Sunday 18 July 2021

Pet Gerbil Care


Gerbils, like hamsters, are popular pets because they are tiny, cheap, and low maintenance. Gerbils are burrowing rodents that are native to Africa and Asia. Their native environments are deserts. As such, gerbils are experts in preserving water. Gerbils can already live on a minimal amount of water each day. Even if gerbils do not consume a lot of water, they nevertheless require access to fresh, clean water at all times. Their water pans should be always clean and replaced with new water regularly. Water bottles affixed to the enclosure side are preferable for keeping the enclosure clean and preventing the bedding from getting damp.

Gerbils, both male, and female possess a smell gland found on the belly, a hairless oval area with an orange shade. The gland enlarges, secreting an oily matter that male gerbils use to mark a particular claimed space as they grow. As a result, a mature male gerbil often rubs its belly against things.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your best vet hospital Greater Cincinnati.

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