make an appointment today!

Friday 10 September 2021

Keeping Your Dog's Paws Well-Moisturized


One of the accessories you can get for your dog is the dog paw balm. This is a moisturizer that keeps the paw hydrated. The good news is that the balm is safe for dogs.

Using a moisturizer on your dog is useful especially when it is snowing or when the sun is at its hottest. You want to protect the dog’s paw from these extreme temperatures.

Experts do not advise using a lotion to moisturize the dog’s paws. After all, the lotion is not formulated for dogs. Lotions also contain toxic materials not suited for dogs.

You can put some moisturizer on the dog’s paws as soon as you see any signs of cracks or when the skin is beginning to get dry. It would also help to discuss with the vet before you use the balm on your pet.

Another way to protect your dog’s paw from extreme temperature is by giving your dog some booties or shoes.

If you have concerns about your pet health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, KY.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Owning Multiple Gerbils Like the Burmese

Gerbils are usually social creatures. Many gerbils not only enjoy the company of other gerbils, but they also enjoy interaction with people. Some experts have suggested that if you, as the owner, cannot spend much time with the gerbil then you should consider buying a pair. Having a pair of Burmese gerbils will be a great benefit for the animals. Not only will they keep each other company, but they will also play together, groom each other, and snuggle up and sleep together. They also comfort one another especially if one gets scared or becomes anxious. If you are going to adopt a pair it is recommended that you adopt two males or two females. You can adopt a male and female, but make sure you can handle the babies to follow. Click here to learn more from your vet Louisville, KY.

Tuesday 2 March 2021

The Rotating Ears of Cats Like the Maine Coon

Cats like the Maine Coon and other breeds can rotate their ears 180 degrees. If you watch your cat long enough you may catch a glimpse of the ears turning. It may seem a little odd or even creepy to know your cats ears can turn like this, but it’s actually part of their nature and even a form of communicating. A cat’s ears are made up of three parts, which are the external ears, the middle ears, and the inner ears. If you’ve seen your Maine Coon moving her ears in odd directions or angles then you’ve seen the outer or external ear at work. This is the portion of the ear that can move easily. Experts say it works similar to a funnel in that it moves sound towards the middle and inner ear. Rotating ears helps cats pinpoint location of sounds. Learn more from your vet Louisville, KY.

Sunday 10 January 2021

Hyperthyroidism in Cats


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder that can affect felines, especially senior cats. It occurs when the thyroid gland is enlarged and releases too many hormones. The enlargement of the thyroid can be due to tumor growth, which can be benign or malignant. Hyperthyroidism symptoms include weight loss, hyperactivity, increased appetite, increased water intake, and increased urine output. Cats with hyperthyroidism usually have an unkempt appearance. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism involves a physical check of the neck area for thyroid enlargement and blood tests to confirm the hormone levels. There are treatments available for hyperthyroidism in cats, including medications to regulate the release of thyroid hormones and the surgical removal of the thyroid. Another is radioactive iodine therapy which involves the one-time injection of radioactive iodine that targets abnormal thyroid tissues. Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. It is best to always discuss first with a vet Louisville, KY the available treatment most suitable for your pet cat’s hyperthyroidism. Visit their profile to know more.

Saturday 9 January 2021

Why Cats Gag


Cats’ senses are generally more sensitive compared to humans therefore anything with strong smell and undesirable taste can make them gag, but accidentally ingesting something toxic and other issues can also cause them to gag. 

Listed below are some of the factors that may cause a gagging reflex: 

●Cigarettes or vape

Cigarette smoke and ashes can stick to their fur and can be ingested while they are grooming themselves. Chemicals and additives from vapes become airborne and can also stick to their fur. 

●Scented cat litter or cat litter box liners

Some avoid using scented litter products to avoid such problems. 

●Laundry products

Almost all types of laundry detergent and soaps have strong scents of perfumes that can linger around for a long time on your clothes, bedsheets, curtains, and cushion covers. This smell can overpower your cats’ sensitive sense of smell that can cause them to gag and sneeze. 

Frequent episodes of gagging must warrant a visit to your vet clinic Louisville KY.