Monday 6 March 2023

Why Microchip Your Cat?

Numerous cats get lost every day and most of their owners have a hard time finding them sadly, some cats are never found. Thus, most vets and pet owners recommend microchipping. 

A microchip is a technology used for pets to ensure that identification is attached to them and can be accessed anytime. This identification is used to locate their owners and contact them so that they can be reunited with their pets. Microchips are grainlike RFID that is injected into the cat's subcutaneous tissue between the shoulder blades.

In any case, if your cat gets lost and they have managed to reach a facility where they can scan the microchip, your details will access thru the system where they can retrieve your contact information. Microchips are very efficient, you can be sure that they won't get misplaced or lost unlike ID collars and tags which can easily be removed during movements. 

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley.

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