Showing posts with label vets newmarket on. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets newmarket on. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Personality Of The Norwegian Elkhound

Norwegian Elkhounds are independent thinkers and extroverted clowns. They prefer to be where the action is, and they tend to think that they're not under your command. With that, training can be difficult when it comes to this breed due to their independence. But with consistency and firmness, they may eventually get it. Without firmness, though, they may take over their owner. Despite the need for consistency, be sure to avoid using harsh methods in training— it won't work. 

These highly devoted pups are protective but aren't necessarily possessive of their people. These pups are generally loyal, attached, and happiest when they get lots of interaction and attention from their owners. Although they're naturally watchdogs, Norwegian Elkhounds aren't aggressive. Still, their barks can provide some sort of safety in case there's an intruder. 

This breed can be quite a barker, so consider this before taking them home. While this behavior can be trained out, it's important to take note that this isn't the norm when it comes to this breed. 

Make an appointment with vets Newmarket, ON if you have any concerns about your pet’s behavior.

Friday 11 November 2022

How Often Should My Cat Receive Booster Shots?

The answer to this question varies as it depends on several conditions and factors. The previous years saw the annual administration of booster shots of certain vaccines on cats. However, recent studies determined that this practice may no longer be applicable and beneficial. Why? Some cats may not need the annual shot. Again, it depends on numerous factors, including the following: 

       Type of vaccine

       Health status of the pet

       The lifestyle of the pet 

Understand that some vaccines (i.e., viral vaccines) your cat may have been given have at least three-year protection. So an annual booster shot is no longer necessary. However, some vaccines like bacterial ones must be given yearly to reinforce the immunity of pets to fight off the disease.

 Experts of today recommend the following:

       Adult cats to receive a series of full booster shots

       Low-risk felines (indoor only) can receive booster shots every three years

       Cats may receive their booster shots for non-core vaccines (i.e., chlamydia, feline infectious peritonitis, and Bordetella) depending on the go signal of the vet after the conduct of an antibody titer exam 

Consult your vets Newmarket, ON about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Monday 5 October 2020

Why Cats Commit Potty Problems


Cat parents usually have a hard time litter training their fur babies. Cats usually commit potty accidents and as a cat parent, it is inconvenient to clean up time after time. However, there are instances wherein cats avoid their litter box and owners should deal with it at the root of the problem to address it adequately.

There are several reasons that your cats may avoid his/her litter box:

The number of litter boxes available is insufficient
The living space is unsatisfactory and too cramped
Dominant cats bully those who are submissive by not allowing them to use the shared litter box
Spray marking in intact cats (male or female)
Litter boxes with covers
Indoor cats can sense that cats are roaming outside the house
Your cat is stressed

A change in your pet’s elimination and/or urination habits should warrant a visit to your veterinarian  Newmarket ON.

Wednesday 8 July 2020

Attention-Seeking Behaviors In Cats

Cats display various behaviors just to get the attention of their owners. If you spend regular time playing and interacting with your furball, you will be able to distinguish attention-seeking behaviors from those that indicate illness or anxiety.


When your cat meowing sounds alarming and distraught, it might be due to some health problems such as pain, hunger, thirst, and other issues. A visit to a veterinary clinic is highly recommended.

Attention-seeking behaviors

Cats also like to have some company even if they are less friendly than dogs. They will annoy you with their wailing and inviting you to play with him. Some cats also tend to meow louder if their owners appear to ignore them. While attention-seeking behaviors might seem cute, reinforcing them can lead to headaches down the road. A cat that is used to getting his way can develop undesirable habits that may become a challenge to get rid of. 

Sudden changes in your pet’s behavior should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Newmarket ON.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Cleaning Your Cat’s Teeth

Cleaning your cat’s teeth can help prevent your cat from developing gingivitis and other gum diseases. In fact, it’s recommended that you brush your cat’s teeth at least two times a week if not lightly every day. How do you go about this? You can use a cat friendly toothpaste recommended by your vet, apply it to a child size toothbrush or a cat toothbrush from your vet, then lightly brush at or wipe over your cat’s teeth. If your cat doesn’t let you do this, you can also feed her crunchy cat food along with crunchy dental treats. This can help naturally breakdown the plaque and tartar on your cat’s teeth and give her fresh breath. One of the first signs of gum disease is bad breath. If your cat has extremely bad breath give your vet clinic New Market, ON a call and schedule an exam. You can read more about taking care of your cat’s teeth by clicking here.

Thursday 8 August 2019

Picking Up Your Dog

vet Newmarket, ON

You need to learn how to pick up your dog without injuring him. Wait until he is calm and won’t wiggle away unless there is an emergency. To pick up a small dog, start place one hand under his chest as you support his rear end with the other hand and forearm. If your dog is larger, use your entire arm rather than just the hands to lift him from underneath. Avoiding injuring your back by bending your knees to lift your dog and pick him up if you can manage his weight. You can better support your dog by holding him close to your body. Never pick up your dog by a limb, his tailor the scruff of his neck. Don’t pick up your dog as you would a small child by his front legs. You could injure your dog using these methods. Contact your vet Newmarket, ON to learn more.