Showing posts with label TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TX. Show all posts

Friday 11 March 2022

Calico Versus Tortoiseshell Cats


vet clinic San Antonio, TX

One of the most common misconceptions about calico cats is they’re just similar to tortoiseshell cats. In reality, these are two separate types of color patterns for the cat’s fur. What sets the calico from the tortoiseshell cats is their patches of white. In a tortoiseshell cat, black and orange colors are more prominent with almost no white colors.

Another way to identify calico from tortoiseshell cats is their more spotted and well-defined fur color pattern. In tortoiseshell cats, they have a more marbled color pattern. However, gray calico cats are very challenging to differentiate from tortoiseshell cats. Their gray color appears more blended than the black and orange ones.

Consult your vet clinic San Antonio, TX about the best ways to protect your pet from various health issues. 

Friday 4 June 2021

Allergies In Dogs

vet clinic San Antonio, TX

Some dogs are very sensitive to specific substances (allergens) that are in their environment and/or mixed in with their food. If you take steps to find out what is triggering your dog’s allergy, it will be very useful because you can implement measures to minimize or prevent the animal’s exposure to that particular allergen. Your pet could have allergies to a specific medication, food, chemicals, or various environmental allergens. There are even dogs that have human dander allergies.

Runny noses are just one symptom of canine allergies. Allergens that are inhaled can also trigger skin issues like inflamed, reddish, and itchy skin. Symptoms like these might also be apparent if your dog becomes allergic to one or more ingredients in his food.

Looking after allergies is quite challenging, taking into consideration that you will need to determine what is triggering the symptoms. You will want to work side by side with your vet in identifying any potential allergens and minimizing or outright preventing future flare-ups and exposures.

Frequent bouts of allergies should be brought to the attention of your vet clinic San Antonio, TX. 

Friday 28 May 2021

Letting Your Cat Graze The Entire Day Is A Common Feeding Mistake

veterinarian White Rock, TX

Allowing your cat to graze the entire day on dry pet food, also called free feeding your pet, is one common feeding mistake.  Cats that are free-fed are usually bored, lethargic, and overweight.  In a cat’s natural environment, they do not graze, as food is less readily available.  Cats hunt for what they eat.  Avoid free feeding your pet cat, instead, feed her multiple times per day.  Also, try making her do some work for her food.

Experts say that cats should eat about five smaller meals daily.  Try using an automated timer-based feeder that uses ice packs to make it simple to feed the canned pet food variety, even when you are asleep or away.

Labels on pet food can be good guidelines.  But the research that was performed to formulate the recommendations on the labels is frequently done on cats that were not neutered or spayed.  Intact cats have higher metabolism needs.  So, if followed exactly to the letter and your cat has been neutered or spayed, then you may actually be overfeeding your pet.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet during your pet’s wellness checks.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

What Happens When Geckos Lose Their Tails?


vet North Dallas, TX

How would you feel when you touch a gecko’s tail and it detaches? The tail is removed when you might have handled the tail roughly.

The gecko will let go of its tail in an attempt to escape. Watch the gecko wriggle its way out of your hand and leave its tail with you. The tail will still move as if it’s still connected to the body.

There is no need to be scared when the tail is removed. The gecko will get another tail in no time. However, the new tail will look slightly different from the previous one. The act of losing a body part is called autonomy.

In retrospect, the gecko is stressed when it loses its tail. So you might want to know why the pet was stressed in the first place. You could also prevent a similar situation from occurring again.

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet, don’t hesitate to contact your vet North Dallas, TX.

Thursday 30 January 2020

Reaching out to your cat for interaction

You have a cat in your life who shares your home with you and you are always eager to spend some time with her. How can you reach out to your pet for some interaction?

It’s important to take your pet’s preferences into account when it comes to interacting with her, as this will help her be receptive to your efforts and help you both to enjoy your time. Make a point to encourage your pet to come out and be with you by helping her to feel welcome by your side. Call out to her and entice her to play, but never force her to do so. The latter may cause her to keep to herself even more often. In time, she will become more and more comfortable with you. For additional information, please contact your local vet White Rock, TX.

Visit the given link to know more:

Monday 13 January 2020

Why your dog needs your undivided attention

Your dog needs you to pay close attention to her on a daily basis and this means that she will be taking the time to figure out what’s going on in your life and how to get you to focus on her.

Your pet needs your undivided attention in order to make the most of her time in your care. This helps her better understand what is needed to keep her out of trouble and it allows her to form a close bond with you. This bond is important, as this is what gives her a better understanding of what it means to be a part of your family. This acceptance gives her lots of reassurance and plenty of new opportunities while helping her feel safe and secure. Your local veterinary clinic San Antonio, TX can help you better understand what your pet needs from you. Schedule an appointment today!

Saturday 11 January 2020

Why your cat purrs

You have a cat in your life who has to be able to look to you when she needs something. In order for you to care for her to the best of your ability, you will need to make sure you understand her well. This makes you wonder -why does she purr?

Your cat is a part of your family and she makes an effort to communicate with you just like everyone else does. Purring is one way she does this. Since she used it as a youngster to let her mother know she was content, she is likely to do the same with you. This means that she will be able to purr when it’s time for her to relax in addition to when she is trying to calm down from something. It can feel good to her and be a habit that she willingly takes part in. For additional information, please contact your local vet Sugar Land, TX.

Thursday 19 December 2019

Your Pet Mouse’s Diet

Your mouse has a high metabolism so he will need to eat frequently. However, he is a tiny animal so the size of his portions must be equally tiny. Give your mouse only about a tablespoon of high-quality mouse pellets or seeds daily. Give him small quantities of fresh greens and hard vegetables for added nutrition and to keep his teeth trim. Your mouse will get diarrhea if he eats too many fresh vegetables. Control portion sizes so your mouse doesn’t get fat. Ensure that your mouse gets plenty of daily exercise running around outside the cage. Protect your mouse and always supervise him when he is outside the cage. He is somewhat nocturnal but he will have awake times during the day. Feed your mouse his big meal during an evening awake period to help him sleep more at night and let you sleep then too. Contact your professional veterinary clinic North Dallas, TX to learn more.

Saturday 14 December 2019

Helping your dog adjust to a new home

Your dog is a big part of your family and you know her well. She wants to make sure she knows her way around your home well enough to understand that she is safe in this area. What can you do to help her adjust when you move into a new home?

Your dog will need some time to get familiar with her new living space and this will likely mean exploring it and again and again. Be sure to have an upbeat attitude when you move in, as this will help you show your pet that this is a safe, happy space. Bring her belongings out and show her where to find them so she can gain a sense of familiarity in this area and make a point to start making new memories with your pet in this home. Your local veterinarian Frisco, TX can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.