Showing posts with label veterinarian san diego ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarian san diego ca. Show all posts

Thursday 14 December 2023

Why Do Cats Like Boxes?

 Cats love to play with boxes and cartons, as is well known. In reality, cats are drawn to these common objects for various reasons.

First, cats are naturally curious animals, and boxes provide an ideal opportunity for them to explore and investigate their surroundings. The enclosed space of a box also provides a sense of security, which can be comforting for cats.

In addition, cats love to hide and ambush their prey, and boxes provide the perfect place to do so. They can pounce on unsuspecting prey (or their owners' feet) from inside the box, satisfying their natural hunting instincts.

Lastly, boxes and cartons can be a source of entertainment and stimulation for cats. They can scratch, chew, and bat at the cardboard, providing a satisfying sensory experience.

So, the next time you see your feline friend playing with a box or carton, remember that it's not just random behavior - it's a natural and enjoyable pastime for her. Providing her with a variety of boxes and other safe toys can help keep her happy and engaged.

Your veterinarian San Diego, CA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and behavior.

Training And Exercise Needs Of Dachshunds

The stubborn attitude of Dachshunds is often why their owner has difficulty training them. However, this situation can be counter-attacked by incorporating treats and rewards during training. All dogs love being rewarded; the Dachshund is the same. Aside from his stubbornness, your dog's training can also be distracted when there is prey or a strong smell around that might catch his attention. Thus, it is necessary to ensure that your training area is free from any possible distractions. Bag some packs of patience because you'll need it to train your dog successfully. 

If you have a wide yard, it can be renovated and transformed to be your dog's play area. Make sure that the fence is high enough to keep him from escaping. Don't leave your Dachshund alone for a long time since it can cause him to feel lonely and bored. You won't want to see him in these two states. 

Exercise is not only necessary for big dogs. Even small dogs like the Dachshund needs exercise to stay fit and healthy. Exercise will also enhance their muscles for their daily activities. Minimize the running and jumping activities as much as possible since they can injure your dog.

If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with an animal care San Diego, CA.

Monday 6 March 2023

Restrict Your Dog’s Activity While Undergoing Heartworm Treatment

Heartworms travel through the bloodstream. Therefore, the most effective way to treat this condition is to prevent your dog from getting excited so that his heart rate and blood pressure won’t increase suddenly. Medications will not be enough if you don’t restrict your pet from engaging in physical activities. When heartworms travel through the bloodstream, they can cause blood clots when they build up in specific organs. 

It is also important to remember that when your dog has recovered from heartworm disease, he can still acquire it again. This is why keeping him enrolled in a year-round preventative program is essential. This will keep him safe from the infection. Clinics offer a variety of treatments. One of these is vaccination, which usually lasts 6 to 12 months. Make sure to do everything to prevent your pet from suffering this possibly fatal disease.

Your veterinarian in San Diego, CA is a valuable resource regarding issues affecting your pet’s health and well-being.

Thursday 29 December 2022

Tips To Help Your Obese Pet Lose Weight

Once you have determined that your pet is obese and needs to cut down on his weight, you will have to be supportive of him as much as you could. Your pet’s quest to lose weight is not going to be a walk in the park, so he needs your total support.

Checkout the following tips to help motivate your pet to shed some weight:

●Choose his food carefully. Reduce the carbs and give him more protein-rich food.

●Check with the vet for proper recommendations regarding your pet’s meal plan.

●Avoid giving him sweets and treats as much as possible.

●Motivate him to exercise. You can join him during his regular exercise routines as well so he can enjoy it.

●Try giving him weight reduction supplements to help him lose weight faster.

●Encourage him to drink more water to aid in his metabolism.

Any concern you may have about your pet’s diet should be brought to the attention of your local veterinarian San Diego, CA.

Friday 2 September 2022

Should You Pluck Your Dog's Ears


For some dog breeds, it’s natural to have hair growing inside their ears. If your dog has thicker fur, his hair can affect the insides of his ear which could cause blockage and trapped ear wax, which may eventually lead to an infection.

