Showing posts with label vet tampa fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet tampa fl. Show all posts

Thursday 9 March 2023

What Happens If Your Guinea Pig Suffers From Heatstroke


Understand that despite being used to living in the outdoors or the wild, Guinea pigs are animals that fail to adjust their body conditions to the sudden changes in their environment. What does it mean? When the temperature of their surroundings suddenly increases, these species cannot take such changes, leading to them suffering from various medical issues.

For one, some days can become too hot for your pig. In this case, your pet may suffer from heatstroke, dehydration, and low blood sugar. Your pet mays also become non-responsive and may have seizures. If you are unsure what to do with your pet when he unexpectedly experiences heatstroke, take him to the nearest animal clinic immediately. 

The vet Tampa FL will assess the current condition of your pig and identify whether the following must be conducted:

  • Use of subcutaneous fluid or IV to address dehydration
  • Hold oxygen therapy
  • Administer oral sugar medications 
  • Your pig will recover soon depending on the duration and severity of the heatstroke. Extreme heat can kill Guinea pigs, but mild cases may incur recoverable conditions.

Monday 22 August 2022

Does A Pet Ferret Need A Microchip?


Microchips are a safe and permanent method of identification and this could help you to reunite with your pet in case they get missing. It is a protective measure that allows higher chances for pets to be identified and returned to their owners in case they get lost.

Microchips are inserted under the skin of your ferret, it is about the size of a grain of rice. This tiny chip includes your important identifying details, and when scanned into the database, your information will show and the person or animal care facility will get the chance to contact you to bring back your pet. 

You can bring your pet to your vet and talk about the pros and cons of the microchip. They are skilled in injecting the microchip and will assist you in processing your information on the registry. The procedure can be very quick and painless, and it can be done once as it will last a lifetime.  

Your vet Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Friday 15 July 2022

Does Your Dog Lick Excessively? -- What Not to Do

Do not penalize your pet dog for licking too much. Dogs only try to seek comfort or convey stress, and punishment is ineffective in addressing the motivation for the behavior. Dogs lick for various reasons, and you need to understand that dog licking can be complicated. Be patient and take measures to reduce your pet's discomfort when you know the cause while trying to understand why your pet dog is licking too much. When the pain is gone, there are no unwanted behaviors. Here's how to discourage dogs from taking this action: 

•Offer dog-biting toys, treat puzzles to distract your pet from excessive licking and let it play with various activities to burn its pent-up energy. 
•Clean the surface that the dog licks. Old spills, sweat, and other contaminants are palatable to pets and can cause licking. 
•Modify your dog's diet to relieve food allergies, irritated skin and nausea. All of these can cause excessive licking. 
•Make sure your dog has appropriate dental and oral care as tissue damage and gingival inflammation can cause licking as the dog tries to relieve pain. 
•Treat arthritis and joint problems with the right medicines and devices. B. Assist your pet in taking little steps to get to the sofa or bed to relieve the pain.

Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Wednesday 8 June 2022

The Australian Cattle Dog: Interesting Facts About The Breed


Australian Cattle Dogs have a very active mind and body. A regular job or stimulation is, therefore, necessary to keep them occupied, tired, and near any trouble. These dogs also have biting tendencies, which is a dangerous behavior, as we all know. Luckily it can be addressed with socialization and training.

Since they are "shadow dogs," this breed tends to get very devoted to their person. They don't like it when they get separated from their owner. The most effective way to help these dogs to become friendly around children and other animals is to raise them together from childhood/puppyhood.

To ensure you'll get only the best, healthy pooch, refrain from buying from irresponsible breeders, pet shops, and pet mills. Instead, find a trustworthy breeder from which you are sure that their dogs don't carry bad temperaments and genetic disorders that may get passed on to the next generation.

Consult your veterinarian Tampa, FL about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Feeding The American Water Spaniel


Your dog's age, size, build, activity level, and metabolism tells how much he eats. Like people, dogs' needed amounts of food are unique from each other. Active dogs will most likely need more food than less active ones. The food's quality is also a factor— better-quality foods can nourish the dog better in minimal amounts.

