Showing posts with label pet clinic norwalk ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet clinic norwalk ca. Show all posts

Friday 24 June 2022

What Are The Basic Considerations When Hand-Rearing Kittens?


Caring for kittens comes with a huge responsibility. You have to be ready not only financially, but most especially physically and emotionally. You must be equipped with proper information so you can do the job well. 

Depending on the case of your kittens, you may need to hand-rear them. Hand-rearing is applicable when the mother cat cannot do her role in taking care of her kittens. But you must understand numerous elements to consider in implementing this procedure. Here are some of the things you need to provide the kittens with:

  • Necessary warm and tidy living environment
  • Hygienic and beneficial feeding regimen
  • Ample attention to toilet practices (defecation and urination)
  • Attention to their overall health and well-being

The kittens that undergo hand-rearing may face several problems, including chilling, starvation, and dehydration. These conditions may lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar when not given proper and urgent medical attention. Remember that kittens are weak and sensitive at this point in their lives.

If you decide to be the carer of the kittens, ensure that you have the time for them and willingness to make sacrifices to help the young cats thrive and survive.

Your veterinarian Norwalk, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Monday 29 March 2021

Are Rawhide Chews Good For Pet Dogs

The chewing of rawhide produces motion in the jaw muscles that can exercise them and also aid in the reduction of the accumulation of tartar and plaque.  But there are dogs that have a negative response to rawhide.  These adverse responses include diarrhea and/or diarrhea right after chewing.  When the rawhide material softens, your pet could bite off pieces that could possibly become a choking hazard or perhaps block the gastrointestinal system and getting stuck somewhere there.  Also, there has been some talk regarding China-based rawhide sources, therefore select rawhide items made of US beef with processing done in the United States.  When selecting rawhide, try looking for something like an approval seal coming from the Veterinary Oral Health Council.  And to further reduce the possible risks that are linked with rawhide-based chews, select an item that is just right for your pet’s shape and size.  Should you have multiple pet dogs in your house, keep each other separate when providing them chew treats so that they will not end up gulping the treat down fearing that another pet could take it.  Having them in separate areas also reduces possible competition.

Your veterinary clinic Norwalk CA is an important information source when you want to know about issues concerning your dog’s well being and health.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Take Water on a Walk with your Dog

Now that the weather is warming up it will be important to remember to take water with you when you walk your dog. It may be a good idea to take a backpack with a few necessities including water for you, water for your dog, an outdoor water bowl and even some snacks. Whether you go for a short walk or a long walk if it’s hot outside be sure to pack water. Other supplies to include may be first aid supplies for yourself and your dog especially if you plan on going on a hike or trail. Band-Aids, bandages and gauze are the basic suggestions along with a small pair of scissors and a few alcohol swabs. Make a point to stop your walk half way through and take a water break. Rest for a bit if needed. You should sit in the shade to cool off or let your dog go for a swim if possible. For more tips, call your veterinarian Norwalk CA .

Friday 15 November 2019

What to consider when choosing a litter box

veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA

You have a wonderful feline friend in your life and you know that she needs a litter box in order to be comfortable in your home. How can you choose one for her that she will like?

Your cat needs you to be aware of the fact that she needs your help to meet her needs. Seeking out appropriate supplies, like a litter box, will be part of your job as a pet owner. This means that you will need to think about your pet’s needs when it comes to this item and then try to find an option that will work for her. Your little fur ball will likely need a specific size, a litter box that can utilize a litter she likes, and accessories that fit her personal preferences. Your local veterinary clinic Norwalk, CA can help you better understand what your pet needs from you.

Monday 21 October 2019

Does My Dog Need Arthritis Medicine?

 veterinarian Norwalk, CA

No one knows your dog better than you do. If you notice that your dog is having trouble moving about, please contact your veterinarian. As dogs grow older, they tend to develop a variety of joint and muscle-related conditions. Some of these conditions can be as simple as arthritis and some could be more complex. Your vet will be able to tell you the severity of your dog’s mobility issues and recommend a treatment plan. If your dog is moving more slowly or appears to be in any type of pain then a pain medication may be prescribed, but it will be up to your vet. Please do not self medicate your dog with any type of pain medicines or NSAIDs even if they are for animals. Always follow your vet’s instructions. In some cases, your dog may be able to take an herbal supplement or herbal NSAID instead of actual pain medicine. Consult with your veterinarian Norwalk, CA.