 It is best to get professional help to see if it is advisable to regularly pluck the hair on your dog's ears. They will help you understand what is going on in your dog's ear and how you can clean it. If your pet often gets ear problems and infections, then ear cleaning must be done regularly.

 Assess your dog whether or not he needs his ears to be plucked. Not all dogs may need it, while some must get the hair on their ear plucked. If you are ever unsure of what to do, check with your local vet San Diego, CA for an expert recommendation.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Ways To Ensure That Your Cat Uses The Scratching Post


Have you been a fur parent for a long time now? Then you may have probably known about cats’ urge and instinctive behavior to scratch. These animals scratch for several reasons such as to exercise and stretch their muscles, mark their territories, and maintain sharp claws.

Even if you keep your cat indoors and do not allow her to go out, she still needs avenues where she can do some scratching. A scratching post is one good solution for this. You can choose from several types and styles of scratching posts in the market.

However, some cats can get hardheaded and not use the posts provided by their humans. When this happens to you, employ some strategies to keep your cat interested in the post at your home. Here are some tips from the experts:

  • Place the post near a window or a radiator inside a room where your cat frequents. 
  • If the post comes with a large design with a bed and other platforms, place it in a large or spacious room.
  • Situating the post near your cat’s sleeping quarter is also ideal since cats enjoy stretching upon waking up. 
  • Try sprinkling dry catnip on the post base to motivate your cat to scratch the post.
  • You may place dry food on the platforms to encourage your cat to come to the post.

Your veterinarian San Diego, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior. Visit the website.

Friday 24 June 2022

Cat Supply Basics: Cat Food


Have you adopted a kitten? Congratulations on making this decision. Being a fur parent is a life-changing experience as it can impact your life greatly. But be sure you are equipped with all the necessary things and knowledge so you can do the job. 

One of the basic things you need to remember in keeping a kitten is the food. What nutrients do these little felines need? What types of food are suited for your kitten? What are the elements you need to consider in choosing the right food for your cat? 

Understand that cat food comes in two forms: dry and wet. Dry cat foods are tiny kibbles that are available in different flavors and shapes. The wet cat food is a normally shredded product and canned pâte.

Listed below are some things you need to consider in planning for your cat’s mealtime:

  • Age
  • Body type
  • Bread
  • Health needs

Your new kitten may be sensitive to food or picky. So, be prepared to provide your cat with several options of food types in case your cat fails to like what you have chosen.

 A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should prompt a visit to your animal clinic  San Diego, CA. 

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Keeping Your Cat Safe When Introducing A New Dog And Vice Versa


To keep your cat safe when introducing her to a new dog, don't bring your cat to see the dog in the shelter. They can meet each other at home instead.

Likewise, when you're introducing a new cat to your dog, refrain from bringing your pooch to the shelter as he may scare the cats. It's also not a good factor in how your dog may react when bringing the kitty home.

A better thing to do is ask the adoption counselors about which cats are most likely to befriend a dog. Confident cats, for instance, do fine with dogs given controlled conditions. However, if that isn't possible, you may apply an alternative way by bringing in your friend's or relatives' dog-friendly cat. The least you can do is bring in your new cat and introduce her to your dog.

Your pets will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your animal care San Diego, CA

Thursday 5 May 2022

What Should I Do If My Dog Or Cat Eats Acetaminophen?


Accidents may happen no matter how supervised or hands-on you are to your pets. Some things happen unexpectedly and may even go out of hand. 

But, understand that you may employ some strategies to help you address these inevitable accidents, such as when your cat or dog eats acetaminophen.

