Thursday 14 December 2023

Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

 Cats love to play with boxes and cartons, as is well known. In reality, cats are drawn to these common objects for various reasons.

First, cats are naturally curious animals, and boxes provide an ideal opportunity for them to explore and investigate their surroundings. The enclosed space of a box also provides a sense of security, which can be comforting for cats.

In addition, cats love to hide and ambush their prey, and boxes provide the perfect place to do so. They can pounce on unsuspecting prey (or their owners' feet) from inside the box, satisfying their natural hunting instincts.

Lastly, boxes and cartons can be a source of entertainment and stimulation for cats. They can scratch, chew, and bat at the cardboard, providing a satisfying sensory experience.

So, the next time you see your feline friend playing with a box or carton, remember that it's not just random behavior - it's a natural and enjoyable pastime for her. Providing her with a variety of boxes and other safe toys can help keep her happy and engaged.

Your veterinarian San Diego, CA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and behavior.

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