Friday 8 January 2021

Exotic Pets Suitable For Apartment Living

animal hospital Bucks County PA

If you live in an apartment, it means that there is a limited space to move around and much less to house an exotic pet. That does not mean that you cannot keep one. There are exotic pets that do not require much space and can thrive in cramped and small spaces. Exotic pets, unlike dogs, do not need much physical exercise or walks around the park. The first thing to do if you want to take home one is to ask for the permission of your building manager or your landlord then check for clauses in your contract that allow or prohibit pets in your living space. Here are some of the well-known exotic pets that can thrive in apartments:


Ferrets are very social in that they enjoy playing with humans as well as other ferrets. They are nocturnal beings who sleep during the day and stay up and active at night. They can also be trained to use litter boxes. For them to thrive, they should have a cage that is spacious enough for them to perform their natural habits. You must make sure that you ferret-proof the room so that when they spend their time outside of the cage, they would not have any accidents or escape the room.


Hamsters need to learn how to be around people while they are young as it gets more difficult to do so when they grow older. The common hamster types that are kept as pets are dwarf and Syrian hamsters. Comparing the two, dwarf hamsters are more social than Syrian hamsters who are more solitary and require a cage of their own.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Bucks County, PA.

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