Friday 11 November 2022

How Often Should My Cat Receive Booster Shots?

The answer to this question varies as it depends on several conditions and factors. The previous years saw the annual administration of booster shots of certain vaccines on cats. However, recent studies determined that this practice may no longer be applicable and beneficial. Why? Some cats may not need the annual shot. Again, it depends on numerous factors, including the following: 

       Type of vaccine

       Health status of the pet

       The lifestyle of the pet 

Understand that some vaccines (i.e., viral vaccines) your cat may have been given have at least three-year protection. So an annual booster shot is no longer necessary. However, some vaccines like bacterial ones must be given yearly to reinforce the immunity of pets to fight off the disease.

 Experts of today recommend the following:

       Adult cats to receive a series of full booster shots

       Low-risk felines (indoor only) can receive booster shots every three years

       Cats may receive their booster shots for non-core vaccines (i.e., chlamydia, feline infectious peritonitis, and Bordetella) depending on the go signal of the vet after the conduct of an antibody titer exam 

Consult your vets Newmarket, ON about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

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