Monday 16 December 2019

Should Dogs Be Given Ice Cream?

Whether it’s hot out or cold out when you have a craving for ice cream it’s nice to go out and grab a bite or a shake. But what about your canine companion? Can you share your sweet, cold treat with him? The answer is that you probably shouldn’t. Although some ice cream in super small amounts may not hurt your dog you don’t know when it may give your dog an upset stomach, diarrhea, or make him vomit. Why would it do that? Dogs are pretty much lactose intolerant or they can only digest or tolerate lactose in small amounts (i.e. cheese or yogurt). In addition to this, ice cream is filled with sugar and carbohydrates that can be too much for a dog. Diets high in sugar can cause dental problems and obesity in dogs just like in people. If you want to give your dog ice cream, talk to your animal hospital Murrieta, CA first. Make an appointment today!

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