Showing posts with label vets tampa fl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets tampa fl. Show all posts

Friday 15 July 2022

Elderly Cats Could Be Overwhelmed By Celebrations And Holidays


You might have been always boarding your pet cat to catteries whenever you go on a holiday.  If so, then you are likely inclined to continue doing so as the years go by.  But as your cat ages, she might not want to change her home routine and prefer to just stay home instead of being boarded.  If this is the case, you will need to have someone stay over or at least look into her to provide basic care.  You will want to choose a cat-sitter who is already familiar to your pet cat. 

An elderly cat could find home celebrations and parties a little too overwhelming.  Should you be having guests over, be sure that your pet has a quiet spot where she can retreat into.  Ensure that this spot has all of her basic needs easily accessible while the festivities are happening elsewhere in the home.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Thursday 14 July 2022

Creating A Senior Cat-Friendly Home


Should your pet cat have a particularly preferred toy, then you do not have a reason to throw it out as she ages.  With your elderly pet lying on her side, she can try grabbing onto larger toys while she kicks using her back legs.  Playing this way is enjoyed by lots of cats and can become an ideal stretching activity for your pet’s rear extremities.  Try using a cylindrical or rectangular toy that is around 15 to 20 cm ( 6 to 8 inches) in length and constructed from durable fabric like toweling or drill cotton as your pet’s kick toy. 

Cardboard boxes have become perennial favorites of pet cats.  But if your pet is advancing in years, some modifications might be necessary.  An older cat might still like to poke around and investigate but is not flexible or mobile enough to move around and jump.  Try tipping the box over to its side and rotating it so that its opening faces your cat.  This lets her enter the box to check it out.  Paper and carrier bags could also offer the same exploratory activities, particularly if these make crinkling sounds.  Be sure to remove the handles so that your cat does not accidentally get caught in them.

Your senior pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Tampa, FL

Wednesday 8 June 2022

Puzzle Feeders For Cats


Cats are generally great hunters. Ancient felines enjoyed an active lifestyle in which they explored their environment to hunt for prey, kill it, and consume it. This instance is quite different from how modern domesticated cats get their food. 

Today, cats are given their meals through a bowl. This undertaking is a common scenario that has become a daily routine. While this instance is safe for your pet cat, understand that it also beings a downside. Not letting your cat explore the outdoors and hunt for food takes away opportunities for her to exercise, and use physical strength, and mental ability.

Another negative impact of a sedentary lifestyle is the higher risk of your cat becoming obese. Your cat will only have to walk toward her food bowl, with fewer avenues to be physically active.

Thus, it would be best to prepare your cat’s meal in a puzzle feeder. This item contains food that is released through proper manipulation. This product is ideal to stimulate your feline’s physical and mental skills.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Tampa, FL.

How To Properly Groom Your Chinchilla

 The good thing about owning a chinchilla is that they know how to groom themselves regularly. Chinchillas are very clean creatures and don’t necessarily need heavy grooming since their style of cleaning keeps them in good condition. Your chinchilla prefers to groom itself through dust bathing. With dust baths, it is critical to use a type of sand specifically for your chinchilla’s fur. Note that dust collects grime, oil, and grease to help keep their coat in top shape, this kind of sand must be powdery, soft, or exceedingly fine. If you are unsure what sand to purchase, it is best to ask your vet or pet store for recommended options. 

Remember that your chinchilla might need dust baths frequently during the summertime, as humid temperatures and hot weather are at their peak. On the other hand, you can reduce how often your chinchilla takes its dust bath once wintertime rolls in. It’s easy to prepare your chinchilla’s bath, just put a bowl or tray with dust in its space and watch as your chinchilla will happily do its own thing by rolling around while coating itself with so much dust. 

There is no need for you to comb your chinchilla. Your chinchilla is not a big fan of having its fur brushed. The only exception to this is if it has matted its fur. You can use a lengthy comb to clear out the gunk only if it is unavoidable. Be very gentle and make sure not to stress your chinchilla so much when you do so. Luckily, the only occasional maintenance your chinchilla needs, and if it is not tired, is having its toenails trimmed from time to time. 

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Tampa, FL. 

Holidays And Celebrations Can Be Overwhelming For Your Senior Cat


Cats are animals that need constant care and attention. This case is especially true for cat breeds that must be looked after. But some cats can go a day or two without a constant companion.

If you have always been a busy fur parent because of work, you may have tried leaving your furry feline in a boarding cattery. There is nothing wrong or bad with this practice. Just be sure that the cattery you have chosen provides the best cat care services. 

However, understand that senior cats may not adapt easily to changes in companions or environment. Thus, a boarding cattery is not recommended for senior cats. Experts advise getting a cat-sitter instead of leaving your senior cat in a cattery.

During family gatherings and reunions at home, you may need to place your feline in a quiet, safe place. Understand that senior cats are more sensitive to noises around them.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Tampa, FL. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Friday 10 December 2021

Maintaining A Healthy Enclosure For Your Pet Hamster

Hamster enclosures have to be filled with deep enough bedding so that the animals could burrow.  A couple of ideal options for bedding are pellets made of recycled paper and non-cedar wood shavings.  To keep away bad odors and keep the enclosure clean, the bedding has to be replaced weekly at the very least.  Hamsters typically designate a corner of the enclosure as the bathroom so clean that corner more often.

A hamster’s activity levels drop as temperatures go below 60 degrees F, which makes them ‘permissive hibernators.’  Should temperatures continue to drop, the hamster will hibernate by curling up as if a ball.  It will slow its breathing down and sleep deeply.  When hibernating, they will barely move.  First-time keepers might get alarmed thinking that their pet is dead or dying.

