Friday 18 March 2022

Why Pets Might Drink Too Much Water


Pets do not usually drink plenty of water. This is the ordinary case for most animals, like cats and dogs. So, do not be surprised if your beloved pets are not always hydrated the way they are supposed to be.

Instead, be surprised when your pets consume severe amounts of water. Why? Because doing so may be a symptom of chronic disease, including diabetes, hypothyroidism, or kidney disease.

The moment you notice your pets are gulping too much water, contact your vet immediately and have your pets checked.

Dogs are at a higher risk of having this medical condition, particularly the following breeds:

Border collies

Jack Russell Terriers

Small, athletic dogs

So, help your pets drink enough water they need to stay hydrated, especially during the hot months. Encourage or motivate them by always filling in their bowls with clean water. In this way, they sure can stay active and healthy.

A sudden change in your pet’s drinking and/or urinating habits should be brought to the attention of your vets Tampa FL.

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