Monday 3 June 2019

Panting In Cats

While it occurs very rarely, panting in cats often indicates an underlying serious problem. The most common causes of panting in cats include exposure to extreme heat, extreme stress or anxiety, experiencing severe pain, respiratory problems, allergies, or heart problems in which respiratory distress is a consequent symptom. Other important causes of panting in cats include asthma, heartworm disease, respiratory infection, and neurologic disorders. Unlike dogs, cats don’t usually pant after exercise. Considering the potential causes of panting in cats, a trip to the veterinarians Norwalk, CA should be considered if your notice your kitty panting, especially if it continues for a considerable length of time. If panting is caused by heat, stress, anxiety, or strenuous activity, it usually resolves once the animal has cooled down and rested. However, if it continues, it may be an important sign of an underlying health issue that needs prompt veterinary attention.

Thursday 7 March 2019

How Long Does A Dog Sleep Each Day?

Did you know that puppies and senior dogs can sleep up to 16-18 hours a day? Puppies need all the energy they can get to meet the demands for growth and development, while senior pets are slowing down and suffering from age-related issues, like arthritis or joint pains. Another important reason why dogs seem contented to sleep all day is the lifestyle that they have as pets. With their basic needs provided to them, they don’t have much else to do. They don’t need to be always active or on guard for potential predators, find mates, walk far and wide to hunt for prey, etc. When neutered, their drive to reproduce is gone. Thus, there is a need to provide lots of opportunities for physical and mental stimulation.

Since there are also health issues that may be the underlying cause of your pet’s behavior, it is recommended that you bring your pet to your animal hospital Norwalk, CA for a checkup.

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Your Finicky Cat

It can be frustrating if your cat is a finicky eater but with experimentation, you can figure out what she’ll eat. She may have a preference about wet meat or dry cat food and refuse to eat the wrong one. Limit her treats since she will resist eating her nutritionally complete cat food if she has yummy treats all day. Feed your cat several small meals throughout the day. Remove the food after about 15 minutes even if she hasn’t finished it to encourage her to eat when food is served. Don’t leave meat out too long or it could start going bad and taste weird. Your cat may be sensitive to temperature so consider warming up food that has been in the refrigerator. Be patient and keep working at it. And make sure you rule out medical issues that could cause her to be a finicky eater. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Norwalk, GA.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Trimming Your Cat’s Nails

Trimming your cat’s nails can reduce incidences of inappropriate scratching of you and your belongings. And short nails are less likely to get caught in fabrics and damage your cat’s feet. Thus it is important to keep your cat’s nails short. Start trimming her nails when she is young so it becomes routine. Handle your cat’s feet and nails so she becomes accustomed to your touch. When you are ready to trim your cat’s nails, act efficiently. Grasp your cat’s paw and press on the pads to extend the nails. Trim the nails a little at a time while avoiding the quick. The quick is the nerve and blood supply to the nail and will hurt and bleed if nicked. Continue as long as your cat doesn’t resist. Don’t force her to continue. Just try another time and eventually you’ll get all the nails trimmed. For more information, contact your veterinarians Norwalk, CA.

Teaching Your Dog to Walk with a Slack Leash

Dog walks are great exercise for both you and your dog and it gives you a chance to bond. However, dog walks are no fun at all if your dogs are dragging you around the neighborhood by his leash. Thus you need to teach your dog to walk with a slack leash. Train your dog when he is alert but not overly excited. Start walking and continue as long as the leash is slack. If it becomes taut, turn around quickly and head the other way. Call your dog’s name so he needs to hustle to keep up. Repeat this procedure as often as needed. Praise your dog if he continues with a slack leash. Never punish or yell at your dog while he is learning. Soon dog walks will become a pleasure as your dog walks with you instead of dragging you along. For more information, contact your veterinarian Norwalk, CA.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Why Gluten-Rich Diets Are Not Recommended For Dogs

Some commercial dog food products containing gluten-rich ingredients were discovered to be the culprit when thousands of dogs and cats became ill or died after consuming tainted wheat gluten. This issue was an eye-opener for many pet owners, prompting them to pay closer attention to the ingredients in their pet’s food. Also, this has also opened doors that exposed many commercial dog food products incorporating corn or wheat in large ratios which are comparable to the protein component in the ration.
In addition to an increase in the number of Celiac Disease cases in dogs associated with consumption of gluten-rich diets, gluten has also been linked to an increase in the number of Diabetes cases in dogs. many dog food manufacturers are incorporating different types of grains as fillers for their products in order to reduce production costs. But the practice has resulted in the increase in the number of Celiac disease cases as well as other chronic health problems in pet dogs that consumed gluten-rich diets. Fortunately, eliminating foods which contain gluten from a dog’s diet can bring favorable results in just a matter of days.
Your pet will benefit from regular health checks and dental visits at your vet clinic Norwalk, CA.