Showing posts with label Veterinarian Dallas GA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarian Dallas GA. Show all posts

Saturday 29 May 2021

What To Feed Ball Pythons


veterinarian Dallas GA

A ball python, much like the other snakes, can eat differently sized prey dependent on how large it becomes.  A younger and therefore smaller snake could probably eat big crickets, but it would be better if it is eating fuzzies or pinkies until they become bigger.  An adult ball python will consume adult rats and mice when they become large enough.  There are ball python keepers who feel very strongly regarding feeding only rats in different life phases throughout your pet python’s life, never offering it any mice or insects.

How To Determine The Right Prey Size

Usually, a snake can easily eat prey with a width that is the same as the widest portion of its body.  So, if the center of the snake’s body is around 1-inch wide, then your pet can easily eat mice that are also around 1-inch wide.  But then, there are some snakes that like smaller prey, so you might have to do some experimentation.  Try differently sized prey to determine which size your pet likes.  If you feed your pet with prey that is a bit too large, then the snake may just regurgitate the food or perhaps get it stuck in the esophagus or mouth instead.  If in doubt, offer your pet the smaller-sized prey instead of the bigger one.

Any the concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Dallas, GA.

Tuesday 4 May 2021

How to Feed Your Dog Fruit


Fruits, either frozen or fresh, are simple enough to offer to your pet, so long as you remove the pits, seeds, and skin.  Also, cut up the fruits into more manageable sizes easy enough for your pet to bite.  You can also get creative if you prefer:


●You can freeze “pup-sicles” by filling in every ice cube slot in a tray with water or plain yogurt, approximately one tablespoon (maybe a bit more). Then place bits and pieces of fruit before freezing.  You can offer your pet one of these icy treats on hot days.


●You can make smoothies.  First, your base.  You can use plain yogurt, water, or even chicken, beef, or vegetable broth.  If you are using store-bought broth, make sure to check the ingredients to make sure that garlic, onions, or any other non-dog-friendly are not present.  Then you can blend in frozen or fresh fruits and serve.  Should the serving size be too big, freeze some using ice cube maker trays for use as future frozen treats.


●Try encouraging your pet to have some sort of play with his food.  Instead of the usual doggie treats, use small fruit slices in your pet’s puzzle toy as prizes.  Mental exercises plus healthy snacks are a good combination.


●Some healthy fruit can be used as meal toppings.  Pieces of cut-up fruits can top your pet’s dinner or breakfast.  This adds variety to your pet’s meals and a wholesome freshness too.


Fruits are not the only human food that you can feed your pet.  Some vegetables like lettuce can also be offered to your animal companion.


Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your local vet Dallas, GA during your pet’s wellness checks.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Providing Proper Shelter For Cattle During Winter

veterinarian Dallas, GA

Winter seasons are only made more challenging by winter storms. Storm forecasts often warn cattle owners before the onslaught of winter storms. This gives them an ample amount of time to bring their cattle to safety and prevents stress and panic among cattle out in the pasture.

Providing your cattle with a safe enclosure or shelter is also essential for their survival. Shelters not only provide your cows with a sanctuary, but shelters would also provide warmth that could help cut down some of the expenses from feeds since they would need less energy to maintain their core temperature. You can choose from several winter shed designs. Weather forecasts can provide crucial information to keep your cattle safe from an impending winter storm.

Preparing for the winter season several months ahead would be beneficial and can save your cattle from the extreme cold. Being prepared can help cattle owners to anticipate and handle any uncertainties that the cold weather may bring.

You should seek advice from your veterinarian Dallas, GA if you have any queries about your pet’s health.

Monday 10 August 2020

Tips To Keep A Multi-Pet Household Happy And Stress-Free


There are many cases when multi-pet households (with various cats and dogs and perhaps other pets) get along quite happily with each other, but there are also many cases when this does not happen and pets mostly squabble from time to time. It's really vital for a multi-pet household like yours to have a peaceful and non-violent environment, so everyone, including all the pets as well as your family members, will have a good time together for many years to come. You can try the following tips to help achieve this:

Don't rush your pets; take things slowly. You should give all your pets (both new and current pets) ample time for all of them to get along well with each other. They will get used to everyone's presence sooner or later; just be patient.

Know each pet's temperament. Each pet has its own temperament as well as personality. Respect this and use this information to develop a peaceful environment.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior or temperament should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Dallas GA.

Wednesday 15 July 2020

Tips To Decrease Your Cat’s Chances Of Throwing Up

There are many reasons why cats vomit. The good news is that many of these can be prevented. Parasites including heartworms can be prevented by regular worming and preventative measures. Making sure that your cat’s vaccinations are up to date can help protect him from certain infectious diseases, such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline distemper, and feline leukemia virus (FeLV),  in which vomiting is one of the symptoms. Feeding a complete and balanced diet of premium quality, making sure that household, garden, and lawn chemicals are kept secured and out of your pet’s reach, and never letting your furball play with unsafe toys, such as strings, yarns, etc. can also help prevent vomiting episodes in cats. Finally, regular health and wellness checks are perfect opportunities for your cat to be examined thoroughly and undergo routine tests that can help identify any underlying health issues like diabetes, liver disease, hyperthyroidism, or kidney problems. 

Frequent vomiting in cats is not normal. Work with your vet Dallas GA to identify the cause of your cat’s vomiting so appropriate treatment can be started immediately.