Sunday 31 May 2020

What you need to look after a new cat

You have a cat coming into your life soon and you want to make sure you are able to give her everything she needs from you right from the start. What supplies should you have on hand to help with this? 

Your little fur ball needs you to offer her food and water in appropriate dishes, and treats from time to time. Your pet will need ways to keep fleas off of her, a collar to let others know she has a family looking after her, and a brush so you can tend to her fur. Your cat will need you to offer her a litter box, litter, and to have the accompanying accessories and cleaning supplies. She will also call for a bed to rest in, a place to scratch, and toys to help her get some exercise and have some fun. Your local vets Frisco, TX can help you care for the pets in your home.

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Why your cat needs to scratch

Your cat is an excellent companion who tends to scratch on things within your home. Why is this? 

Your cat wants to scratch in order to maintain her claws. This behavior gives her a chance to file down her claws so they don’t get too long for her to handle. This helps to keep them from breaking and allows them to stay in top shape. Scratching is a great way for your pet to stretch and to mark her territory as well. This is because she will need to reach to really get a good scratch in and she will leave behind both visual and scent markers for other animals to take note of. This means that scratching can be an enjoyable task for her in addition to being a functional one. For more information, please contact your local vet clinic Frisco, TX.

Pancreatitis In Dogs

Pancreatitis refers to the inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas has two important functions -- production of digestive enzymes and secretion of insulin to help blood sugar level regulation. When there is pancreatitis, there is inhibition of these 2 functions and the enzymes that are supposed to help digest food start attacking the pancreas which can have life-threatening implications. Pancreatitis is a very serious condition. Affected pets can develop life-long complications, such as diabetes mellitus. In some cases, it can be fatal. If your dog has pacreatitis, he will benefit from a low-fat diet. This can help prevent pancreatitis in dogs that are prone to the problem. You should avoid giving fatty treats to your dog.

If your dog has been diagnosed with pancreatitis and/or diabetes, you should talk to your vet clinic Westminster MD about treatment options that are available for your dog. 

Where your dog wants to spend her time

Your dog is an excellent companion and you love being able to spend as much time with her as you possibly can. Where is she likely to want to spend her time?

Your dog is a creature of habit and will likely gravitate toward areas that are familiar to her. She wants to be able to meet her needs so she can focus on other things in her life, so she will likely seek out spaces that offer her simple ways to make this happen. She also trusts you a great deal and may follow you around the house seeking out your companionship. She wants to be a part of family activities and may want to check out any action that is going on within your household to see if she would like to participate. Your local vets Covington GA can offer additional advice.

Friday 29 May 2020

Dental X-Rays For Pets

veterinarians Marietta, GA

Pet health procedures have now become more advanced and sophisticated, and dental procedures are no exception. Dental x-rays are now important tools in diagnosing and treating tooth and gum problems in cats and dogs. Dental problems can be quite deceiving. You may think that there is nothing wrong with your pet’s mouth because you can’t find anything wrong about the animal’s gumline. However, there are a lot of things that can go wrong underneath the gumline. Dental x-rays are also excellent in checking resorptive lesions which is very common dental problem in cats. Tooth and gum problems bring pain and discomfort to affected pets. Regular tooth brushing, early detection and medical intervention are very important to prevent pets from suffering. You should be more sensitive to your pet’s health and behavior. Any change, even though how subtle it may be, should be brought to the attention of your veterinarians Marietta, GA so your pet can be examined thoroughly and may need to undergo several tests. Proper diagnosis is necessary so the appropriate treatment can be given ASAP.

What Makes Dog Noses Extraordinary?

Dogs depend a lot on their sense of smell to learn more about their surroundings. That’s why a dog keeps on taking breaks during leash walks to sniff things out. This gem of knowledge can stop pet owners from being tempted to drag their dogs along during walks.

While all dogs are known for their excellent sense of smell, some breeds are far more superior when it comes to their sense of smell compared to other breeds. Hound breed dogs top the list of canine breeds with the best olfactory sense. Working dogs like Labrador retrievers and doberman pinschers also have outstanding smelling activities. Dogs with short faces, like the pug, may not be as sensitive to odors compared to hounds because the structure of their nasal passages compromise their airways as well as their ability to smell. Your veterinarian Ellicott City, MD is a valuable source of information about your pet’s health and behavior. Make an appointment today!

Why Cats Sleep A Lot

veterinarian Marietta, GA
Our cats can be a firecracker sometimes. They love to play and if you don’t keep a close eye on them chances are, you’ll have most of your belongings torn to bits. Surprisingly though, cats are heavy sleepers. When they’re not playing with your curtains or chasing a loose ball of yarn, they’re on a comfortable spot napping. While we may notice our cats to be napping most of the time, this is quite normal. They need more rest than we do to rejuvenate their energy levels. They’re very erratic sleepers as well. Unlike humans who have regular sleep patterns, cats will sleep at different times of the day. Cats do this so they have a chance to monitor their surroundings. And because they love to play when they’re awake this contributes to their erratic sleeping. If you want to know more about your cat’s sleeping habits, you can contact your veterinarian Marietta, GA.