Showing posts with label animal hospital dallas ga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital dallas ga. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 March 2021

Avoid Transacting With Dog Breeders That Are Irresponsible

 New regulations to improve animal welfare in Eden

A dog breeder with a good reputation will be able to provide you with a purebred puppy that you want.  And with puppy mills out there claiming that they sell puppies that are purebred, you have to take precautions to be sure about the dealer you transact with before finalizing the deal.  But if you’re not overly concerned about your next pet being registered or having a pedigree, then consider going to your local rescue shelter to adopt a puppy there.  You can ask your local rescue groups for specific dog breeds if you’re thinking of a specific one.

If a dog breeder with a good reputation is providing you a purebred puppy, be prepared to spend.  Do some research in order for you to ensure that you get value for your money.  Quite a lot of pet store puppies come from dog breeders that are a little on the shady side, doing business solely for the money.

Your first action is to list down all dog breeders nearby that have good reputations.  Check with veterinary clinics and other dog owners for the contact information of these breeders.  Try going online as well for this list.

Exercise due diligence and check breeder references and any memberships they have with kennel clubs and national breed organizations.  The recommendation is also to go and visit the breeder’s facilities to see the animals in person.

As mentioned earlier, talk to your vet Dallas GA, and ask for recommendations for reputable breeders close to your location.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Providing Proper Shelter For Cattle During Winter

veterinarian Dallas, GA

Winter seasons are only made more challenging by winter storms. Storm forecasts often warn cattle owners before the onslaught of winter storms. This gives them an ample amount of time to bring their cattle to safety and prevents stress and panic among cattle out in the pasture.

Providing your cattle with a safe enclosure or shelter is also essential for their survival. Shelters not only provide your cows with a sanctuary, but shelters would also provide warmth that could help cut down some of the expenses from feeds since they would need less energy to maintain their core temperature. You can choose from several winter shed designs. Weather forecasts can provide crucial information to keep your cattle safe from an impending winter storm.

Preparing for the winter season several months ahead would be beneficial and can save your cattle from the extreme cold. Being prepared can help cattle owners to anticipate and handle any uncertainties that the cold weather may bring.

You should seek advice from your veterinarian Dallas, GA if you have any queries about your pet’s health.

Monday 10 August 2020

Tips To Keep A Multi-Pet Household Happy And Stress-Free


There are many cases when multi-pet households (with various cats and dogs and perhaps other pets) get along quite happily with each other, but there are also many cases when this does not happen and pets mostly squabble from time to time. It's really vital for a multi-pet household like yours to have a peaceful and non-violent environment, so everyone, including all the pets as well as your family members, will have a good time together for many years to come. You can try the following tips to help achieve this:

Don't rush your pets; take things slowly. You should give all your pets (both new and current pets) ample time for all of them to get along well with each other. They will get used to everyone's presence sooner or later; just be patient.

Know each pet's temperament. Each pet has its own temperament as well as personality. Respect this and use this information to develop a peaceful environment.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior or temperament should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Dallas GA.

Thursday 9 April 2020

Is your sugar glider getting enough attention?

Sugar Gliders are Adorable, But They Don't Belong in Your Pocket ...
Your sugar glider is an excellent friend and you love the fact that you can spend time with her day in and day out. She always seems eager to interact with you and you know this is an important part of her life as well. This makes you wonder – is she getting enough attention?

Your sugar glider is a wonderful part of your life and you want to make sure you are showering her with all the affection she needs. She is a very social creature and will need to be by your side often in order to get the interaction she craves. You will need to make sure to have room for this in your schedule, as it will require plenty of time and some forethought so you can prepare some activities to take part in together. For more information, please contact your local Vet Dallas GA.

Monday 28 October 2019

Handling Your Pet Snake

Some snakes like to be handled and will react positively. However, other snakes resist handling so you may limit it to urgent needs only. Learn what your snake’s needs are through thorough research. Use your level of knowledge and experience to carefully choose the right snake for you. Never take a snake from the wild. They may lash out at you since they haven’t been handled before. A better choice is a captive-bred snake. Treat your snake with respect when you handle him. Act with confidence and efficiency when handling your snake. Learn how to pick up him up and to support his whole body while handling him. Make sure that your snake knows there is no food at stake while you handle him. Otherwise he may inadvertently bite you. Also watch for signs of aggression to avoid injury. Wash your hands thoroughly when you are done handling your snake. Learn more from your animal hospital Dallas, GA.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Keeping your dog’s coat looking great

Your dog’s coat is a big part of him. It helps keep him warm, keeps sunlight from getting to his sensitive skin, and helps protect him. How can you keep his coat healthy and looking great?

Coat health starts with keeping your dog’s body in great shape and offering him a healthy diet that will support proper fur growth. You will then need to make sure to upkeep his fur to ensure no issues occur. This means taking some time to inspect your pet’s fur and evaluate what it needs to stay in great shape. He will need to be bathed regularly to stay clean and brushed often to remove debris and prevent tangles. Some dogs will also need their fur too be trimmed regularly, which can be done at home if you are adventurous or by a professional groomer. For additional information, please contact your local Dallas, GA veterinarian.