Showing posts with label Pet clinic Derby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet clinic Derby. Show all posts

Monday 27 February 2023

Can Horses Eat Hay?


Yes, horses can eat hay. Hay is a common source of forage for horses and provides them with necessary nutrients such as fiber, protein, and vitamins. It is important to provide horses with a variety of hay, including grass and legume hays, to ensure they are getting a balanced diet.

Hay provides many benefits to horses, including:

  • Nutritional value: Hay is a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are essential for maintaining a horse's overall health.
  • Dental health: The natural chewing motion of eating hay helps keep a horse's teeth worn down and healthy.
  • Digestive health: Eating hay helps promote healthy gut motility and prevents colic and other digestive problems.
  • Behavioral benefits: Eating hay can provide horses with comfort, security, and well-being.
  • Weight management: Hay is a low-calorie food that can help horses maintain a healthy weight.
  • Hydration: Hay can also help horses stay hydrated as it contains a significant amount of water, which is necessary for the body's normal functioning.
  • Diversion: Hay can also provide a diversion for horses to prevent boredom and vices such as cribbing or weaving.

It's important to note that hay quality and nutritional value can vary depending on the type of hay, how it was grown, and how it was stored. It's important to have hay analyzed to ensure that it meets your horse's nutritional needs. It's also important to provide a horse with a variety of hay, including grass and legume hays, to ensure they are getting a balanced diet.

Your veterinarian Derby is a valuable source of information about the diet and nutritional needs of horses.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Cleaning Of Substrate In Snake Enclosures


Though snakes are simple animals with simple needs, they still need comfort so they can thrive well. Thus, in housing one, do not forget to place a substrate inside the tank. This material is what snakes use as their resting place that seems more comfortable and natural than glass. 

So, what can you use as a substrate? Here are some suggestions.

  • Paper towels
  • Smooth sand
  • Newspaper
  • Rolled corrugate
  • Aspen shavings
  • Cypress bark mulch
  • Dry leaves

Do not use aromatic wood shavings. This substrate also acts as the repository of the waste of your pet snake. So, be sure to remove and replace the substrate when your snake poops. Experts suggest cleaning the whole cage when you remove the substrate. What should you use to clean the entire tank?

  • Mild soap and water
  • Alcohol-based glass cleaners
  • Diluted Clorox solution
  • Diluted Roccal solution
  • Avoid using cleaners that contain phenol.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Derby

Allergies In Bearded Collies


In general, Bearded Collies are healthy dogs. But as with any dog, this breed may also be susceptible to particular illnesses and health issues. Although not every Beardie will acquire these diseases for sure, it's best to know about them before deciding to bring home a Bearded Collie.

Allergies aren't new to your canine friends. Among the crucial steps in determining and treating your dog's food allergy is removing some foods from their diet till they trace the real cause. Contact allergies often result from stuff that gets in contact with the dog— including flea powders, shampoos, bedding, and chemicals. During treatment, the cause of the allergy will be removed after it's been identified. Meanwhile, inhalant allergies came from airborne allergens (dust, pollen, etc.). The treatment for this is based on how bad the allergy is. Among the effects of inhalant allergies is an ear infection.

Your pet’s frequent allergy flare-ups must be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Derby

Saturday 30 April 2022

Healthy Coat For Dogs: Supplements For Coat Health


Do you intend to make the best of being a fur parent? Congratulations on this decision. The journey may be overwhelming, but it is possible. You can simply start by helping your pup have a healthy fur coat.

Apart from feeding your canine buddy a nutritious and balanced diet, you should give him supplements too.

One of the popular supplements for pups is an omega-3 fatty acid. This substance is proven effective in keeping your dog’s skin and coat healthy and in prime condition. You can find this supplement in cold-water fish, like sardines, salmon, and anchovies. Note that omega-3 is also an anti-inflammatory agent and provider healthy fats to support your dog’s shiny coat.

Another helpful supplement you can consider is coconut oil. This substance is a good source of healthy fats that can fortify your dog’s skin barrier and can nourish his coat. Coconut oil can also be used to moisturize your pup’s dry paw pads and nose.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Derby

Friday 15 April 2022

Are You Thinking About Getting A Crested Gecko For A Pet?

Have you always dreamed of owning a unique pet? It may not have crossed your mind to have a pet gecko, but why not consider it? You may bring home a Crested Gecko also called the “eyelash gecko.”

This adorable species of geckos originally lives in the south part of New Caledonia. These creatures were introduced to the public by Alphone Guichenot, a French zoologist, in 1866. People assumed that these animals were extinct until Robert Seipp discovered them again in 1994.

These geckos have a transparent spectacle or scale that serves as their eyelids and keeps their eyes hydrated. Crested geckos possess webbed legs.

These Cresties can become stressed and lose their tails in the process. These tails do not grow back. The Crested geckos without tails are known as “frog butts.” Interesting characteristics, right? So, do not think twice about adopting a Crested Gecko.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Derby. Click here to know more.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Reasons Why Cats Make Great First Pets


Cats, on average, are ultimately cheaper to maintain. They're usually not as sickly as dogs, so they require not as many vet appointments as canines typically do. Relative to the size of their pets, dog owners will likely need more money to feed their dogs. Pups also need more accessories such as leashes, beds, collars, and durable toys. On the other hand, cats are generally happy with only an empty box to sleep in and some random stuff at home to entertain them.