  • The first thing you can do when the exposure just happened is to call your veterinarian or the Pet Poison Helpline, an animal poison control center (800-213-6680). Do this right away when your pet is not showing indications of exposure yet.
  • If your pet is already showing indications of anxiety or distress, rush your pet to the nearest animal hospital San Diego, CA. Bring with you the pills and the bottle. You must also know the details regarding the incident, including

Type of medication

Amount ingested

Time ingested


Monday 21 March 2022

What Is Your Cat Trying To Say?


According to feline behavior specialists, there are 23 expressions or separate vocal sounds that cats use in their languages. They also utilize their body to communicate, such as the examples below.


The typically happy purr has a rhythm. On the other hand, a low pitch and repetitive purr mean a terrified cat. Cats generate a low-pitched, persistent purr during the first day preceding death.

Body language

Forward-pointing whiskers and ears suggest interest. A pet cat that lets you hold its feet quickly is likely to be a friendly feline. Slow blinking is akin to a kitten kiss. Kneading is something cats do when they feel comfortable and pleased. 


A feline staring at you is more likely hostile than one avoiding looking at you. 

Some pet owners may mistake their cat's language to show negative behavior. Pet owners need to understand how their pet cats communicate to avoid misinterpretations.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your veterinarian San Diego CA.

Tuesday 22 February 2022

Where Did Tibetan Mastiff Originate?


The Tibetan Mastiff is perfect for families who need a large guard dog. They also have a well-formed coat which you may love. But before adopting this variety of Mastiffs, there are things you should know about them first.

There is no concrete evidence about the origin of the Mastiffs from Tibet. But most historians believe that these dogs used to be Himalayan guards. Furthermore, Tibetan Mastiffs' character did not change that much. Many also believe that Tibetan Mastiffs are the parents of all the other varieties of Mastiffs. It makes them even fitter to be protector dogs. Until now, some mastiff dogs still work on the farms to guard and herd animals.

Some evidence also suggests that people before offered the Tibetan Mastiffs as gifts for the travelers. Eventually, these gift dogs became the parent dog to create new hybrids of Mastiffs in Europe and the Middle East.

Your vet San Diego, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Pets And Medications -- How To Avoid Adverse Reactions Against Medicines

veterinarian San Diego CA

Side effects and adverse reactions from vaccines, medications, and grooming products such as shampoos are common in pets. Knowing what to do when this happens is important for pet owners.

Pet owners should be aware of the side effects that these may have on their pets. They should also be able to identify signs and symptoms should these manifest upon ingestion or application of certain medications and products. Itching, inflammation, hair loss, hives, skin infection, ear infection are among the common adverse reactions. Gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea are also a possibility; respiratory symptoms include difficulty breathing; other reactions include drooling, seizures, and collapse.  

Adverse drug reactions can be very unpredictable and have a sudden onset. However, there are preventive measures to avoid adverse drug reactions. As pet owners, it’s your responsibility to familiarize yourselves with the medication that would be prescribed by the veterinarian including its potential side effects. Notify the veterinarian first should you wish to give your pets any medications or supplements on top of those prescribed already. Each pet you have in your household should have its separate medication and supplements. Be guided by the instructions about the right dosage and proper drug administration provided by your veterinarian San Diego, CA.

Wednesday 4 November 2020

Ticks in Pets

What are ticks? Ticks are bug-looking parasites that feed the animal host’s blood to survive. Pets typically get ticks from outdoors, especially in places that have grass or bushes. So, they are at risk when the weather is warm as pets do more activities outside the house such as hiking, walking, or playing at the park. When traveling, pet owners should take extra caution when in places that have a high tick population. Ticks are also disease carriers and as such, are harmful not only to pets but to pet owners too.

Pet owners can remove ticks in their pets by using specially-formulated treatment products such as soap, shampoos, sprays, powders, dips, topical spot-on, medicated pills, and tick collars. Some pet owners employ natural ways to treat ticks like using a homemade spray solution or essential oils. 

Before purchasing a product or making a homemade remedy, consult first with your animal hospital San Diego CA on the most effective tick treatment appropriate you should give to your pet.