Monday 13 April 2020

Managing Your Cat's Nocturnal Activities

Your cat is crepuscular, meaning she will most active during the dawn and dusk hours. Cats in the wild evolved this way since these are the best times to hunt. Your cat may sleep throughout the day and play in the overnight hours. To encourage your cat to sleep more overnight, use the dusk hours for exercise and playtime. A good exercise session and a hearty meal before bedtime could tire your cat out, allowing you to get a little more sleep. If your cat comes into your room at night, ignore her even if she yowls at you or jumps around. Responding to her nocturnal activities will reinforce them as what she needs to do to get you up. An automated feeder may keep your cat from begging for food in the early morning hours. Keep fun toys outside your bedroom to keep your cat busy. Contact your veterinarian Sarasota, FL to learn more.

Sunday 12 April 2020

Training Your Dog to Sit on Command

Training your dog to sit on command is a great bonding exercise and it gives you a way to get your dog under control quickly. If your dog is sitting by your side, he can’t be getting into trouble. Train your dog when he is alert but not overly stimulated. Start by getting down to your dog’s level. Get his attention by holding a food treat in front of his face. Raise the treat up and over your dog’s head so he has to sit to continue following it. Say your dog’s name and the SIT command. As soon as your dog sits, give him the treat and lots of praise. Practice this maneuver and make your dog wait just a little longer before giving him the treat. Gradually reduce and then eliminate the treats so your dog obeys your command for praise alone. For more information, contact your vet Sarasota, FL.

Life Stage Diets and Your Cat

Cat food manufacturers offer foods to support your cat throughout the different stages of her life. There is extra protein and fat in kitten food to support your cat’s developing brain and growing muscles and bones. However, once your cat approaches her first birthday, this kitten food is too high in calories and can contribute to obesity. Thus you should change her diet to an adult formula food. She can eat this food for most of her life but consider changing to a mature or senior formula food once she starts showing signs of aging. There are foods that help in managing health issues such as hairball control, urinary tract health, and weight management. Other foods are only available by prescription. Gradually change foods to prevent digestive issues. Change the ratio of the two foods over about a week or so. For more information, contact your vet clinic Lakewood Ranch, FL.

Trimming Your Dog's Nails

By keeping your dog’s nails short he can get a better grip on surfaces as he runs or walks. Plus long nails can twist and injure his feet. Long nails could also get caught in fabrics. Thus it is important to trim your dog’s nails regularly. Start this important hygiene habit when your dog is a puppy so it becomes routine. Handle your dog’s feet and when you are ready to trim the nails, be efficient. Grasp your dog’s foot and use a dog nail trimmer to cut off a little bit of nail at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the blood and nerve supply to the foot, which will bleed and hurt if nicked. Continue nail after nails as long as your dog doesn’t resist. If your dog pulls away or becomes distressed, just try another time and soon all his nails will be trimmed. For more information, contact your vet Lakewood Ranch, FL.

Getting Rid of that Bad Smell on Your Dog

Did you know that dogs like to roll around in things because they want to pick up the scent and take it home with them? That’s right. Hounds, Yorkies, etc. like to roll in interesting scents on the ground so that they can savor the smell later on. Sometimes these can cause a big stink in the house especially if the smell resembles a skunk. Here are tips for getting rid of that smell. When the basic home remedies of giving your dog a bath in tomato juice or spraying him with citrus cover up sprays doesn’t work then talk to your vet about using a home remedy of a different kind. This odor removing wash is made of 1 quart of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 1/4 cup of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap approved by your animal hospital London ON. Soak your dog for 3 or 4 minutes and then rinse.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Is your sugar glider getting enough attention?

Sugar Gliders are Adorable, But They Don't Belong in Your Pocket ...
Your sugar glider is an excellent friend and you love the fact that you can spend time with her day in and day out. She always seems eager to interact with you and you know this is an important part of her life as well. This makes you wonder – is she getting enough attention?

Your sugar glider is a wonderful part of your life and you want to make sure you are showering her with all the affection she needs. She is a very social creature and will need to be by your side often in order to get the interaction she craves. You will need to make sure to have room for this in your schedule, as it will require plenty of time and some forethought so you can prepare some activities to take part in together. For more information, please contact your local Vet Dallas GA.

Feline fur care

Your cat is an adorable friend and you love the fact that her fur keeps her looking so cute. How can you help her upkeep her coat?

Your cat’s fur is needed to help her stay comfortable and healthy, so take the time to think about what you can do to help it grow strong and full. This will likely start with a healthy diet that will help her to grow healthy fur from the start and offer her an opportunity to keep the skin around it as healthy as it can be as well. You can then care for it by taking the time to brush her regularly and tend to anything else you notice while checking her over. In some cases, particularly when it comes to longhaired cats, there may be a need for the assistance of a professional groomer as well. Your local veterinarian Lakeville MN can help you better understand your pet.