Showing posts with label vet derby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet derby. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Training Pet Rabbits To Use A Litter Box


A typical misconception regarding rabbits is that they are messy animals.  Rabbits make ideal indoor pets, partly because they, like cats, could be trained to use litter boxes. 

Use a small litter box that has no top and low enough sides.  You could also try using shallow storage tubs instead.  If the sides are too tall, cut out an entryway on one side.  Avoid the litter boxes advertised to be specifically for rabbits because they are usually too small. 

You could use old newspaper or other recycled paper as litter material.  You can try using kitty litter, but select unscented ones.  Kitty litter could negate undesirable urine smells.  Try not to use clumping or clay-based litter because this is dangerous to your pet rabbit’s respiratory tract.  Wood shavings are a no-no too. 

Lay down a thin spread of litter material to line the box’s base, enough to soak up wetness.  You do not have to fill up the box too high because rabbits do not dig and bury their poop like pet cats.  In addition, whenever you clean out your pet’s litter box, just dump out everything every time.  So filling the box deep will just waste lots of litter.

A sudden change in your pet’s elimination habits should warrant an appointment with your veterinary health center Derby.

Saturday 9 July 2022

Precautions When Handling Pet Snakes


A few species of slightly poisonous rear-fanged snakes have caused fatalities within their ranks. Bites have resulted in severe edema and tissue loss. Vipers, sea snakes, and cobra allies are among the poisonous species, and humans should avoid their bites at all costs. 

How does one handle a captured snake with all of its potential for danger? The response is to be cautious. Snakes commonly express their purpose by body language - they coil, flat themselves, and form an "S" shape to permit a strike. Humans can study their routines and silent language and modify their handling techniques correctly.

Unlike other amphibians and reptiles that are averse to being touched, humans can handle snakes safely and regularly. If snake-keeping is new to you, talk to other enthusiasts and personnel at the dealerships that sell them about your snake's behaviors. Read everything about the animals that pique your interest.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact a pet hospital Derby.

Sunday 5 June 2022

Cleaning Of Substrate In Snake Enclosures


Though snakes are simple animals with simple needs, they still need comfort so they can thrive well. Thus, in housing one, do not forget to place a substrate inside the tank. This material is what snakes use as their resting place that seems more comfortable and natural than glass. 

So, what can you use as a substrate? Here are some suggestions.

  • Paper towels
  • Smooth sand
  • Newspaper
  • Rolled corrugate
  • Aspen shavings
  • Cypress bark mulch
  • Dry leaves

Do not use aromatic wood shavings. This substrate also acts as the repository of the waste of your pet snake. So, be sure to remove and replace the substrate when your snake poops. Experts suggest cleaning the whole cage when you remove the substrate. What should you use to clean the entire tank?

  • Mild soap and water
  • Alcohol-based glass cleaners
  • Diluted Clorox solution
  • Diluted Roccal solution
  • Avoid using cleaners that contain phenol.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Derby

Allergies In Bearded Collies


In general, Bearded Collies are healthy dogs. But as with any dog, this breed may also be susceptible to particular illnesses and health issues. Although not every Beardie will acquire these diseases for sure, it's best to know about them before deciding to bring home a Bearded Collie.

Allergies aren't new to your canine friends. Among the crucial steps in determining and treating your dog's food allergy is removing some foods from their diet till they trace the real cause. Contact allergies often result from stuff that gets in contact with the dog— including flea powders, shampoos, bedding, and chemicals. During treatment, the cause of the allergy will be removed after it's been identified. Meanwhile, inhalant allergies came from airborne allergens (dust, pollen, etc.). The treatment for this is based on how bad the allergy is. Among the effects of inhalant allergies is an ear infection.

Your pet’s frequent allergy flare-ups must be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Derby

Saturday 30 April 2022

Soaking Bowls In Your Pet’s Lizard’s Enclosure


Lizards make interesting pets. These reptiles possess unique characteristics that make them adorable to care for. One specific trait of lizards is their ability to shed skin.

This happening is a necessity for them and is part of their growth and development. As their owner, you must help your pet lizards effectively and efficiently accomplish this need. But, how?

Prepare an open, shallow bowl for them, and fill it with clean water. What is the purpose of this bowl? Your pet lizards love soaking their bodies in the water, especially if they feel hot.

Soaking also helps lizards shed their skin. However, if your lizards do not voluntarily soak themselves, be the one to put them in. You may also mist their skin using a plant mister at least 2 to 3 times a week to promote shedding. Misting and soaking are effective, particularly for bearded dragons.

When you have tried soaking your lizards many times already, but their skin does pull off, do not try to remove it yourself. Pulling manually may cause damage to your pets’ skin, the bones, or the muscles underneath. Bring your lizards to the bet for the necessary treatment.

Consult your veterinary clinic Derby about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues.

Friday 14 August 2020

Goat Horns


Are you a goat owner? If you have goats are your farm do you regularly trim their horns if they have them? Some goats don’t have horns or their horns don’t grow very long. Some goats have long horns that grow in such a way that they can hurt other goats or people. Trimming or removing goat horns can be a sensitive subject. It’s important to learn all you can about the procedures and consult your vet before making any type of decision. It’s also important to know that most horns are only removed if they are dangerous to the goat or others. Some owners do “disbud” their goats to prevent the horns from growing. It is ultimately the choice of the owner when it comes to goat horns. Some horns just need a trim to keep them from growing backwards into the goat’s neck or back. Talk to your pet clinic Derby to learn more.