Tuesday 6 July 2021

Mixed Signals During Training Could Confuse Your Pet Dog


When training your pet dog, you must give him cues at specific times. Giving your dog too many commands can just confuse him. Repeating commands or cues when training your pet will only result in him realizing that you have to give the command repeatedly before he can respond. Note your body language as well because it could confuse your pet too. Dogs are quite perceptive when it comes to their human companion’s body language and behaviors. So your pet will be focused on your gestures and movements as opposed to verbal instructions. Be aware of your movements and be sure you are consistent when giving your pet a command or cue. To prevent confusion, first, teach your pet the behavior wanted with positive reinforcement, after which you can insert the command or cue. Say the command only once, then wait. Dog training requires patience. Let your dog respond for one or two minutes. If it looks like he is confused or does not perform the action you wanted, you will need to try and practice this behavior more prior to inserting that verbal cue.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal clinic Marietta, GA. Click here to set an appointment.

How To Manage Heartworm Infestation In Dogs


Heartworms primarily infect dogs. These parasites enter the body through mosquito bites. A mosquito carries the heartworm larvae as it gets nourishment from an infected dog. Eventually, the larvae will be carried to a healthy dog when the mosquito bites on the next animal.

The mosquito will release a large number of larvae in the animal's bloodstream. If the dog has heartworm prevention medication, the larvae will die as soon as they enter the bloodstream. But the dog has no heartworm protection, the larvae will grow in the body until they become strong enough to withstand any medications. Eventually, heartworm larvae proceed toward the heart chamber and blood vessels until adulthood. In turn, these heartworms will create larvae and be carried by mosquitoes.

Dogs with heartworms may start to cough and develop pot-belly. They also begin to lose weight. Heartworm infestation is a serious concern because it can lead to death. Several dogs have died even if they look healthy.

Your veterinarians Marietta, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Protecting Your Pet From Fleas

To prevent flea infestation, you need to have a year-round flea control program. Aside from your pet, you should also include your pet’s immediate environment in the flea protection program. When there are fleas on your pet’s body, there will be fleas all over your house as well. Even if you have removed all the fleas on your pet, eggs, and larvae are still developing in your home, and they are sure to affect your pet again as soon as they mature. 

Thorough cleaning of the house is an effective way of getting rid of fleas. Vacuum the floors, furniture, and corners around the house because these are known hiding places of fleas, especially the eggs and larvae. In case your pet has a heavy flea infestation, you can hire a professional exterminator to help eradicate these pests from your home. 

Consult your professional vet clinic Kerrville TX about the best way to protect your pet from fleas and other parasites.

Is Your Cat At Risk for Heartworms?


Yes! You should always assume that your cat and all cats in general are at risk for heartworm disease. Whether you own a Manx or an American Wirehair, your cat can be vulnerable to heartworm disease. Heartworms can come is different sizes and are capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your American Wirehair. The disease is transmitted through mosquitoes. Some cat owners believe regions of the U.S. are more prone to heartworms than others and may not see a reason to protect their cat. Heartworm disease; however, has been diagnosed in all 50 states. It should be assumed that the risk is present everywhere. The best way to protect your bobtail is to have her tested yearly for heartworms as well as place her on a monthly heartworm preventive program. If you’re not sure if your cat is already on a prevention program, please call your vets Lakewood Ranch, FL.

Dental Exams for Cats Like the American Wirehair


If you’ve noticed your American Wirehair or other feline having problems with her gums or teeth, please call your vet to schedule a routine physical exam. If your American Wirehair has trouble chewing or eating, has bad breath, or appears to have swollen gums then contact your vet. This could be an indication of gingivitis or other periodontal illnesses. Your vet will need to conduct a physical exam in order to determine a cause of the symptoms. If the symptoms are teeth or gum related then your vet may suggest scheduling a separate dental exam for your American Wirehair. During the dental exam your American Wirehair will be sedated so that the vet can thoroughly check her teeth and gums for plaque, bacteria, etc. During the exam your vet may scrape plaque or calculus build-up from the teeth, pull any rotted teeth and polish the teeth. Click here for more information or call your vets Sarasota, FL.

Monday 5 July 2021

Should Cats Get Booster Shots ?

Young cats need protection from certain life-threatening diseases. This is why they need core vaccines as early as possible. 

In previous years, pet owners used to give booster shots for these core vaccines to continue getting protection from life-threatening diseases. But according to recent studies, booster shots might not be needed for all vaccines. There is not enough evidence to show that booster shots help.

If the pet owner wants to know the immunity level of the cat, they can ask the vet to conduct a blood test on the pet. These tests will know how much antibody is left in the cat, and if there is a need to get booster shots. 

But getting an annual blood test may be expensive in the long run. This procedure is even more costly than booster shots. You could also consider that a high count of antibodies does not equate to immunity to the disease. What's more, the procedure is also stressful for cats. 

If you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet’s vaccines or vaccination in general, don’t hesitate to talk with your veterinarian Kerrville TX. Click here to know more.

Small Dog Care Tips


Are you interested in adopting a smaller dog? Little pooches can make absolutely wonderful pets. Many were bred to be companion dogs, so they tend to have a very sweet, cuddly nature. While many of your pup's care needs will be the same as that of bigger dogs, there are some things you'll want to do differently.

Smaller dogs can easily hurt themselves jumping or climbing onto things like beds and chairs. Set out some pet ramps or stairs for your pet, so he can get up and down safely. You'll also need to be careful with what you feed him. Even giving Fido just ten calories too much each day can cause him to pack on extra pounds. Pay close attention to serving sizes, and don't go overboard with treats.

Training is also important. Your pooch may not pose much of a risk, but he can still get hurt if he doesn't listen to you. Make sure he knows basic obedience commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. 

Your veterinarians Teller County, CO can give you more information on caring for a small dog. Or make an appointment here.