Showing posts with label veterinary clinic tampa fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinary clinic tampa fl. Show all posts

Saturday 10 December 2022

A Broken Leg In Pet Rabbits

Broken legs or fractures that cause sudden difficulty in walking or jumping are recurring problems in rabbits.  This disease can have multiple origins that depend on the symptoms you rabbit it showing.  If you notice that your pet suddenly lacks balance, loss of bowel control, and is showing signs of pain and trembling mostly on their leg part, this may be a sign of leg injury. 

Some of the possible reasons your rabbit got a leg injury is when they jump or move too much, since rabbits' legs are fragile, they can easily break their legs with sudden movement. Other reasons may include aging, arthritis, and infection. 

Nevertheless. it is best to consult your vet whenever you notice some changes in your rabbit's movement. Treatments may vary depending on the condition and the cause of the injury while the prospect of recovery depends on the damage or illness of your pet and if there are underlying conditions that need to be treated as well. 

Any sign of a potential health issue exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Tampa, FL for proper medical attention.

Thursday 1 September 2022

Does A Pet Ferret Need A Microchip?

Ferrets run a great risk of escaping, so it's just wise to use a microchip for them. With this, you may find them easily if he ever gets lost. Microchips are not required to have on your ferret, but it's a helpful tool for humane societies or pet rescuers to get in touch with you ASAP if they happen to find your pet. You may talk to the vet if you want to ask some questions or address concerns regarding microchipping pets.

Vet care is essential to all pets, including ferrets. Look for vets who are well-experienced with small animals, and be sure to get your pet checked annually. Ferrets are highly prone to heartworm and will require preventative care against fleas. If you're not planning to breed your ferret, it will be best to neuter/spay your pet to help them become less aggressive. Spaying/neutering also helps in reducing musky odor and alleviating stress that females experience when they're in heat.

If you have questions and/or concerns about microchips for pet identification, don’t hesitate to talk to your vet Tampa, FL

Monday 22 August 2022

Does A Pet Ferret Need A Microchip?


Microchips are a safe and permanent method of identification and this could help you to reunite with your pet in case they get missing. It is a protective measure that allows higher chances for pets to be identified and returned to their owners in case they get lost.

Microchips are inserted under the skin of your ferret, it is about the size of a grain of rice. This tiny chip includes your important identifying details, and when scanned into the database, your information will show and the person or animal care facility will get the chance to contact you to bring back your pet. 

You can bring your pet to your vet and talk about the pros and cons of the microchip. They are skilled in injecting the microchip and will assist you in processing your information on the registry. The procedure can be very quick and painless, and it can be done once as it will last a lifetime.  

Your vet Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Sunday 21 August 2022

Are You Dealing With Litter Box Issues?


With a pet cat comes a litter box to deal with— including the odor and maintenance that comes along with it. Without proper maintenance, your house will smell like cat urine. And, of course, you don't want that to have some guests get turned off by the foul, feline smell you've become accustomed to. Indeed, many cat lovers find it difficult to control the odor of litter boxes, but fortunately, there are effective ways to do that— one of which is a daily scooping routine.

Scooping clumps out of the box reduces the amount of waste that gets exposed at home. You should scoop at least once every day to minimize the odor that the box gives off. However, busy or multiple-cat owners may find this routine tiresome. Luckily, there are now alternative ways you can try other than the good old scooping.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary hospital Tampa, FL to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue.

Friday 15 July 2022

Does Your Dog Lick Excessively? -- What Not to Do

Do not penalize your pet dog for licking too much. Dogs only try to seek comfort or convey stress, and punishment is ineffective in addressing the motivation for the behavior. Dogs lick for various reasons, and you need to understand that dog licking can be complicated. Be patient and take measures to reduce your pet's discomfort when you know the cause while trying to understand why your pet dog is licking too much. When the pain is gone, there are no unwanted behaviors. Here's how to discourage dogs from taking this action: 

•Offer dog-biting toys, treat puzzles to distract your pet from excessive licking and let it play with various activities to burn its pent-up energy. 
•Clean the surface that the dog licks. Old spills, sweat, and other contaminants are palatable to pets and can cause licking. 
•Modify your dog's diet to relieve food allergies, irritated skin and nausea. All of these can cause excessive licking. 
•Make sure your dog has appropriate dental and oral care as tissue damage and gingival inflammation can cause licking as the dog tries to relieve pain. 
•Treat arthritis and joint problems with the right medicines and devices. B. Assist your pet in taking little steps to get to the sofa or bed to relieve the pain.

Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Elderly Cats Could Be Overwhelmed By Celebrations And Holidays


You might have been always boarding your pet cat to catteries whenever you go on a holiday.  If so, then you are likely inclined to continue doing so as the years go by.  But as your cat ages, she might not want to change her home routine and prefer to just stay home instead of being boarded.  If this is the case, you will need to have someone stay over or at least look into her to provide basic care.  You will want to choose a cat-sitter who is already familiar to your pet cat. 

An elderly cat could find home celebrations and parties a little too overwhelming.  Should you be having guests over, be sure that your pet has a quiet spot where she can retreat into.  Ensure that this spot has all of her basic needs easily accessible while the festivities are happening elsewhere in the home.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Thursday 14 July 2022

Creating A Senior Cat-Friendly Home


Should your pet cat have a particularly preferred toy, then you do not have a reason to throw it out as she ages.  With your elderly pet lying on her side, she can try grabbing onto larger toys while she kicks using her back legs.  Playing this way is enjoyed by lots of cats and can become an ideal stretching activity for your pet’s rear extremities.  Try using a cylindrical or rectangular toy that is around 15 to 20 cm ( 6 to 8 inches) in length and constructed from durable fabric like toweling or drill cotton as your pet’s kick toy. 

Cardboard boxes have become perennial favorites of pet cats.  But if your pet is advancing in years, some modifications might be necessary.  An older cat might still like to poke around and investigate but is not flexible or mobile enough to move around and jump.  Try tipping the box over to its side and rotating it so that its opening faces your cat.  This lets her enter the box to check it out.  Paper and carrier bags could also offer the same exploratory activities, particularly if these make crinkling sounds.  Be sure to remove the handles so that your cat does not accidentally get caught in them.

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Puzzle Feeders For Cats


Cats are generally great hunters. Ancient felines enjoyed an active lifestyle in which they explored their environment to hunt for prey, kill it, and consume it. This instance is quite different from how modern domesticated cats get their food. 

Today, cats are given their meals through a bowl. This undertaking is a common scenario that has become a daily routine. While this instance is safe for your pet cat, understand that it also beings a downside. Not letting your cat explore the outdoors and hunt for food takes away opportunities for her to exercise, and use physical strength, and mental ability.

Another negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle is the higher risk of your cat becoming obese. Your cat will only have to walk toward her food bowl, with fewer avenues to be physically active.

Thus, it would be best to prepare your cat’s meal in a puzzle feeder. This item contains food that is released through proper manipulation. This product is ideal to stimulate your feline’s physical and mental skills.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Tampa, FL.

Holidays And Celebrations Can Be Overwhelming For Your Senior Cat


Cats are animals that need constant care and attention. This case is especially true for cat breeds that must be looked after. But some cats can go a day or two without a constant companion.

If you have always been a busy fur parent because of work, you may have tried leaving your furry feline in a boarding cattery. There is nothing wrong or bad with this practice. Just be sure that the cattery you have chosen provides the best cat care services. 

However, understand that senior cats may not adapt easily to changes in companions or environment. Thus, a boarding cattery is not recommended for senior cats. Experts advise getting a cat-sitter instead of leaving your senior cat in a cattery.

During family gatherings and reunions at home, you may need to place your feline in a quiet, safe place. Understand that senior cats are more sensitive to noises around them.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Tampa, FL. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Monday 9 May 2022

Cat Stress Relief: Tips and Tricks


To offer your pet cat much-needed stress relief, you might want to try the following: 

●Establishing a routine and adhering to that schedule. 

●Removing known stress triggers from your house. 

●Avoiding sudden changes that affect your pet’s environment. 

●If it is not possible to remove a stress trigger, for instance, another resident cat, consider separating the cats into different rooms.  Gradually introducing them again to each other on neutral ground could perhaps help them ease into a much better coexistence. 

Other than these, ensure that your pet has access to environmental stimulation, like puzzle feeders and interactive toys, to stave off boredom.  Also offer your pet places where she can climb and retreat, like a comfy basket on top of a shelf. 

