Tuesday 19 January 2021

When Severe Acne Occurs In Persian Cats


Persian cats can suffer from idiopathic facial pruritus, which is a severe form of acne. The cat affected with this acne will have a black waxy symmetrical pattern on the eye and chin area.

Fortunately, this condition can be treated. Excessive sebum has to be removed to prevent the formation of comedones (or blackheads) and the development of further bacterial infection.

For mild cases, the vet might recommend an antibacterial wash that contains chlorhexidine. However, if there is an infection, the vet might require some bacterial culture and sensitivity tests first. Antibiotic therapy or fungal medication could be recommended next. Your veterinarians Acupuncture might also prescribe steroids to be given for a few days to reduce the inflammation on the cat’s skin. Make sure to follow the vet's instructions on the dosage and frequency to ensure that the treatment will be successful.

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