Showing posts with label vet clinic Louisville KY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic Louisville KY. Show all posts

Sunday 16 April 2023

Training Needs Of Irish Setter Puppies

Irish Setters have a docile temperament, but they’re inquisitive and mischievous. These traits may be your challenges in training them. These dogs can easily get distracted by other interesting things they encounter or see. For this reason, be firm and consistent as a trainer. Let them feel and understand you’re the alpha of the household. These dogs should take commands from you. Are you still looking for other tips in training Irish Setters? Here are some of them:

  • Be consistent and firm without using physical force or anger. Use positive reinforcements like food rewards or praise.

  • Always prepare interesting and fun activities for the Irish Setters.  As much as possible, don’t repeat the activities you give them.

  • Administer crate training when Irish Setters are still puppies. This strategy will expose them to good behavior as early as possible. 

  • Prepare a training schedule and keep up with it. 

  • Be aware and sensitive about the needs of the dogs. Don’t overdo things, and always have patience.  

Make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccines are up to date before outdoor excursions. Call your animal clinic Louisville, KY for information.

Friday 17 February 2023

Rats Make Smart Pets

Not everyone knows, but rats are intelligent creatures. Even though they are small, they overpower dogs in terms of intelligence. They are also curious and intuitive, often leading them to explore their environment. Aside from these, they are also appreciative. They appreciate small gestures from their owners. You can spend five minutes with your rat, and he will be happy. However, the required time to bond together should be 20 minutes or more. They love attention and will likely participate in whatever activity you have planned.

Another fact that you should know about rats is their chewing habits. Since they are rodents, it's common for them to chew often. They chew not only to process food but also to tear down their constantly growing teeth. Beware of whatever you put inside your rat's cage. Rats chew almost everything they see. Instead of discouraging your pet from this natural habit, provide him with chewable toys. This way, you'll be able to help him maintain his teeth.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit website to know more.

Thursday 11 August 2022

Personality Of Russian Blue Cats


Displaying a quiet, shy, and patient personality are the Russian Blue cats that can be your family’s gentle pets. For this reason, many households have taken in Russian Blues as an addition to their beautiful families. 

The Russian Blues are perfect for families with kids and domestic pets such as dogs. They are patient and can adapt to the active behavior of young children. They do not easily get mad as long as they feel loved and respected. However, these cats may not happily welcome your home guests or visitors. The Russian Blues are loyal to their humans, and they take time to get to know new people.

Understand that these felines are active and playful although shy and quiet. They have this energetic side they need to express through jumping on high surfaces, climbing on cat trees, and exploring around your home. Ensure to spend time with these cats who do not like being left alone – they want to feel accepted and loved by the family. Contact your professional pet clinic Louisville KY.

Tuesday 3 May 2022

Care Tips For Puppies


When your pet is at his puppy stage, he will be undergoing more mental and physical changes compared to other points in his lifetime.  A lot will be happening rapidly, so it will be important that you pay attention to the things below so that your puppy grows up to become a confident, well-balanced, and friendly dog.

Socialization.  Try exposing your puppy to things that he might do or see when he becomes an adult dog.  Gradually exposing your pet to various kinds of environments, people, and animals are needed.  You also need to keep your puppy around your family and inside your home.  Ensure that all experiences are pleasant because negative experiences could traumatize your pet throughout his life.

Training.  Begin training as soon as you welcome your puppy home.  Do not let your pet do anything that he will not be allowed to do once he becomes an adult dog.  Understand that as a puppy, he will investigate his environment to learn, so be sure that your home is puppy-proof.

Nutrition.  Puppies need specialized nutrition so that they can grow into healthy adults.  Offering your pet top-quality puppy food rich in nutrients is the recommendation.

Handling.  The important thing is to ensure that your puppy is comfortable with touch.  This is so problems later in his life are avoided, such as incidents in pet clinics or the groomers.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. You can find more information by visiting their homepage

Is Your Cat A Finicky Eater?


Cats can be picky when it comes to food choices. But if it is refusing to eat anything, including the food it enjoys the most, it needs help. At the very least, it has an appetite problem. Of course, the loss of appetite could be a symptom of something else. But you won't know for sure until your vet makes a diagnosis.

Try to spend more time with your cat. Some animals like to have their owner's company while they eat, possibly because they feel safer with someone watching over them. After all, when focusing on food, one is less likely to notice any imminent threat, imagined or not.

Try not to force-feed your pet because it will associate the experience with the food itself. And the next time you offer it to the cat, it can trigger unpleasant memories. If your gentle attempts to get your pet to eat aren't working, it’s time to make an appointment with a professional vet clinic Louisville KY.

Monday 18 April 2022

Should My Dog Sleep In My Bed? – Consider Your Health


If you let your dog sleep on the bed with you without any issues, then this might be good.  There is research that shows that almost 50 percent of pet dogs sleep on their owner’s beds with them, indicating this is something popular.

Some people could have allergic reactions to dogs.  Extended close quarters contact with dogs would mean exposure to the pet dander, resulting in respiratory distress.  But there are times when people who have no dog allergies would exhibit allergy symptoms when allowing their pets to rest and sleep on the bed with them.  When a dog goes outdoors, pollen and dust could get onto their fur, exacerbating their owner’s allergies, leaving around pollen and dander.