To maintain good shape, give a measured meal two times a day. This method works better than leaving the food available all day. To determine if your pet’s overweight,  use the hands-on and eye test which is described as follows:

●Look down at your dog; see if a "waist" is visible.

●Put your hands on your dog's back, placing your thumbs along his spine and spreading the other fingers downward. See if you can feel the ribs without pressing too hard and seeing the ribs.

●If you don't see the "waist" and feel the ribs, it's best to cut down on food and level up the exercise.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal clinic Tampa, FL.

Monday 9 May 2022

Cat Stress Relief: Tips and Tricks


To offer your pet cat much-needed stress relief, you might want to try the following: 

●Establishing a routine and adhering to that schedule. 

●Removing known stress triggers from your house. 

●Avoiding sudden changes that affect your pet’s environment. 

●If it is not possible to remove a stress trigger, for instance, another resident cat, consider separating the cats into different rooms.  Gradually introducing them again to each other on neutral ground could perhaps help them ease into a much better coexistence. 

Other than these, ensure that your pet has access to environmental stimulation, like puzzle feeders and interactive toys, to stave off boredom.  Also offer your pet places where she can climb and retreat, like a comfy basket on top of a shelf. 

Keep in mind that long-term stress could pave the way for health problems over time.  To find out what is the best feline stress reliever that is applicable to the situation you are in, consult your veterinarian.  Also, consider asking your vet for referrals to cat behaviorists. 

You might also find prescription medication and pheromone diffusers/sprays sometimes work in treating more serious instances of feline stress.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Tampa, FL. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Exercise Caution When Using Anti-Flea Products For Cats


Anti-flea products are effective in eliminating fleas in our pets. However, some of the components of these products may contain harmful ingredients for our pets.  The ingredients can cause irritation or poisoning.

This means that we need to be mindful when applying the products to the eyes, ears, and genitalia of the cat. Also, you should bring out the cat when you spray the anti-flea product around the house. You can bring out your pet again when the poison’s effect has lapsed.  You can check the label to see how long you should wait before it is safe to return to normal.

It is also safer to remove the cat’s food and water bowls, and other essentials when using the anti-flea product. In the same manner, you need to air-dry the bowls to keep the food safe. It will also help to let the window open to let the fresh air in. Check the cat’s behavior after using the anti-flea product. You want to know whether your pet will develop an adverse reaction afterward.

Ask your vet Tampa, FL for a flea product that is safe and effective for your pet. Schedule an appointment today!

Scooting in Dogs


You are sitting in your living room with a few visitors when your dog suddenly begins scooting their bottom on the floor in front of everyone. Anything that causes itching, soreness or a dirty bum can make your dog scoot. The other reasons for scooting include anal sac inflammation, food allergies and a low-fiber diet.

A dog has two anal sacs beneath the skin, immediately below the anus. Anal sacs are spherical, pea-sized pouches in small pets and grape-sized pouches in larger canines. The sacs secrete a thin, yellow-to-brown, foul-smelling substance that drips onto the dog's feces automatically as it defecates. Dogs also make use of this substance to communicate with other animals.

When the anal glands get impacted, the dog usually experiences discomfort. Manual draining of the anal sacs may be necessary for these dogs. Ask your veterinarians Tampa FL, or groomer how to manually drain if your pet dog repeatedly suffers from anal sac impaction.

Monday 18 January 2021

The Akita


veterinary clinic Tampa FL

Are you looking for a dog that’s anything but simple? If you’re up for a canine challenge then you may want to check out the Akita. The Akita originated in Japan and was brought to the U.S. in 1936. The Akita is large, tough, rugged, and built to guard. In Japan, the Akita was bred to withstand the polar temperatures of the mountains. The Akita’s large muscles and long legs made it easy for them to trek through the steep mountains and deep snow. The Akita makes an excellent guard dog, but training at an early age is a must in order to teach the dog that you are the pack leader and must be obeyed. Warning, some insurance companies classify the Akita as a canine that is at high risk for biting and aggression. The Akita is territorial and protective, but when trained from an early age can be an excellent guard dog and companion. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Tampa, FL. 

