Friday, 10 March 2023

Coat Color And Grooming Needs Of Neapolitan Mastiffs

Neapolitan Mastiffs (also known as “Neos” for short) have beautiful coats in various colours. The list includes the following:

  • Tan brindle

  • Tawny

  • Mahogany

  • Solid gray

  • Black

Some Neos are used in show rings. But those born with a white spot on their heads are automatically disqualified. Nonetheless, these versions still make good guardians and fascinating companions. The skin of these dogs is abundant and thick. Their coats are dense and short and are the same length throughout their bodies. Meanwhile, their faces comprise several folds and wrinkles. These parts need regular cleaning.

Neos typically shed. For this reason, they need weekly brushing using a hound glove or a bristle brush. What about bathing? Neos don’t need daily baths. Wash them only when you deem it necessary. And get ready to get wet!

For additional specifics on grooming these massive dogs, consult with your vet Fort Bragg, NC

We all know cats are the best, but did you know they feel the same way about us? 

Cats are animals. Animals don't think much, or at least not as much as humans. But we can always tell what cats think of us by observing how they act around us and how they react to our actions and words. Cat reactions can be quite revealing! 

If you don't understand what your cat is thinking, here are some signs that your cat has feelings for you: 


  • They purr when they see you (or meow). This is the most obvious sign that cats have feelings for their owners. They basically say "I love you" with every purr.  

  • They get attention by rubbing against us or sitting next to us as we work on our laptops/phones/etc., in the hope that we will pet or hug them. It's like they're saying "Hey! I'm here!" 

  • They follow us around the house and want to sit next to us even when we are working in the office or watching TV on the couch. 

If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a Fluffy appointment, please call us, your local veterinary clinic in Champaign, IL today!

Thursday, 9 March 2023

What Happens If Your Guinea Pig Suffers From Heatstroke


Understand that despite being used to living in the outdoors or the wild, Guinea pigs are animals that fail to adjust their body conditions to the sudden changes in their environment. What does it mean? When the temperature of their surroundings suddenly increases, these species cannot take such changes, leading to them suffering from various medical issues.

For one, some days can become too hot for your pig. In this case, your pet may suffer from heatstroke, dehydration, and low blood sugar. Your pet mays also become non-responsive and may have seizures. If you are unsure what to do with your pet when he unexpectedly experiences heatstroke, take him to the nearest animal clinic immediately. 

The vet Tampa FL will assess the current condition of your pig and identify whether the following must be conducted:

  • Use of subcutaneous fluid or IV to address dehydration
  • Hold oxygen therapy
  • Administer oral sugar medications 
  • Your pig will recover soon depending on the duration and severity of the heatstroke. Extreme heat can kill Guinea pigs, but mild cases may incur recoverable conditions.

What Should I Do If My Dog’s Teeth Are Rotting?

 If your dog's teeth are rotting, it's time to take action.

Dogs can experience tooth decay just like humans do. When the bacteria in your pet's mouth attacks the enamel on their teeth, they can start to experience pain and discomfort. The good news is that you can help prevent this from happening to your dog by making sure they get regular dental checkups and brush their teeth at home.

If you've noticed any of the following signs, it's time for a trip to the vet:

  • Your dog is drooling more than usual or chewing on things that aren't food

  • Their breath smells bad or a lot like blood (it may be hard to tell if this is unusual or not—sometimes bad breath is just a sign of old age anyway)

  • They're hiding from you more than usual, even if they usually love attention 

  • They're not eating as much or snacking on things they normally don't like 

  • Their gums are red and swollen, or they have pus coming from their mouth 

  • Their teeth feel loose when you touch them 

  • They're eating grass more than usual 

If you have more questions or wish to schedule a dental checkup for your pooch, please don't hesitate to call us, your local veterinary clinic Cornelius, NC today!

What Symptoms Do Dogs Have If Bitten By a Tick?

 When you're out in the wilderness, there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

Ticks are one of them.

Ticks love to latch onto your dog's skin and suck his blood. These little critters are parasites that feed on the blood of dogs and other animals. They can transmit diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever to dogsIt's gross, and it can be dangerous if you don't take care of it right away.

The most important thing is to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect they've been bitten by a tick. 

Here are some symptoms to watch for:

  • Limping or limping more than usual

  • Walking with a hunched back or tail between their legs

  • Swelling around the wound site

  • Excessive scratching at their paws or body

  • Stiffness in their legs (especially after walking for a long time)

  • Sudden weight loss 

  • Lethargy or depression 

  • Drooling, especially if it's something you don't usually see

If you have more questions or suspect your dog has been bitten by a tick, please don’t hesitate to call us, your local vet, anytime! Visit the website.

Choosing A Toothpaste For Your Dog

When choosing a toothpaste for your dog, it's important to select a product that is specifically designed for dogs. Human toothpaste is not safe for dogs to swallow and can cause digestive upset, so it's important to use toothpaste that is formulated for dogs. 

There are several types of toothpaste available for dogs, and they come in a variety of flavours to appeal to your dog's taste buds. Some toothpaste options include poultry, beef, and even seafood flavours. It's important to choose a toothpaste that your dog will be willing to accept, as regular tooth brushing is essential for maintaining good oral health. In addition to the flavour, consider the ingredients in the toothpaste.

Look for toothpaste that contains enzymes to help break down plaque and tartar, as well as natural ingredients such as aloe vera and vitamin E to soothe and moisturize your dog's gums. Consult with your veterinarian in Fayetteville, NC for specific recommendations for your dog's dental care needs

Potential Risks Associated With Retractable Leashes

Leashes are essential in managing your dog, especially when you are out in public places. The retractable leash is one of the most known leashes these days. It has various benefits, and owners prefer it over other leashes. However, some owners still doubt whether it is safe for their pets. Of course, there will still be disadvantaged. Still, in the end, it will depend on how you’re willing to manage these disadvantages. Here are some of the things you should look out for if you are using a retractable leash on your dog: 

· Dropping off of the leash. It is normal to slip a leash, especially if you are handling many things simultaneously. However, your dog can be hit by the handle when this happens. In addition to that, he can also grab the opportunity to run away. 

· Sudden grabbing of the cord. As much as possible, avoid doing this, especially if the cord is too thin. You can get injured and cut. 

· The cord gets wrapped around you. This can be caused by poor handling, especially when it is your first time using a leash. When the cord gets wrapped around your arm, it can cause cuts and burns. 

· Breaking of the collar. When the collar breaks, your pet might grab the chance to run. He might get into an accident, especially if you are on the main road. 

Your veterinarian Marietta, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being. More tips can be found at Smyrna Animal Hospital Marietta, GA.