Wiping your pet using a moist towel before allowing him indoors can be a good everyday routine that helps minimize the levels of outdoor dust and pollen brought inside.  Giving your dog a bath, using home HEPA filters, and washing bed linens often will help in reducing exposure to these allergens too, letting your dog join you on your bed.

Your veterinarian Louisville, KY can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet. Visit their site to know more.

Friday 11 March 2022

Bringing Your Dog Home


Are you adopting a new dog? That first day is going to set the stage for your relationship with Fido, so it's important to take steps to ensure that it goes smoothly.

It's generally considered best practice to take your canine companion for a walk around the block before bringing him into his new home for the first time. This is important for a few reasons. For one thing, this allows your pup time to 'reset' and process the fact that he's left the shelter or his last residence. Fido will also be able to burn off any excess energy.  It also gives your dog a chance to get a feel for his new surroundings. That's really important, as your four-legged friend may feel uneasy if he's not really sure what's around him.

Finally, make Fido an appointment with your veterinary clinic Louisville, KY, for a full examination. Make an appointment today!

Caring For A Senior Cat


Is your cat in her senior years? If so, she's going to need some extra care. Just like people, cats get more fragile as they age, and become prone to various illnesses and medical conditions. These may include arthritis, diabetes, and hearing and vision loss, to name a few.

One thing that is very important is just making sure that your pet is comfortable. Setting out lots of soft beds will go a long way here. You may also want to give your kitty a senior-friendly litterbox, one that is easy for her to get in and out of. It's not uncommon for pets to develop issues with their vision or hearing as they get older. Keep lights or nightlights on after dark. It's also best to keep older cats indoors, for their own protection.

Be sure to take your kitty to your vet clinic Louisville, KY regularly for exams. This can be absolutely crucial! The earlier a condition is diagnosed and treated, the better the odds of a good outcome.  More tips can be found at your Evergreen Animal Hospital [KY].

Taking Your Dog For Car Rides


Does your pup get excited when you pick up your car keys? Many of our canine companions love to go for rides. That's one of the good things about having a dog: you have a buddy that will always be happy to accompany you to various places.

Safety is key here. It's always best to keep your furry friend in his crate for travel. Even if your pet is well-behaved in the car, letting him loose is risky. He won't have any protection in case of an accident, and could jostle you while you’re driving.

It's also a bad idea to let your dog ride around with his head out the window. Your pup could get insects, dust, or debris in his eyes. This can also cause ear problems, which can become very dangerous. Dogs can also get thrown from cars, or step on a power window control and choke themselves. 

Your vet Louisville, KY can give you more information about keeping your furry companion happy, healthy, and safe.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Owning Multiple Gerbils Like the Burmese

Gerbils are usually social creatures. Many gerbils not only enjoy the company of other gerbils, but they also enjoy interaction with people. Some experts have suggested that if you, as the owner, cannot spend much time with the gerbil then you should consider buying a pair. Having a pair of Burmese gerbils will be a great benefit for the animals. Not only will they keep each other company, but they will also play together, groom each other, and snuggle up and sleep together. They also comfort one another especially if one gets scared or becomes anxious. If you are going to adopt a pair it is recommended that you adopt two males or two females. You can adopt a male and female, but make sure you can handle the babies to follow. Click here to learn more from your vet Louisville, KY.

Thursday 25 March 2021

Paw Pads Of Dogs Are Prone To Injury

  Paw Pad Issues and Injuries in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis,  Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost

An injury to a dog’s paw pads could be inflicted by puncture wounds, blisters, burns, and lacerations.  Having awareness of the surface type your pet walks on when you have your outdoor trips is essential to the prevention of injuries to your pet’s paw pads.  Surfaces made of concrete are rough and store heat during hot weather.  Rougher surfaces like gravel, sand, and rock could also cause paw pad injury.  Dogs that injure their paw pads will limp and could often lick at that injured foot.  If the abrasion is mild, rinse the affected food under cool running water to make sure any dirt and debris are removed.  Then apply an antibacterial solution or ointment on the abrasion. You have the option of wrapping your pet’s paw with a vet wrap or ace bandage but keep that bandage or wrap dry and clean.  Changing the bandage daily may also be needed until such time that your pet’s food pad heals.  If the injury is worse than a wound that is superficial, then there may be a need to proceed to the nearest vet clinic Louisville KY.

Saturday 9 January 2021

Why Cats Gag


Cats’ senses are generally more sensitive compared to humans therefore anything with strong smell and undesirable taste can make them gag, but accidentally ingesting something toxic and other issues can also cause them to gag. 

Listed below are some of the factors that may cause a gagging reflex: 

●Cigarettes or vape

Cigarette smoke and ashes can stick to their fur and can be ingested while they are grooming themselves. Chemicals and additives from vapes become airborne and can also stick to their fur. 

●Scented cat litter or cat litter box liners

Some avoid using scented litter products to avoid such problems. 

●Laundry products

Almost all types of laundry detergent and soaps have strong scents of perfumes that can linger around for a long time on your clothes, bedsheets, curtains, and cushion covers. This smell can overpower your cats’ sensitive sense of smell that can cause them to gag and sneeze. 

Frequent episodes of gagging must warrant a visit to your vet clinic Louisville KY.