Sunday 10 January 2021

Hyperthyroidism in Cats


Hyperthyroidism is a hormonal disorder that can affect felines, especially senior cats. It occurs when the thyroid gland is enlarged and releases too many hormones. The enlargement of the thyroid can be due to tumor growth, which can be benign or malignant. Hyperthyroidism symptoms include weight loss, hyperactivity, increased appetite, increased water intake, and increased urine output. Cats with hyperthyroidism usually have an unkempt appearance. Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism involves a physical check of the neck area for thyroid enlargement and blood tests to confirm the hormone levels. There are treatments available for hyperthyroidism in cats, including medications to regulate the release of thyroid hormones and the surgical removal of the thyroid. Another is radioactive iodine therapy which involves the one-time injection of radioactive iodine that targets abnormal thyroid tissues. Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages. It is best to always discuss first with a vet Louisville, KY the available treatment most suitable for your pet cat’s hyperthyroidism. Visit their profile to know more.

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