Friday, 24 February 2023

Choosing A Cat Food

Choosing the best cat food for your pet is one of the concerns many pet parents have. Of course, all you want is the perfect meal for your cat to ensure she is healthy and strong. It can be a little daunting at times as many pet foods in the market claim they are the best. 

But, the question is, what are the things that you have to look for when choosing the right cat food for your pet? To help you out, here are some tips you should follow: 

● A portion of food rich in protein.

● Low in starch and carbs.

● Recommended by the Association of American Feed Control Officers (AAFCO) 

You can check premium pet food that is mostly made out of chicken, tuna, beef, or turkey. Avoid food that just says “meat” or “meat by-product,” as it may not be very high quality.

Your vet Chesapeake, VA is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Thursday, 23 February 2023

Cat Breed Profile: Lykoi

Humans have developed many cat breeds through breeding. However, various cat breeds still came to life through natural mutation. One of these cats is the Lykoi, an energetic, intelligent, and affectionate feline. 

2016 is an essential year for Lykoi enthusiasts. This is the year when the International Cat Association recognized this breed. What does the name Lykoi mean? In Greek, it translates to wolves. 

Even though this cat's name was derived from the name of wolves, she does not have the same attitude as them. A wolf cannot live with kids, but a Lykoi can! She is an excellent addition to families with growing children. Her wolflike appearance is a pull factor in why kids love hanging out with her. 

However, even though she is good with handling kids, she will still need your help. You have to set boundaries, especially on the part of your children. This way, they will know the dos and don'ts when playing with her. You should also do the same if you have other pets at home. When new pets are not introduced to resident pets properly, there is a higher risk of starting on the wrong foot. 

Your vet Olympia, WA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.

Periodontal Disease In Dogs And Cats?

Periodontal diseases are diseases that affect the gums and teeth of your pet. The most common sign of this condition is bad breath. Often, dental care is overlooked by pet owners. Little do they know that when there is a problem in their pet's gums or teeth, their internal organs can also be affected. 

Bacteria is what causes periodontal diseases to develop. These bacteria often come from leftover food stuck between your pet's teeth. When her teeth are not brushed regularly, the leftover food and the bacteria will stay there until the end of time. Until such a time, the bacteria will form into dental plaques and tartar. Bacteria trapped below the gum line often cause infections and tooth damage. 

Periodontal diseases have a significant impact on the life of pets. It may begin only as bad breath, but eventually, the pain worsens. There might also come a time when your pet will stop eating because of it until she finally loses her teeth. The mouth is not the only part that can be affected. Since bacteria can travel through the bloodstream, the body's organs can also be affected. Start your pet's dental care routine as soon as possible before it's even too late. 

A good home dental regimen and regular dental checks with your pet clinic Tumwater, WA can help protect your pet against tooth and gum problems.

Training An English Foxhound

Getting a dog goes beyond the task of feeding him. As a fur parent, you must know the specific needs of your pet so you can easily and comfortably give him all those. What about English Foxhounds? What are their needs? 

In terms of training, English Foxhounds need a sufficient amount of physical activity to keep them healthy and active. Understand these dogs are born as hunters that go after their prey. Thus, they have good stamina and agility. Accordingly, you have to bring these dogs to a daily run. If you cannot do this, you may think of alternatives like other exercises that will help keep up his energy. 

English Foxhounds are used to living in packs. Yes, that is right. They thrive well when living with their fellow hounds or other dogs. That is why experts recommend keeping these dogs inside where you and your family commonly stay. Do not leave these pups alone for a long time since they may feel separation anxiety. 

Your vets Olympia, WA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and behavior.

Chew Toys For Pocket Pets

Do you have a small pet, like a hamster or gerbil? One thing that is very important about these little animals is making sure that they have suitable chew toys. Because these animals live on fibrous roots and plants in the wild, they normally wear their teeth down quite a bit. Their teeth have evolved to grow continuously, so that wear and tear doesn’t leave them toothless. Pets have much softer foods on the menu, so their choppers don’t get worn down. 

You’ll need to provide your pint-sized pet with plenty of suitable chew toys. You can buy these online or in stores, but there are also many options for those you can make your own. You can use paper, cardboard, and many types of wood or wicker. Just don’t offer anything small or sharp, or anything that could be toxic. 

Your local vets Ellicott City, MD are a great source of information about caring for a pocket pet. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! 

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Why Canaries Are Everybody’s Favorites?

These days, canary enthusiasts are becoming more in number. Who would adore canaries? They are often described as poetic because of their mesmerizing appearance and beautiful voice. These are just two of the many reasons why people love canaries. They are also cheerful, intelligent, and pleasing. They like initiating interaction by singing and chatting with people who pass by. 

Another good thing about canaries is their trainability. They come in different bright colors, such as red, orange, yellow, and white. However, canaries only like to observe and do not appreciate handling too much. This is one of the characteristics that makes them low-maintenance, which is perfect for busy owners. Still, it would be best to spend time with your pet to exercise him through playing and other activities inside or outside his cage. 

Ironically, a male canary has a more beautiful voice than a female canary. Therefore, choose a male canary if this is your main reason for adopting one. 

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with a veterinary clinic Ellicott City, MD.

Understanding Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)


People experience several changes in their bodies as they age. This case includes eyesight. Understand that when humans reach 50 years of age, they are more prone to having eye problems. One of these is age-related macular degeneration or AMD. This disease is among the reason for permanent vision loss. 

What exactly is AMD? This condition occurs when your central vision gradually loses sight because of the inability of the macula and the retina to function well. These parts help your central vision see things sharply and in detail. When you start having AMD, you may find it hard to do numerous daily activities, like writing, reading, and driving. 

Experts verify that the AMD symptoms appear gradually and are not evident. You may not feel any pain, and the impacts of vision loss do not immediately show up. What you will simply notice are dark or blurry patches around your central vision.  

Any sign of an eye problem should prompt a visit to your eye care center Oxnard, CA.