Keep in mind that long-term stress could pave the way for health problems over time.  To find out what is the best feline stress reliever that is applicable to the situation you are in, consult your veterinarian.  Also, consider asking your vet for referrals to cat behaviorists. 

You might also find prescription medication and pheromone diffusers/sprays sometimes work in treating more serious instances of feline stress.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Tampa, FL. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Skin Problems In Dogs


One indicator of your pet’s overall health is his skin.  Therefore, you are incentivized to keep your pet’s skin in great health.  If skin problems happen, you might see your pet lick, scratch, and/or chew excessively.  There could be lots of causes for skin issues such as stress, metabolic issues, infections, external parasites, or combinations of these. 


You will want to first inspect your dog’s teeth and ears because these are frequently where bacteria that cause odors come from.  Keep your pet clean by regularly bathing him and you can stop odors.

Dog perfumes are probably not going to be harmful to pets if you follow the instructions when you use them.  But skin irritation could develop if your dog has skin allergies.  And if your pet has nasal allergies, these could be triggered by certain smells.  If you are thinking of using doggie cologne, follow the instructions closely and check with your veterinarian if your dog has an allergy history.

Should grooming prove unsuccessful and your pet still exudes a stinky odor, you will want to talk to your veterinarian Tampa, FL so that they can see if there is an infection or another underlying cause.

Friday 18 March 2022

Why Pets Might Drink Too Much Water


Pets do not usually drink plenty of water. This is the ordinary case for most animals, like cats and dogs. So, do not be surprised if your beloved pets are not always hydrated the way they are supposed to be.

Instead, be surprised when your pets consume severe amounts of water. Why? Because doing so may be a symptom of chronic disease, including diabetes, hypothyroidism, or kidney disease.

The moment you notice your pets are gulping too much water, contact your vet immediately and have your pets checked.

Dogs are at a higher risk of having this medical condition, particularly the following breeds:

Border collies

Jack Russell Terriers

Small, athletic dogs

So, help your pets drink enough water they need to stay hydrated, especially during the hot months. Encourage or motivate them by always filling in their bowls with clean water. In this way, they sure can stay active and healthy.

A sudden change in your pet’s drinking and/or urinating habits should be brought to the attention of your vets Tampa FL.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Identifying The Cause Of Your Dog’s Anxiety

Among the three causes of separation anxiety found below, each cause affects the severity of the manifestations, however, they achieve similar results.

      The first cause to be discussed is that the dog has possibly never been alone for a time before. This cause will most assuredly rise when the 'stay at home' arrangement from the pandemic will cease, and pet owners will have to return to work again. Several puppies raised during the pandemic have been accustomed to having someone around with them 24/7 - meaning they could never get used to being left alone. 

      The second cause is frequently related to dogs who have traumatic experiences in the absence of their owner. Abandonment and robberies at night are the most prevalent causes of this type of anxiety, typically observed in dogs from animal shelters.

      The third cause involves a dog's whole breed, disposition, and personality. There are some dogs who are more susceptible to anxiety than other dogs.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal clinic Tampa, FL. Click here to set an appointment. 

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Retractable Leash For Your Dog - Is It A Good Idea ?

Getting flexi leashes, or what we know as retractable leashes, is the best idea especially if you want your pet to explore freely while still being connected to you. However, what other people don’t tell you is that these leashes have a higher chance of causing trouble than giving your dog enough freedom to explore. Leashes that are retractable can bring injury to bother dogs and humans. The retractable part of the leash only teaches dogs that leash pulling is okay which is the main reason why accidents happen. Below are the disadvantages of using retractable leashes: 

  • The bulkiness can cause discomfort when holding the handles 
  • It will be hard to use them as tethers when you need to secure your pet dog to a tree or post. 
  • When there is a sudden pressure, the leash cords can break since they are not durable enough. 
  • The cords are easily chewed through. 
  • The cords have a high chance of getting wrapped around people’s legs and trips both the dog and human. 
Call your veterinary clinic Tampa FL to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions.

