Showing posts with label Veterinary hospital Louisville KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinary hospital Louisville KY. Show all posts

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Do Cats Lose Their Teeth?

The answer depends on how old your cat is. Like humans, felines go through different sets of teeth in their lifetime. These sets are known as kitten and adult cat teeth. If you need to know more about them, presented below are the relevant pieces of information.

After a few weeks after they are born, kittens begin to grow their “baby teeth.” These teeth are also known as deciduous or milk teeth. Do these teeth fall off as well like how human teeth go? Yes, the same process takes place.

At two to four weeks, kittens grow their small front teeth known as incisors. Subsequently (at five to six weeks of age), the large teeth at the back part of the mouth appear. Kittens develop a total of 26 baby teeth. Meanwhile, you may wonder at what age cats start to lose their baby teeth. When cats reach around four to seven months of age, they may begin losing their milk teeth to be replaced with permanent ones. Cats lose their teeth during play or mealtime. At this point, your cat should develop 30 permanent teeth.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Louisville, KY for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Care Tips For Puppies


When your pet is at his puppy stage, he will be undergoing more mental and physical changes compared to other points in his lifetime.  A lot will be happening rapidly, so it will be important that you pay attention to the things below so that your puppy grows up to become a confident, well-balanced, and friendly dog.

Socialization.  Try exposing your puppy to things that he might do or see when he becomes an adult dog.  Gradually exposing your pet to various kinds of environments, people, and animals are needed.  You also need to keep your puppy around your family and inside your home.  Ensure that all experiences are pleasant because negative experiences could traumatize your pet throughout his life.

Training.  Begin training as soon as you welcome your puppy home.  Do not let your pet do anything that he will not be allowed to do once he becomes an adult dog.  Understand that as a puppy, he will investigate his environment to learn, so be sure that your home is puppy-proof.

Nutrition.  Puppies need specialized nutrition so that they can grow into healthy adults.  Offering your pet top-quality puppy food rich in nutrients is the recommendation.

Handling.  The important thing is to ensure that your puppy is comfortable with touch.  This is so problems later in his life are avoided, such as incidents in pet clinics or the groomers.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. You can find more information by visiting their homepage

Is Your Cat A Finicky Eater?


Cats can be picky when it comes to food choices. But if it is refusing to eat anything, including the food it enjoys the most, it needs help. At the very least, it has an appetite problem. Of course, the loss of appetite could be a symptom of something else. But you won't know for sure until your vet makes a diagnosis.

Try to spend more time with your cat. Some animals like to have their owner's company while they eat, possibly because they feel safer with someone watching over them. After all, when focusing on food, one is less likely to notice any imminent threat, imagined or not.

Try not to force-feed your pet because it will associate the experience with the food itself. And the next time you offer it to the cat, it can trigger unpleasant memories. If your gentle attempts to get your pet to eat aren't working, it’s time to make an appointment with a professional vet clinic Louisville KY.

Tips For Dealing With Important Pet Issues In A Multi-Cat Household


Owning one cat is already a struggle for some. Taking care of a group of cats is an entirely different ballgame. But if you have a lot of patience and if your wallet can take hits, you're in for a fun adventure. Aside from emptying multiple litter boxes daily, you'd also need to feed your cats food that will meet their nutritional requirements.

Invest in several feeding bowls -- one for each cat. There are dominant and submissive felines. If you let more than one cat use the same bowl during mealtimes, the more aggressive ones in the group are likely to eat more than their fair share. And then you'll have two groups of cats -- the overweight and the malnourished. What's worse than trying to resolve these cat problems? Knowing you could have avoided the struggle.

Round cats or fat cats are more common in households with several feline pets. It indicates that the imbalance often goes unnoticed if not downright ignored by their humans. Of course, there are times when obesity and malnutrition are the results of other conditions. At this point, a consultation with your veterinarian Louisville, KY is in order. Visit their site to know more.

Tuesday 19 April 2022

How To Limit Excessive Shedding In Dogs


Does your dog shed too much? Does this badly affect his daily life and yours? It is probably high time to do something about it and not just waste your time cleaning all hair strands that fall off from your dog.

