Showing posts with label vet norwalk ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet norwalk ca. Show all posts

Friday 24 June 2022

What Are The Basic Considerations When Hand-Rearing Kittens?


Caring for kittens comes with a huge responsibility. You have to be ready not only financially, but most especially physically and emotionally. You must be equipped with proper information so you can do the job well. 

Depending on the case of your kittens, you may need to hand-rear them. Hand-rearing is applicable when the mother cat cannot do her role in taking care of her kittens. But you must understand numerous elements to consider in implementing this procedure. Here are some of the things you need to provide the kittens with:

  • Necessary warm and tidy living environment
  • Hygienic and beneficial feeding regimen
  • Ample attention to toilet practices (defecation and urination)
  • Attention to their overall health and well-being

The kittens that undergo hand-rearing may face several problems, including chilling, starvation, and dehydration. These conditions may lead to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar when not given proper and urgent medical attention. Remember that kittens are weak and sensitive at this point in their lives.

If you decide to be the carer of the kittens, ensure that you have the time for them and willingness to make sacrifices to help the young cats thrive and survive.

Your veterinarian Norwalk, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Myths About Shelter Pets You Shouldn’t Believe


Probably because of the nature of the work they do, animal shelters sometimes get a bad rap. So do the pets housed in them. You shouldn’t believe everything you hear when it comes to shelter pets! Let’s set the record straight:

       Myth: Shelter pets are dirty. This isn’t true. Shelter pets are clean and healthy. Even if they arrive dirty or with health problems, that’s taken care of before they’re available for adoption.

       Myth: Shelter pets are poorly behaved. Think pets are dropped off at shelters because of poor behavior? Think again. Issues like abandonment and overbreeding are much more common.

       Myth: Shelter pets are mutts. Many pets in shelters are mutts, yes. But there are also unique breeds and purebred animals, too. It all depends on what animals happen to be at your local rescue.

Set up an appointment at your animal hospital Norwalk, CA to get your new pet an examination. We’re here to help! Click here to know more.

Thursday 27 May 2021

Acetaminophen Toxicity In Cats

animal hospital Norwalk, CA

A veterinarian might recommend small dosages of animal medication available over the pharmacy counter, with the animal’s weight always considered as to the proper dosage.  Cat owners must never self-diagnose their pets, much less treat them with medication intended for humans.  All household medications have to be placed out of your pet cat’s reach so you must take precautions, else, harmful or even possibly fatal reactions can befall your cat.

One of the most widely used pain medications is acetaminophen.  It is available over the pharmacy counter in various medications.  A toxic level could be achieved if your pet unintentionally gets overmedicated with the drug, or if your pet somehow acquires the medication and ingests it.  Cat owners often just do not notice their pets breaking into the medicine cabinet or perhaps chew through bottles containing the drug.  It is essential that you recognize toxicity symptoms to correctly treat your cat in case accidental medication ingestion happens.

If your pet has consumed any type of human medication, contact your animal hospital Norwalk, CA so you can be instructed on what to do. 

Friday 5 February 2021

Does Your Dog Think He Is The Boss?


A dog is a dominant animal, so if he is without an alpha to look up to, your pet dog might take the lead and will act as he is the boss in the pack. A dog becomes overconfident and bold as he is allowed to lead a pack. He tends to do his own thing and does not listen to commands. Male dogs assume leadership, although female ones can also take charge.

Here are ways to establish leadership over your dog:

· Establish rules. This is the primary thing you need to resolve a dog’s bossy problems. Also, make sure that all other members of the house follow these rules.

· Consistency. It is important to be consistent when you establish the rules for your pet dog. If he wants to lie down on furniture, then you must insist that he stays on the floor, or sleeps on his bed and not on your bed.

· Structure and Obedience Training. A structure is what a dominant dog needs and can be only accomplished by obedience training. He must understand and realize that he is not tolerated to do as he likes. You must be able to connect on a certain level wherein he must follow you.

· Feed your dog after all of the family members have eaten. In the dog’s wild habitat, the other members cannot eat unless the dominant dog eats first.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Norwalk, CA.