Monday 26 July 2021

Eye Injuries in Dogs Like the Malamute


If you own a dog like the Malamute or another breed of canine then you may already be familiar with how sometimes scary and stressful eye injuries can be. The first thing to do if your Malamute injures his eye is to call your vet immediately. An injury can sometimes be the result of an eye irritation due to an eyelash or other type of debris in the eye. Irritation and inflammation can also be caused by a scratch whether big or small. Signs that your dog may have scratched his eye include watery eyes, green or yellow eye discharge, squinting, excessive blinking, and an avoidance of bright lights. Your vet will need to examine your dog’s eye to determine the source of the problem. He may “stain” the eye to identify the scratch more clearly. Consult with your vets Tampa, FL for treatment options.

Life Jackets for Cats

There are life jackets for people and people’s pets including cats. If your cat is learning how to swim then you may want to purchase a cat style life jacket. The life jacket can be used as a tool to help your cat learn to swim as well as used as a tool to keep your cat safe when around water. Life jackets for cats are typically sold at pet stores and water sporting goods stores. Depending on where you live or where you take your boat out, there may be a law in place that states your cat must be in a life jacket to ride in a boat. Call your vet to find out if he knows the rules for your particular region. There are a variety of life jacket options available for cats. Click here for more details from your vets Tampa, FL.

Thursday 4 March 2021

How To Manage Your Pet’s Phobias

 My Dog is Acting Lethargic and Shaking | PetCoach

The end goal of pet phobia management is to train your pet dog or cat that fear triggers can be linked with positive experiences too, like positive reinforcement forms or pet treats.  Mostly, cases like these tend to be tricky to implement, and owners must be prepared to manage the issue with heaps of patience and determination.

When managing fearful behaviors, you, as the pet owner, must keep in mind to avoid rewarding or reinforcing any anxiety or fear displays by comforting your pet, or petting them, or giving them a treat.

The initial step in managing your pet’s fearful behavior is looking out for the factors that trigger or stimulate the fear response each time you notice it.  When that trigger is identified, do your best to not encounter that stimulus.  Next, take the necessary steps in desensitizing your pet, teaching the animal to be more calm and relaxed when the trigger is encountered.  This is a protracted learning process and it needs to be systematic and slow until the preferred results are attained.

Work with your vet Tampa, FL in helping your pet overcome any phobias that he may have. Click here to learn more.

Monday 18 January 2021

The Akita


veterinary clinic Tampa FL

Are you looking for a dog that’s anything but simple? If you’re up for a canine challenge then you may want to check out the Akita. The Akita originated in Japan and was brought to the U.S. in 1936. The Akita is large, tough, rugged, and built to guard. In Japan, the Akita was bred to withstand the polar temperatures of the mountains. The Akita’s large muscles and long legs made it easy for them to trek through the steep mountains and deep snow. The Akita makes an excellent guard dog, but training at an early age is a must in order to teach the dog that you are the pack leader and must be obeyed. Warning, some insurance companies classify the Akita as a canine that is at high risk for biting and aggression. The Akita is territorial and protective, but when trained from an early age can be an excellent guard dog and companion. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Tampa, FL. 

Monday 21 December 2020

Heat And Spaying In Cats


At around six months old, female cats reach puberty, a period in which they can be “in heat” or ready to mate. Because of the hormonal changes that occur during the fertile period, a female cat in heat exhibits affectionate behavior, meows excessively, and grooms herself more often. The female cat also strongly desires to escape the house, especially if there are potential male suitors outside. A female cat can be in heat for several days within a year. Some pet owners have their female cats undergo spaying to prevent getting pregnant. Spaying is a surgical procedure that entirely removes the ovaries and uterus of a female cat. Should you decide to spay your cat, discuss this carefully with your pet clinic Tampa FL If spaying is not an option for you, ensure that all potential escape routes inside the house are closed, and try to distract your cat by keeping her busy with toys, games, and a lot of interactions.

Monday 22 June 2020

What to look for in a cat collar

Your cat needs a collar in order to safely let others know she has a place to call home. This means that it is an essential pet supply item that should be with her at all times. What should you look for when seeking out a collar for her?

Your pet needs you to take the time to think about what you can do to offer her a comfortable way to carry around her identification tags. This will mean seeking out a collar that allows her to move about freely, enjoy her time without worrying about the weight of her collar, and forget she’s even wearing it because it fits so well. Look for something durable that will work with her lifestyle to get the best results for your little fur ball. For additional information, please contact your local vet Tampa FL.