Exercising your Peruvian Guinea Pig

vet Tampa, FL

Did you know that your Peruvian guinea pig needs to be exercised on a routine basis just like other pets? Ask your vet for help to come up with ways to exercise your guinea pig and even suggest how long and how often he should be exercised. In general, it’s best for your Peruvian cavy to get as much exercise as possible while in his cage. In other words, buy him an appropriate size cage that will give him room to roam and play. Place toys, tunnels, and other objects in his cage that will help encourage him to move around. You can also set up a safe zone inside your home or in your yard where your guinea pig can be turned loose to roam around on his own. Always supervise your guinea pig to ensure his safety. You can always ask your vet Tampa, FL for a recommended time for your guinea pig to be outside his cage.

Saturday 28 November 2020

Are Hamsters Social Creatures?

 vet Tampa, FL

Some hamsters are social while others are not. It really depends on the type of hamster you have. If you’re not sure what kind of hamster or hamsters you own, ask your vet. Dwarf hamsters are extremely social creatures and love each other’s company. It’s recommended that you have at least two dwarf hamsters so that they have a playmate. Syrian hamsters, however, are not social at all. Syrian hamsters are extremely territorial and will fight for their space. It’s recommended that Syrian hamsters be introduced to one another before they are five weeks old or else you will not have a happy match. As for communicating, hamsters use body language and squeaks and squeals to “talk” with one another. High pitched squeaking may indicate your hamster is frightened. Yawning often communicates contentment more than exhaustion. Dwarf hamsters tend to cuddle. Learn more here or talk with your expert vet clinic Tampa, FL.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Is Urinary Blockage in Cats Serious?

Are you aware that a urethral blockage (also known as feline urethral obstruction or FUO is a serious health problem in cats?
A cat that has a feline urethral obstruction can suddenly become a much worse situation in a span of just 24 hours or so. A cat with FUO might look lethargic and would not get up, drink, eat, or want to move a lot. A cat with feline urethral obstruction can die in as fast as 72 hours if no immediate vet attention has been given.
When there is an obstruction in the urinary tract of a cat, the blockage or plug will hinder the flow of urine from moving from the bladder and out of the urethra. This, in turn, will bring about a pressure buildup inside the urinary tract and this could lead to damage to the cat's kidneys. Urine is a waste material that needs to be removed by the body and FUO is preventing the body from doing its normal function.

Consult your local vet Tampa, FL  about the best way to protect your pet from urethral obstruction.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Cats and Fatty Liver Disease

Did you know that cats and small dogs can be prone to fatty liver disease? This disease is also known as Hepatic Lipidosis. The disease is known to affect cats around the world. It is particularly common in middle aged cats no matter the breed or sex. So what is fatty liver disease? It is an illness that can be genetic or a symptom of another illness. Fatty liver disease happens when the liver is overloaded with large amounts of fat. This can cause the cat to lose weight and appear to be undernourished. As a result, the body continues transferring fat to the liver until the liver can no longer function under the heavy load. The liver will swell up causing the abdomen of the cat to appear swollen. You may even see a yellowing of the eyes in the cat. Please report these symptoms to your vet Tampa FL immediately.

Wednesday 24 October 2018

What to feed a pet mouse

You have decided to add a little furry friend to your household and you want to be there to offer her what she needs to be healthy. What should you feed your mouse?

There are a lot of food options on the market when it comes to pocket pets, but every pet will need their own specific diet in order to thrive. Your mouse will need you to offer her a variety of food options, ranging from commercially made mouse food to fresh produce. Look for high-quality options that will give your pet a nutrient-dense diet. High-protein treats may also be offered from time to time. Talk to your pet’s veterinarian in order to determine the ideal options and appropriate portions of each item to keep your pet as healthy as she can be. Your local veterinarian Tampa, FL can offer additional guidance.