Monday 21 October 2019

Does My Dog Need Arthritis Medicine?

 veterinarian Norwalk, CA

No one knows your dog better than you do. If you notice that your dog is having trouble moving about, please contact your veterinarian. As dogs grow older, they tend to develop a variety of joint and muscle-related conditions. Some of these conditions can be as simple as arthritis and some could be more complex. Your vet will be able to tell you the severity of your dog’s mobility issues and recommend a treatment plan. If your dog is moving more slowly or appears to be in any type of pain then a pain medication may be prescribed, but it will be up to your vet. Please do not self medicate your dog with any type of pain medicines or NSAIDs even if they are for animals. Always follow your vet’s instructions. In some cases, your dog may be able to take an herbal supplement or herbal NSAID instead of actual pain medicine. Consult with your veterinarian Norwalk, CA.

Monday 3 June 2019

Panting In Cats

While it occurs very rarely, panting in cats often indicates an underlying serious problem. The most common causes of panting in cats include exposure to extreme heat, extreme stress or anxiety, experiencing severe pain, respiratory problems, allergies, or heart problems in which respiratory distress is a consequent symptom. Other important causes of panting in cats include asthma, heartworm disease, respiratory infection, and neurologic disorders. Unlike dogs, cats don’t usually pant after exercise. Considering the potential causes of panting in cats, a trip to the veterinarians Norwalk, CA should be considered if your notice your kitty panting, especially if it continues for a considerable length of time. If panting is caused by heat, stress, anxiety, or strenuous activity, it usually resolves once the animal has cooled down and rested. However, if it continues, it may be an important sign of an underlying health issue that needs prompt veterinary attention.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Why You Should Spay/Neuter Your Dog

Spaying or neutering your dog reduces unwanted litters of puppies. However, there are other benefits. You can expect less territorial marking if your dog is sterilized. Your dog will also have less urges to wander off looking for mates. Sterilization will help your dog become more calm and dedicated to you and your family so he won’t want to be somewhere else. Your dog may be less active after spaying or neutering so there may be some weight gain. A little extra exercise can control this sedentary-based weight gain. You can expect a decreased risk of certain cancers if your dog is spayed or neutered such as uterine and breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in males. Spaying and neutering is a surgical procedure done under anesthesia. There is always some risk with surgery but the long-term benefits of sterilization far outweigh them. For more information, contact your veterinarian Norwalk, CA.

Sunday 23 September 2018

Why Long-Haired Cats Need A De-Shedding Tool

A de-shedding tool helps facilitate the easy removal of loose hairs from the undercoat. This is an important tool that can help prevent mats and tangles especially in cats with dense hair coats. Regular removal of loose hairs can prevent them from forming mats and tangles, as well as prevent hairball formation when ingested. It has also be shown to have a positive effect on the health and wellbeing of Himalayan and Persian cats.
Although a de-shedding tool does not cut healthy hairs, it should only be used at least once a week because it can be quite uncomfortable for cats. The tool will come in handy during periods of heavy shedding such as during spring and summer. Many people think that a de-shedding tool can help thin out a thick hair coat; but this is NOT TRUE. It does not remove any hair that is still attached to the hair follicle.

Consult your veterinary Norwalk, CA if you have any concerns or questions about your pet’s grooming needs.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Why Gluten-Rich Diets Are Not Recommended For Dogs

Some commercial dog food products containing gluten-rich ingredients were discovered to be the culprit when thousands of dogs and cats became ill or died after consuming tainted wheat gluten. This issue was an eye-opener for many pet owners, prompting them to pay closer attention to the ingredients in their pet’s food. Also, this has also opened doors that exposed many commercial dog food products incorporating corn or wheat in large ratios which are comparable to the protein component in the ration.
In addition to an increase in the number of Celiac Disease cases in dogs associated with consumption of gluten-rich diets, gluten has also been linked to an increase in the number of Diabetes cases in dogs. many dog food manufacturers are incorporating different types of grains as fillers for their products in order to reduce production costs. But the practice has resulted in the increase in the number of Celiac disease cases as well as other chronic health problems in pet dogs that consumed gluten-rich diets. Fortunately, eliminating foods which contain gluten from a dog’s diet can bring favorable results in just a matter of days.
Your pet will benefit from regular health checks and dental visits at your vet clinic Norwalk, CA.