Friday 17 February 2023

Rats Make Smart Pets

Not everyone knows, but rats are intelligent creatures. Even though they are small, they overpower dogs in terms of intelligence. They are also curious and intuitive, often leading them to explore their environment. Aside from these, they are also appreciative. They appreciate small gestures from their owners. You can spend five minutes with your rat, and he will be happy. However, the required time to bond together should be 20 minutes or more. They love attention and will likely participate in whatever activity you have planned.

Another fact that you should know about rats is their chewing habits. Since they are rodents, it's common for them to chew often. They chew not only to process food but also to tear down their constantly growing teeth. Beware of whatever you put inside your rat's cage. Rats chew almost everything they see. Instead of discouraging your pet from this natural habit, provide him with chewable toys. This way, you'll be able to help him maintain his teeth.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Louisville, KY. Visit website to know more.

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