Aside from that, cats are also natural to potty training. While dogs need to get training for proper defecation, cats can usually do it without prior guidance. Even young cats already know how to use a litter box. Perhaps cat litter is expensive. But it's nevertheless cheaper than the rugs, flooring, and cleaning fees you'd have to pay every time a dog messes up.

Your vet Derby can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Monday 10 January 2022

Loud Noises Can Be Stressful To Parakeets

Loud noises can cause parakeets to respond in a variety of forms. While some parakeets can tolerate a noisy environment, sensitive ones become agitated even upon hearing the doorbell. When subjected to continuous noise, some parakeets get anxious, while others exhibit negative behavior in response to unexpected loud noises. Some parakeets become agitated by the sound of a blender or vacuum cleaner, although they can tolerate music playing at an average volume. It may take a few adjustments to discover what kind of noises disturb your pet parakeet and the degree of the effect.

A bird agitated by a noisy environment may chatter incessantly, pull its feathers, avoid using the perch, refuse to feed, or remain silent. If your parakeet behaves in this manner, consider decreasing the amount of household noise and giving your bird some privacy to see if the behavior changes.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your pet clinic Derby.

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Housing Needs Of Corn Snakes


A 20-gallon long glass tank makes a good-sized enclosure for a corn snake. It is significant to clamp down from the top to use a secure-fitting lid. To feel safe, corn snakes need places to hide. Provide a hide box that is just large enough for the snake to curl up in; if it is too large the snake will not feel as secure. Pieces of bark can also provide hiding spots for your snake if they are atop a substrate that allows burrowing under the bark. Ideally, there should be an available hiding place in both the cooler and warmer ends of the enclosure. Also, provide a forked branch for climbing.


These snakes like to burrow and hide, so using a layer of loose substrate on the bottom of the enclosure is key. A variety of materials can be used as a bottom layer for the enclosure. Inkless newspaper is the utilitarian choice since it is very easy to clean up, but its appearance in the cage leaves a little to be desired. Indoor or outdoor carpeting can be used, and if you cut two pieces, you can rotate them by swapping the clean one out for the dirty one at cleaning time; wash and thoroughly dry the soiled piece before using it. 

Your local veterinarian Derby is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Wednesday 18 August 2021

How to Achieve Good Water Quality For Pet Turtles

The essential factors in achieving the ideal water quality for your pet turtle are changing the water often, as well as the use and maintenance of a high-quality filter for turtle tanks.  It is that simple.
The fact is, aquatic turtles are quite messy and will perform all their needed business while in water.  Since it lives in water, it will eat while in water and will do its bathroom necessities while in water too.  So, your pet’s health is highly dependent on how you maintain quality water in its tank.  You can achieve this by scheduling regular changes of the water along with a water filter of high quality so that the water is kept clean between changes.
Feeding your pet turtle properly is also essential in keeping the water quality in ideal parameters.  Ensure that your pet gets to eat everything placed inside his tank.  Any uneaten turtle food must be removed so that ammonia does not accumulate in the water.  You can use the strips that aquarium fishkeepers use to test ammonia levels in the water.  Just wet them inside the take for a reading.
Your professional pet clinic Derby is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Thursday 22 April 2021

Keeping Your Barred Rock Chickens Hydrated

It’s important to make sure your Barred Rock chickens, both young and old, are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If you suspect that your Barred Rocks are not drinking as much as they should, call your vet for assistance. Signs of dehydration or heat stress in Barred Rocks may include lethargy or behavioral changes. In order to keep your chickens hydrated, make sure cool, fresh water is available throughout the day by setting up multiple watering stations. You may also want to place ice cubes in the water to help keep it cooler longer. If your baby Barred Rock chicks aren’t drinking, pick up one of them and dip his beak into the water. He may just need to be shown where the water is. On the really hot days, talk to your vet clinic Derby about adding electrolyte supplements to the water to encourage your chickens to drink more.

Saturday 21 November 2020

Turtles in the House


veterinarians Derby

Did you know that some turtle owners like to make sure their turtles receive plenty of exercise inside and outside of his cage or tank? If you want to allow your turtle more roaming time, ask your vet for suggestions on where to allow your turtle to roam freely. In general, the type of turtle you own will determine whether or not he can roam around the house in a secure location or even freely. For instance, land-dwellers such as the tortoise enjoy large areas to roam whether indoors or outdoors. However, as with any pet, they need supervision as they may eat something on the floor and either choke or become ill. Turtles that swim most often get their exercise from swimming. Although it is not recommended for them to roam in your home, you can buy them a kid-size pool that will give them extra room to swim. Click for more tips or call your veterinarians Derby.

Tuesday 13 October 2020

Salt and Horses

Did you know that salt licks or salt blocks can help encourage your horse to drink more? If you’re thinking about buying your horse a salt lick or a pasture salt block, consult your vet ahead of time especially when it comes to how much salt your horse can have and how often .Generally, horses require about one to two ounces of salt per day. This may increase to four to six ounces per day if the weather is hot or your horse is being exercised regularly. Horses that do not get enough salt in their diet often start showing abnormal behaviors such as licking or chewing things that might have salt on them. For instance, your horse may chew on a pitch fork handle or start licking at dirt. Lack of salt also causes a decrease in water intake which could increase the risk of impaction colic. Consult with your veterinarian Derby to learn more.