Wednesday 18 September 2019

Myxomatosis In Rabbits

Myxomatosis is a viral disease in rabbits that is spread by fleas, mosquitoes, and other biting insects. It is highly contagious and often fatal. In fact, there have been cases when rabbits die within 48 hours of appearance of symptoms, while there are those that survived for several weeks before dying. Although wild rabbits have developed immunity to the disease, there are still some deadly strains to which wild and pet rabbits are still at risk.

Survival rates for unvaccinated rabbits are very low. Many rabbits that have been diagnosed with myxo have to be euthanized to alleviate their suffering.

Signs of myxomatosis include small swellings on the skin surface, fever, whitish eye discharge, fluid around the rabbit’s nose, ears, and lips, drooping ears, pus from the nose, depression, labored breathing, and swollen head and genitals.

You should call your vets San Antonio, TX immediately if you notice your rabbit displaying symptoms of the disease.

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