Do not disturb your hamster if it is hibernating.  Try adjusting the temperature in 5-degree increments up every 6 to 8 hours until it goes back to around 68 to 75 degrees F.  In the summer season, relocate your hamsters to a cooler spot in your home because these pets are quite vulnerable to heat stress.

Your veterinarian Tampa, FL is a valuable resource and offers you additional advice when it comes to your pet’s health and needs. 

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Retractable Leash For Your Dog - Is It A Good Idea ?

Getting flexi leashes, or what we know as retractable leashes, is the best idea especially if you want your pet to explore freely while still being connected to you. However, what other people don’t tell you is that these leashes have a higher chance of causing trouble than giving your dog enough freedom to explore. Leashes that are retractable can bring injury to bother dogs and humans. The retractable part of the leash only teaches dogs that leash pulling is okay which is the main reason why accidents happen. Below are the disadvantages of using retractable leashes: 

  • The bulkiness can cause discomfort when holding the handles 
  • It will be hard to use them as tethers when you need to secure your pet dog to a tree or post. 
  • When there is a sudden pressure, the leash cords can break since they are not durable enough. 
  • The cords are easily chewed through. 
  • The cords have a high chance of getting wrapped around people’s legs and trips both the dog and human. 
Call your veterinary clinic Tampa FL to make sure that your pet’s preventatives and vaccinations are up to date before taking your pet on outdoor excursions.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Preventing Heartworm Disease In Cats

In spite of the fact that heartworm disease cases in cats are much lower compared to cases seen in dogs, heartworm infections in cats can still be fatal and severe, make no mistake.
One of the best ways to help shield your cat from heartworm infections is to give your cat preventative medications, not just during the mosquito season but all through the entire year. Don't forget to only use preventative medications that have been recommended by your vet or the nearest animal clinic.
Anti-heartworm preventative medications help eliminate the larvae of those pesky microscopic parasites which are transferred by mosquitoes whenever they feed off of cats. If you have a household that consists of various pets, you need to give your dogs as well as cats preventative medications. But do not ever make the mistake of using the heartworm meds for dogs to your cats or vice versa.

Consult your vet Tampa FL about the best way to protect your pet from heartworm and other parasites.

Monday 30 March 2020

Keeping your cat content in your home

Your cat is an important part of your family and you want to make sure she enjoys spending time in your home just as much as you do. How can you keep her content?

Your little fur ball needs you to take the time to understand her needs so you can go out of your way to care for her in a manner that she will thankful for. This means that you will be going out of your way to determine what will help her stay healthy and then going even further to help her stay happy as well. She will need you to encourage healthy habits and then she will need you to also find fun ways to interact with her so she knows she is loved and will be cared for. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarians Tampa FL.

Thursday 7 November 2019

Ear Problems In Rabbits

Rabbits can have their share of ear problems, too. On top of the list are ear infections caused by bacteria or fungi, ear mites, ticks, and heat tilting.

Ear infection
Ear infections that go unchecked can lead to neurological damage.They can also cause problems of the upper respiratory tract. Thus, ear infections should be given prompt medical attention before complications can set in. Ear infections caused by yeast or fungi stimulates pus production inside the ear, leading to inflammation, and in sever cases, deafness.

Ear mites
Psoroptes cuniculi (rabbit ear mites) cause head-shaking and/or ear scratching in affected rabbits. The presence of crusty discharges, scabs, and wounds in the ears area also called cankers.

Ticks are blood-sucking parasites. A heavy infestation can cause anemia. Ticks are also known to carry Lyme diseases and other tick-borne diseases.

Head tilting
Damage to the labyrinth of the ears, a portion of the rabbit’s inner ear can cause head tilting in rabbits. The condition may also be present in rabbits that don’t have a labyrinth.

Any symptoms that indicate a problem in the ears of rabbits should be checked by a vet Tampa, FL.

Tuesday 18 December 2018

Reasons to Bathe Your Cat

Most pet parents can get away without bathing their feline friends. After all, cats don’t like water anyway! However, there are some good reasons to reconsider bath time for your cat.

Is your cat struggling with dandruff? If so, he may have dry skin, and a bath could help. You just have to make sure you choose the right shampoo. Look for a moisturizing formula with oatmeal. Medicated shampoo may also be an option.

Bathing your cat can help you get rid of dead hair. It can be especially helpful for cats with thick, double coats that can be difficult to brush. Just make sure you have a hair stopper in the tub, so it doesn’t all end up down the drain!

For help bathing your cat, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian Tampa, FL, and they can provide you with a recommended groomer near where you live.

Monday 26 November 2018

Litter Box Cleaning Tips

Every cat parents should know the importance of keeping their pet’s litter box impeccably clean and free of undesirable odors. With their keen sense of smell, cats can immediately tell if their pet owners have been amiss in their litter box maintenance chores. Cats won’t have second thoughts about doing their business elsewhere if they have issues with their litter box.
Litter box cleaning tips
Scooping must be done at least twice a day to help keep undesirable odors at bay. If you have several cats, there is a need to do more scooping of lumps throughout the day. Cats are such fussy creatures and they won’t like the feel of stepping on icky stuff when they use the litter box.
Waste from the litter box should be disposed of properly to prevent odors from being dispersed throughout your home. It is also the best way to avoid attracting flies and other pests.

A sudden change in your litter box habits can indicate an underlying health issue that requires an appointment at your animal hospital Tampa, FL.