What can you do? Consider the following preventive measures that can assist your dog in limiting or controlling his shedding.

  • Regularly brush your dog’s fur (generally three times a day, depending on the breed of your pup). Ensure that you have the right tools in doing this. Ask your vet for a recommended brush type for your dog. Brushing the hair of your dog will loosen the strands. In addition, brushing will stimulate your pup’s follicles for a smoother and shinier look.
  • Address your pup’s flea infestation or allergic reactions. Doing so will stop him from scratching himself very often. Note that scratching increases the quantity of hair he sheds daily.
  • Bathe your dog with a special type of shampoo to keep his fur coat shiny and healthy.

Excessive hair loss or other skin and hair coat issues should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Louisville KY.

Monday 18 April 2022

Should My Dog Sleep In My Bed? – Consider Your Health


If you let your dog sleep on the bed with you without any issues, then this might be good.  There is research that shows that almost 50 percent of pet dogs sleep on their owner’s beds with them, indicating this is something popular.

Some people could have allergic reactions to dogs.  Extended close quarters contact with dogs would mean exposure to the pet dander, resulting in respiratory distress.  But there are times when people who have no dog allergies would exhibit allergy symptoms when allowing their pets to rest and sleep on the bed with them.  When a dog goes outdoors, pollen and dust could get onto their fur, exacerbating their owner’s allergies, leaving around pollen and dander.

Wiping your pet using a moist towel before allowing him indoors can be a good everyday routine that helps minimize the levels of outdoor dust and pollen brought inside.  Giving your dog a bath, using home HEPA filters, and washing bed linens often will help in reducing exposure to these allergens too, letting your dog join you on your bed.

Your veterinarian Louisville, KY can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet. Visit their site to know more.

Friday 1 April 2022

Relationships And Cognition In Cats


Some people think that cats are snob animals and do not enjoy being with humans. Most people believe that cats that have been domesticated are those who tend to spend more time alone.

However, this is not true. Cats have good social cognition. Some people just misunderstand felines because they are not given a chance to prove themselves. Experts have studied cat behavior, and here are some of their findings:

      Cats are brilliant. Especially those that are domesticated, cats apply their predatory skills in their everyday life.

      Cats have strong and sensitive senses. These animals can detect movements and danger and can therefore prepare early.

You may not observe these skills among your felines, but they sure are special in their ways. Just give them a chance to prove themselves and be part of your exciting life. Be that supportive fur parent your cats deserve.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit their website to know more about their services.

How To Determine If Your Cat Is Fat Or Just Fluffy


Cats' sizes and shapes are different from each other. Thus, it can get confusing to determine whether your fur baby is overweight or she's only larger than average. Here are ways to do it.

●Touch your cat, and if you can easily feel her ribs, she's not obese.

●Short-haired cats' ribs mustn't be visible, but you must feel it when you touch that part.

●Look down at her. You're not supposed to spot what seems to be a waist where her body narrows before her hind legs.

●Look on the side. Her abdomen must slightly tuck up in front of her back legs. Many felines have these flank skin folds hanging down, but these mustn't sway while the cats walk.

It may be true that most cats enjoy the day eating kibbles. Nevertheless, following a planned meal is better than putting her under a free-feeding diet plan.

Work with your veterinarian Louisville, KY in creating a weight loss program for your pet. Read more here.

Poor Hygiene Is An Important Predisposing Factor Of Illness In Pocket Pets


Poor hygiene is one of the top factors of many pocket pets' illnesses. For instance, seldom cage cleaning may damage your pet's respiratory passage. It's because ammonia builds up from urine. Then, your pet inhales the respiratory passage-damaging ammonia. With a damaged breathing passage, the animal becomes more likely to acquire health problems. Follow these hygiene tips to avoid this:


●Clean your pets' cage or enclosure daily to eliminate leftover food and waste materials.

●Keep your pets' shelters dry and clean.

●Use mild bleach in washing the cages. Dry the enclosures thoroughly before adding new layers of pet bedding.

●You may place a towel-wrapped heating pad under the cage to keep your pets warm during cold weather. Just be sure that you set the heat pad to "low."


If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Louisville, KY.