Tuesday 8 November 2022

Do Cats Lose Their Teeth?

The answer depends on how old your cat is. Like humans, felines go through different sets of teeth in their lifetime. These sets are known as kitten and adult cat teeth. If you need to know more about them, presented below are the relevant pieces of information.

After a few weeks after they are born, kittens begin to grow their “baby teeth.” These teeth are also known as deciduous or milk teeth. Do these teeth fall off as well like how human teeth go? Yes, the same process takes place.

At two to four weeks, kittens grow their small front teeth known as incisors. Subsequently (at five to six weeks of age), the large teeth at the back part of the mouth appear. Kittens develop a total of 26 baby teeth. Meanwhile, you may wonder at what age cats start to lose their baby teeth. When cats reach around four to seven months of age, they may begin losing their milk teeth to be replaced with permanent ones. Cats lose their teeth during play or mealtime. At this point, your cat should develop 30 permanent teeth.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Louisville, KY for your pet’s health and dental checks.

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